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Posts posted by Girlzarefanstoo

  1. As a trained interviewer/ Interrogator I can't wait to watch his response, if he even gives one live.  He may just release a statement, like his agent did. 


    I can tell you, after watching his pressers where he was asked about the issue he does show classic telltale signs of deceptive behavior.  Just watch his answers to questions related to normal football issues and game prep and then compare his behavior and answers against the questions having to do with deflategate... This is a fun game you can play with politicians as well... Obama is the worst at it when he is asked a question about something he is attempting to spin. 

    Dang!!!  For the first time ever I'm out of likes  5 stars for this one :-)

  2. Man ya'll are on this like a fat person on cake, Had this been some team like Bucs or Raiders this thread would have died down in less then half the 18 pages its gone on, Its really massively overblown here over 1-2 PSI

    Really?  Do you think it's about 1-2 PSI?  It isn't really - it's about thinking you're bigger than the game. You matter more than the rules and you can do what you want.  


    It's about fair competition.  There is a reason there are rules.  It makes for a level playing field.  Same as why steroids aren't allowed.  So that 22 men on one team have the same basic opportunity as the 22 men on the other team. 


    It's bigger because it's Brady and the Patriots than it might have been for another team because they should know better.  You want to be a big star and get paid huge endorsements and money, you should expect bigger scrutiny.

  3. Do you guys hear it in these conversations:  "Would they suspend him because he's Tom Brady?!"


    If you would suspend the lowest member of any team, you have to suspend the Superbowl MVP.  No special treatment.  No harsher treatment.  No lesser treatment.  Justice is supposed to be blind - A.K.A. treats everyone before her as simple a person, not an important person and an unimportant person.

  4. The best analogy for the Patriots is Richard Nixon.  No matter how HUGE the win, it wasn't enough for Nixon.  He had to do everything in his power (whether legal or not) to insure he stayed in power...


    The Patriots are a dominant team.  They shouldn't need to cheat, but they (Brady) did. 


    The outcome of cheating is irrelevant.

    The fact you cheated is all that mattered.


    It should mean (as it used to) you forfeit.  Cheat at the Annapolis you're gone.  It used to be that if you cheat on a test in college you fail or are expelled.  That's how cheating was held in much better control for decades.  Lax standards = greater amount of cheating.  Harsh, immediately consequences make people at least think twice before deciding to cheat.  I hope that's what we see.


    AND if for any reason my Chargers are ever accused of cheating and its proven to the level this has been I will not be making excuses.

  5. So if you're outraged over one, you have to be outraged over all, or else your outrage is null and void? Like she said, that's a deflection, and it's weak.


    Also, the Browns and Falcons didn't hold press conferences defending their innocence. Their owners didn't demand apologies from the league. Neither team was defiant about their violations. 

    Thanks, yup, that's what I think.  


    When someone admits they're wrong and takes the penalty that's the correct posture.

    Not every violation is equal in it's impact - all are violations.

    Not commenting on every little violation doesn't mean you don't support them being held accountable.

  6. Sure but not a hypocrite ...

     Let me try to explain in simple, easy to understand terms...


    EVEN if Rivers was cursing (which every person in his life will tell you he NEVER does, EVER) and EVEN if Rivers flipped the bird to the fans which there are no photos of and is entirely, completely out of character for him in every single area of his life over a dozen years as a player... 


    It is not a violation of the rule book.  

    It doesn't change the outcome of a game.

    It isn't cheating.


    If he really did what he was thought to have done I would have condemned it.  As it was, at the time I condemned his actions as immature and unnecessary. Still say so today.  He brought trouble to himself by not constraining his emotions.  He no longer does so.  Over the course of time his CHARACTER (you may not know this word as you're a Brady fan) has proven to be outstanding.  Even those he plays against will tell you he doesn't curse.


    Which brings us full circle back to your deflecting from Brady's cheating.   

  7. Let me get this out right up front:

    I don't hate the Patriots.

    I'm not "jealous" of their success.

    I'm not a hater.

    Everyone doesn't "hate" a winner... there are a lot of winning teams that we admire even though we "hate" losing to them.


    This flat out turns my stomach.  As a long time fan of the game this is a big deal to me.   If it were my QB I wouldn't be making excuses or LOLing it off as a certain Pats fan here has been doing all day.  


    It's wrong.

    It destroys the integrity of the game.

    You aren't a winner when you're willing to cheat to win (no matter whether or not the cheating "helped" or not)


    Money doesn't matter to Brady - he should be suspended for a year.  Period.  If Sean Payton served a year for what his team did, Brady deserves to do likewise.  This will turn out to be a multi-year issue and I wouldn't be surprised if the Patriots vaunted stats on not fumbling suddenly go right to where every other team is.

  8. I didn't know that about JJ Watt.  Wow!  You can measure all you want, but you can't measure heart and "want to" on a chart.  He's got more "want to" than 3 other guys put together and that makes him a very special player.


