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Posts posted by Girlzarefanstoo

  1. Well... they just picked up Ryan Mathews from us.  He's great, when he's on the field uninjured.  I'm torn about him leaving.  He is a good kid, hard worker but too many freak injuries have left us all gun-shy.  Every time he takes a big hit you close your eyes and cringe in fear...


    My guess is the Charger's brass figured it just wasn't worth the risk going forward.  Time to change horses. 

  2. Seems no official announcement.  Can I keep my fingers crossed that last night's report was in error?  Or will I just end up sad all over again, lol?!


    If Eddie does go to Chicago, he'll find out that Cutler is no Rivers (who can and does routinely thread the needle and put the ball where only his receivers can get it)

  3. First big bummer for me this off-season (not counting Nick Hardwick's retiring).  Eddie Royal has been unbelievably clutch, especially on key third or even fourth down plays.  He's the reason we won the SF game that was featured today on NFL network.  


    I know we need to get younger and faster, but he's going to leave a big hole.


    Good luck Eddie!

  4. I would just like to not go through a zillion injuries on our OL and 4 centers in one year again.  His versatility and ability to swing guard or tackle makes a lot of sense in an injury scenario. There's talk of moving Fluker in to guard - whatever, it will be the best five where ever they happen to fall. 

  5. Love the signing.  We need one more big ugly on offense and a pass rusher on D, and linebacker(s).  Losing Jarret Johnson and Dwight Freeney's leadership and hustle will be big.  Even though they weren't in their prime any more they made up for it in determination and hustle.

  6. Defensive backs will be taught that under a minute..simply hold the receiver and take the call.

    Remember Baltimore defeating Denver in the 2012 playoffs?

    That would need happen because the Raven reciever would have been tackled.

    If you're up more than 3...and there's just seconds to go....tackle the recivers and the clock will run out.

    You don't get the time back..Its a rule change you cant make

    I was going to say what he said, but he said it much better than I would have  :thmup:

  7. He was an amazing player that didn't receive much attention elsewhere but was the absolute rock of our team.  Hard worker, that set the tone for the locker room and one that made a point to know every single name of every individual in the building.  


    Every single man he played with will tell you he is a really good man, husband, father and team mate.  There were a lot of tears shed yesterday.  He will be missed more than many fans realize.


    He is aiming for a broadcast career and having listened to him on radio from time to time, I believe he'll do really well.   

  8. Either way is fine by me.  As long as he has the "want to" and his body holds out.  I don't think we'll ever see the dominant Peyton again though.  Too many teams are figuring out what to do with him.  Personally I don't want to see him fall apart and not realize that he's doing so... even though that would be helpful in our division.  


    Don't crown Denver in the off season with or without Peyton.  If we have another draft/acquisition year like the last two, we will be loaded for bear and coming after them.  At the risk of tempting the football "gods" we simply CAN'T have a year with as bad of injuries as we had last year again.  We just finally ran out of players.  

  9. I have said before and will say again as long as I have breath, that no matter what team, if they are cheating, I want it found out and penalized severely (including God-forbid my own team).  Perhaps it is impossible to ever have a "cheat free" league, but there will be much less of it the more it is confronted and the more severe the penalties to those that attempt it.



  10. Nah.... I couldn't care less about the Patriots. Patriots and their fans are so full of themselves that they think it's all about them.  Don't flatter yourselves ;-)


    I do despise arrogance and there are several teams that have more than their allotted amount of it and you guys are at or near the top of the list.  One reason I am very uninterested in this coming Superbowl is the two teams that are playing are in that category.   

  11. I dont think I have blinders on here. There are a few posts scattered about from me that state if they did it, then hand out the punishment. I will state it again, if its proved the patriots cheated, take some draft picks, suspend responsible parties. GIve them a huge fine.


    Dont confuse my irritation with the "press" as a defense of the patriots. :)

    OK, then forgive my irritation.  There has been so much in this thread that has been incredible blind homerism and a lack of willingness to take an honest look at the situation.


    I for one, want this resolved correctly not speedily.  If the Patriots are innocent I will let it go.  If they are not, depending on what is found out I want them soundly disciplined so they and others don't cheat without knowing there will be consequences.  All I really want is as clean a sport as possible.  

  12. No, I heard your point and acknowledged it.

    It's why all this matters.  


    IF (and I stress if) your team did this on purpose... it matters.

    IF this has happened more than once (since other teams may have observed it and reported it)... it matters.

    IF there is a long pattern of this (harder to prove but we're early in the investigation) it's the worst, most disgusting kind of cheating.


    Be a fan of your team, I get that - but just don't choose to be blind.  

