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Posts posted by Girlzarefanstoo

  1. I'm joining with Gramz and a few others - I'm out of here until the next major news comes.  The "true believers" can't be convinced of truth if they touched it with their own hands and saw it with their own eyes.  The rest of us are just passing time until training camp opens (which for my Chargers is tomorrow!!!!!!)  


    Can't wait for the first real game and to see how invincible the Patriots are going to be this year without Brady for the first 4 games and losing their ability to "squeeze" the football tightly to hold on to it.  How funny will/would fumble city be?!  

  2. GoColts, if this was any other team that hadn't dominated the NFL for well over a decade, this wouldn't have been a story at all.

    Jealousy. Pure jealousy. As MANY NFL players have said, the allegations didn't help the Patriots win.

    Pats fans ALWAYS RETREAT TO THIS...  "neener, neener, neener, you're just jealous!"  We're not.  We're really just not that into you  Honest.


    Cheating is the issue.  Patriots cheated, the second time.  Got the book thrown at them.  End of story.  


    I will be watching with great fascination the Patriots fumble rate this year and from this time forward.  If I were a betting woman, I'd place good money that they come back down to earth with the other non-cheating mortals.

  3. Yee said it. Read his statement. Not sure of the printed texts but he said Brady provided his electronic communications during the appeal that Roger ignored.


    "Finally, as to the issue of cooperation, we presented the Commissioner with an unprecedented amount of electronic data, all of which is incontrovertible. I do not think that any private citizen would have agreed to provide anyone with the amount of information that Tom was willing to reveal to the Commissioner. Tom was completely transparent. All of the electronic information was ignored; we don’t know why. The extent to which Tom opened up his private life to the Commissioner will become clear in the coming days.



    You mean like Hillary Clinton gave "ALL" her emails to the State Department then deleted the rest, deciding for herself which were relevant or not?  Oh and then the committee was given quite a few of her work product emails by Sidney Blumenthal that she hadn't turned in?  Got it.  


    When you are under investigation, you don't get to decide what is and isn't relevant.  Especially when your team has a prior offense.  


    Playing football is a privilege not a right.  Representing the NFL is a privilege not a right. 

  4. Girl: Knowing you are an SD fan, (I was a diehard Raider fan) I want to un-officially apologize to your entire franchise for that

    scandalous play.

    I remember as a kid thinking that it was a fortunate accident for Oakland...and that they deserved to win.

    Watching the old NFL Films (very well done) replays of vintage Oakland games again this weekend..its so obvious that not only did Kenny Stabler intentionally fumble (4th down..no time outs left) but two other Raiders 'inadvertantly' fumbled the ball forward for the winning TD..

    Good old days. I remember the Raiders, Chargers and Kansas City Chiefs used to be on NBC almost every Sunday at 3 p.m. (CST)

    I used to think Kansas City was way out west because they were in the same division with Oakland and SD (I wasnt that bright a kid).

    Dan Fouts,. John Hadl. Daryle Lamonica, Kenny Stabler and Jim Plunkett..old Len Dawson.

    Those guys stood tall.

    And with that transparent admission to a grave wrong, the wounds can begin to heal...   :P

  5. When I was in junior college, I was the sideline statistician for a small town team.  It was my only real, close up contact with football players other than dating a couple :)


    I was shocked at... let's just say the lack of intelligence on display.  Now that doesn't mean there weren't guys that were, but they hid it REALLY well.  Stupidity and foolishness were the norm.  It seemed the bigger the muscles and brawn the less they valued using their brains.  


    Sometimes following favorite guys on twitter reminds me of that fact - I think the less I know about a lot of them the better they will look in my eyes, LOL! 

  6. Dan rather was fired because the ratings slipped. Lying about the Vietnam War was what kept him on the job all those years.

    Also Stabler admitted he chuncked it forward on purpose a few years ago.

    I missed that admission - at least he got it off his chest before he passed (forgive a little humor at Kenny's expense).  Somehow I think he would enjoy it anyway.  So glad the day he retired, LOL!  I'll be just as happy the day Peyton Manning retires.  It's all about the division.  

  7. The Snake was one of our biggest nightmares!!!  As a Chargers' fan I hated him - on the field only of course :-)  Not the least for the much hated, bile inducing "holy roller" play.  I still believe today, with instant replay and challenges would not have held up to scrutiny.  Stabler tossed the ball underhand forward, it should have been a dead forward pass - but I'm not too bitter  :thmdown:


    RIP Stabler, you died much too young.  

  8. When someone breaks the rules, knowingly or unknowingly doesn't really matter.  He did.  He'll pay the penalty.  The team will pay a greater penalty.  His reputation will be impacted with some people and not with others.  If he "accidentally" did it again, a huge stain on his career.


    AMFootball, this is how a fan reacts that maintains their values with consistency no matter who the infraction involves.  


    P.S. When Mathis had his issue last year, as a fan of another team it didn't impact my opinion of him - if he did it again, it would.  I personally think being able to conceive a child has a greater life importance than playing football.  He should have known and followed up for himself, that's the responsibility of the pro.  Same with Gates if he's telling the truth.  He should have researched and cleared it.  

  9. I thought it was amusing - he's confident in his abilities and has some swag about him that is well-deserved.  I laughed a lot at the sack/selfie, he deserved it!!!  

    We ARE talking about football players, not priests, LOL  After all, confidence and hubris is part of the game :-)


    Loved the "minimalist cabin,"  I heard about it before but never saw it.  In my mind I was picturing a one room cabin out in the scrub in Texas with an outhouse, no internet or cable tv and a falling down barn work out room.  

  10. My personal thought on this issue is that I want to see what can be accomplished within the constraints of the natural human body pushed to its limits through training, determination and skill development.  