  13. If I were a pro and handled that kind of a ball day in and day out - yes.  I played college basketball and the tiniest variation on the ball was discernible.  It didn't shoot right, bounce off the rim in the same way, dribble right or even just feel right in my hands.  I played tennis and soccer as well.  Anyone that uses a ball day in and day out could potentially know the difference.  They might not know but the ball would perform differently whether they knew it or not.  


    YOU are choosing not to hear and respond to my point.  It makes a difference in the way the ball performs.  A significant difference.  One that 3 pros on that set and many other pros on other sets can tell you gives a benefit to the team using the 2 lbs. under-inflated ball.  There is a reason the rule exists.  

  14. Of course you could. If they squeezed one ball, without a reference ball, could you tell if it was at 10.5 or 12.5?

    They had two balls, one inflated at each psi.  They were being passed around to 3 guys that were ex-nfl.  Each handled the ball in his own way and then the next ball in the same way.  


    I intentionally turned the tv sound off so I was ONLY observing the hands on the balls and how the balls depressed with pressure.  It was absolutely crystal clear to me which was which.  Then I rewound the tape and observed as they talked about each ball and what I observed was confirmed by the facts about each ball as the panel was discussing them.


    I wish I had kept the segment, but our tivo is near full so I didn't.  They demonstrated how much easier it was to tuck it away as a RB, squeeze it as a WR and hold on to it as a QB.  The QB there even said flat out, that he could throw the lighter ball 10 yards farther in weather because of how firmly he could grip it.

  15. I have no dog in this fight.


    Don't love the Patriots, don't hate the Patriots.  I would honestly consider myself as neutral on this issue as any nfl fan could be.


    If asked to serve on a jury I could be fair.


    I saw a panel on I think NFL network.  Three guys and a moderator.  2 balls, 12.5 psi and 10.5 psi.  I could visibly see the difference in the two balls as they were being handled.  I didn't know which was which (I intentionally had the sound off).  It could C L E A R L Y be seen with the naked eye through a camera.   One depressed significantly more when held firmly.  It was not even close.

  16. If this turns out to be a long time issue, I'm for Mr. Kraft losing his right to own the franchise in addition to other penalties.  If one "in-poor-taste" racial joke can doom an owner, there comes a point where the cheating culture at a franchise needs to be cleansed.  Period.   

  17. The Original Poster postulated the balls were substituted, but from what I believe I remember being described, the game balls are marked in some way as being approved by the ref.  They would have to be the balls that had their air pressure lowered.


    If I were the Colts and had experienced the Patriots balls being lower pressure in an earlier game and heard the Ravens tell me the same thing.  I would have had multiple cameras placed in the crowd and take video of the balls being handled on the sidelines.  It would be something else if footage like that came out (like the Ray Rice footage) and forced the league to do what they ought to.  

  18. It does matter, because if they do discover that the Patriots intentionally tampered.. they then have to determine the severity of the violation.. and in this case, the severity is extremely low...

    So how do you come up with "extremely low" when in a Conference Championship game (and perhaps other games as reportedly reported to the NFL earlier in the year) a team tampered with the game balls?


    Intentionally.  Tampered.  Says it all.

  19. Yea, they have a range of 12.5 to 13.5 psi, he prefers his at 12.5 and always has.. Aaron Rodgers prefers his at 14 PSI and will often try to slip them past the refs (he admitted this, yet miraculously there is ZERO push back from the public about it).


    The physics of it from Sports Science and MythBusters proved that the difference is so minimal, it would only make a physcological difference to the player, like a placebo effect



    watch the video yourself:



    I R R E L E V A N T  - it's a rule.  Go after Rodgers for it and anyone else that does the same, but the CURRENT issue is the Patriots and 11 balls that were 16% under-inflated after being in their possession after being at correct psi.  Doesn't matter "if it does anything" to improve the performance of the balls it is an illegal act according to the agreed upon rules. 

  20. There is a principle in law investigations (yes, amfootball, there's that word again) called "Chain of Custody."


    1.  The Patriots & Colts turned in their balls - by the way the balls are the same brand, no difference in the mfg. etc.

    2.  The refs verified that their balls were in compliance and stamped them.

    3.  The refs gave the balls back to each of the teams.

    4.  The teams were given custody of said balls.

    5.  At half time the refs rechecked the balls and determine that the Colts balls were still fine.

    6.  11 of the Patriots balls had uniformly deflated 2 psi (16% deflation from the Patriots perferred 12.5 psi) and the 12th was also under the minimum.  (Assuming the reports are correct about these numbers)

    7.  ONLY the Patriots had custody of those balls when they were not on the field and could have caused this deflation as the atmospheric conditions were affecting the same types of balls in the same venue under all the same conditions except for intent to alter.


    *  ONLY the Patriots had any opportunity and/or motive for altering the balls. 


    If all of the above is correct, and we'll know that soon, with the "clear chain of custody," it's more than circumstantial evidence and it's quite damning.  

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