    When we use chemicals to push the body beyond what it can naturally endure (which includes pain control), we also naturally subject it to greater destruction.  Bigger muscles on normal tendons bring tears.  Rage brought on by steroid or other hormone use creates a potentially out of control player that can damage other players because he is less able to recognize and control his own emotions.  


    I do not think that Gates should have been allowed to play with his Plantar Faciatis (foot injury) when he was in such pain that it required massive shots to get him through a game and a week of torture to semi-recover.  


    I want to see players have as long of a career as possible, not a short flame out or blip of greatness.  Unnatural substances are not likely to produce that result.   

  11. Meh. No he didn't. He made excuses for why he "ignorantly" took them and of course it was for recovery not performance.

    Does anyone else find this ironic from this particular poster?  Amusing...to say the least :-)

  12. Gates taking something from GLC by accident is as likely as Mathis taking a fertility drug.

    First off, I didn't say he took something from GLC (I'm assuming you actually meant GNC) by accident and neither did Antonio Gates.  Here is his complete statement as posted on the Chargers website:


    "In my 12 years in the NFL, I have taken tremendous pride in upholding the integrity of the NFL shield and all that it entails.  I have taken extreme care of my body with a holistic approach and I have never knowingly ingested a substance that was banned by the NFL.  In an effort to recover from this past season, I used supplements and holistic medicines, and unfortunately, I have now learned that those substances always present a risk because they may contain banned substances even if the ingredient list doesn’t reflect them. As an NFL veteran and team leader, I should have done my due diligence to ensure that what I was taking for recovery was within the NFL guidelines. I understand that I am responsible for what is in my body and I have always believed that ignorance is no excuse when it comes to these issues. I take full responsibility for my actions.  I’d like to express my sincere apologies to the Chargers, my teammates, coaches, fans and the league who have always supported me and expected and gotten nothing but the highest level of integrity from me."

  13. I was stunned to see this today... no excuses though.  They know the rules and as Antonio said, it's his responsibility to know every substance that is going into his body is allowed.  


    As to the rules in general, yeah, I think they're somewhat out of control.  But if guys weren't trying to gain and edge it wouldn't be an issue.  It's going to be a big loss for the team the first four games.  LaDarius Green, it's your time to shine!

  14. I believe that the Heisman trophy should not be allowed to be given to anyone below a Junior.  I think having too much "success" too early is really damaging to the long term development of players.  If they have a great freshman and sophmore year and have to still work hard to reach the goal it develops better character and personal habits.


    I've never been a fan, but I do wish him well.

  15. I see the Chargers running it close. I really do think it's all on Peyton's form. If he's fit and healthy, I say he's got one more elite season up his sleeve. It will be an interesting watch, for sure.

    Not sure I like the Chiefs. Oakland may be stronger. I like this kid Carr.

    Melvin Gordon gives us a huge missing piece if he's any where near as good as in college.  When we have a running game we're very able to pile up the time of possession and wear down the D of our opponents.  We beat Denver two years ago like that - it's hard for Peyton to engineer a win from the sidelines.  We did the same to Seattle.  


    As for Derek Carr, we watched him grow at Fresno State where we have season tickets.  He throws a very catchable ball, great touch and deceptive arm strength -  he doesn't even look like he's throwing hard.  He's very calm and aware.  He grew up in a pro locker room watching film and seeing how things work.  He is not your average newbie QB. He's the real deal and he's going to be a big challenge for us for years to come.  

  16. Didn't you guys have 5 injured Centers last year? It seemed like they were always getting hurt.

    Yes, we started 5 centers after having ONE for 11 years... it was bad.  That wasn't even all of the injuries on the front line.  Between that and losing 3 RBs we pretty much lost most of our offensive punch  Fingers crossed this year.  

  17. Girlzarefanstoo, on 20 May 2015 - 12:14 PM, said:snapback.png

    I agree with 99% of your post, except the "You can't STING and HONEST, INNOCENT person" line.  John DeLorean was a friend of mine and he was the victim of a sting based on mob-like threats against his family.  And he was approached first to do the transaction, he wasn't seeking to do it.  You can sting an honest person, but this wasn't a sting in any way shape or form.  

    Sorry, but regardless of the merit of your statement it is so completely inapplicable to this topic it almost seems like a trolling of the point.   You're talking corruption and unless you feel the NFL or organized crime forced Brady to deflate the ball, then it simply isn't comparable.  If someone DID do that, it would be a much much bigger story and would likely end his career more than just the cheating did.  But no organized crime was inferred here.  As for Delorean, if what you say is true, then he wasn't stung, he was unlawfully blackmailed, which is entirely different.  

    You may not know me, but those who do here will vouch for me.

    So I have two points... well three actually 


    1.  I never troll :-)

    2.  I absolutely don't lie - I only relate what John shared with me many times over the 10 years or so I knew him before his passing.  

    3.  I was only pointing out an extreme example that I had personal knowledge of, that made your statement not 100%.  Innocent people do get caught up in stings.  HOWEVER it's a moot point as the NFL didn't run a sting operation.  

  18. As for the notion it was a "sting" keep this in mind.  You can't STING and HONEST, INNOCENT person.  If they weren't cheating, the balls, at worst, would have measured what the Colt's balls did at halftime. In addition, you wouldn't have so many circumstantial pieces of evidence that matched a PREDICTION/CONCERN given by the Colts.  How could all those unlikely "coincidences" one upon another, occur if they were honest.  If it quacks like a duck....

    I agree with 99% of your post, except the "You can't STING and HONEST, INNOCENT person" line.  John DeLorean was a friend of mine and he was the victim of a sting based on mob-like threats against his family.  And he was approached first to do the transaction, he wasn't seeking to do it.  You can sting an honest person, but this wasn't a sting in any way shape or form.  

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