    Yeah... I almost hate tuning in to our own Charger's forum during the draft because of the hysteria.  Consider me silly, but I think the scouts, front office and coaches know more about our existing players, potential draftees and the holes on our team than I do.


    Part of that would be due to the fact I don't watch much college ball so I find it a waste of time to form an opinion on many players.  


    I also don't expect the team/scouts/GM to be perfect and draft a pro-bowl starter on every pick!  What I do want is a GM that will cut his losses if he misses and turn over every rock for the hidden gems.  I like that so far about Tom Telesco.  He's missed on a couple free agent signings and didn't waste time defending his choices - he cut them loose as soon as it was obvious it wasn't going to work no matter the cap hit.

  9. I've had Rewind since 2011 and I've never had to renew during the year. One flat rate ($35) and I had access until spring.

    Then I would go with your numbers and definitely NOT go with my memory, LOL!

  10. I used to have Rewind and there are several times during the year where you have to renew.  I don't remember the exact break down but I think it's around $60 if you add them all together. 

  11. They meet twice in the last 5 weeks..

    Oakland also plays San Diego on Christmas Eve at 8 p.m.

    ...odd time for a game, isn't it?

    I HATE 8PM GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!  We got beaten in Oakland on a late night start game the year before last - it's so weird on the body that it can really impact a team's performance.  I hope this time the practice all week at 8 PM.

  12. I didn't read the specific article or honestly really know the player and situation, but in general I support really tough suspensions.  If enough people have to serve them, it will stop most of these kinds of off-field issues.  Some people, nothing will stop - but that's life.  They just won't get the privilege of playing in the NFL.  

  13. That's one of the reasons I like it....GIRL....

    ...The game almost certainly will mean something to one or both...might get bumped into prime time if it does

    Could be the division title game (I'm putting absolutely no stock in the Rivers trade rumors)

    Broncos will be coming off a Monday night home game with Cincinnatti....

    Now I see things differently, LOL!  I would like it to be an irrelevant game because we so ruled the division that it made no difference to the standings  :thmup:

  14. I just wish the game schedule was reversed and we had them the last game - especially with the potential of weather.  But I really like how they have backloaded the division games the last few years.  It seems to have pretty much ended that discussion "do we rest our starters and throw the game away." 

  15. Sorry, I'm sure I knew at some point no links to forums were allowed but completely forgot.  The "gentlemen" that attacked you is one of the reasons I like hanging around here.  Other than the obligatory, "Who is the better QB Peyton or Brady" endless discussions most of our interactions are good solid football and not so much trash talk :-)


    I almost answered him back "Some people could make the point we USED to 'own' Peyton until he got to Denver - not so much anymore!"  I've personally never thought that.  Every game with the Colts has been hard fought.

  16. Sometimes when sports teams shy away from committing future money, especially to star players, they are contemplating a sale of the franchise. You keep future liabilities low, and it makes it easier to attract a buyer. Or in this case, a potential swap. 


    I'm just thinking out loud, but if there's been any kind of whispers about the Chargers and Rams swapping ownership, then the Spanos' don't have to deal with bitter Chargers fans after moving the team, and instead inherit a fan base in St. Louis that is grateful to them for allowing them to keep their team. Kroenke takes the Chargers, still moves them to LA, but has no ties to San Diego and doesn't have to deal with the hatred (which would mostly still be directed at the Spanos' family and Mark Fabiani). And then the Raiders can join the Rams in Inglewood, or whatever.


    Still sucks for San Diego area Chargers fans -- sorry. But I get the feeling everything is on the table, and the more likely it becomes that someone moves to LA, the more likely it is that the Chargers leave.


    In 2016, the Chargers only have $73m committed in cash, most of it non-guaranteed salaries. That is a very fluid situation, and allows for a very mobile ownership and franchise. 

    May I copy your post on to the SD message board and ask what people think of your suppositions?  I didn't want to do it without your permission.  Thanks either way  :thmup:

  17. Sometimes when sports teams shy away from committing future money, especially to star players, they are contemplating a sale of the franchise. You keep future liabilities low, and it makes it easier to attract a buyer. Or in this case, a potential swap. 


    I'm just thinking out loud, but if there's been any kind of whispers about the Chargers and Rams swapping ownership, then the Spanos' don't have to deal with bitter Chargers fans after moving the team, and instead inherit a fan base in St. Louis that is grateful to them for allowing them to keep their team. Kroenke takes the Chargers, still moves them to LA, but has no ties to San Diego and doesn't have to deal with the hatred (which would mostly still be directed at the Spanos' family and Mark Fabiani). And then the Raiders can join the Rams in Inglewood, or whatever.


    Still sucks for San Diego area Chargers fans -- sorry. But I get the feeling everything is on the table, and the more likely it becomes that someone moves to LA, the more likely it is that the Chargers leave.


    In 2016, the Chargers only have $73m committed in cash, most of it non-guaranteed salaries. That is a very fluid situation, and allows for a very mobile ownership and franchise. 

    Had not even thought about or heard anyone else talk about this.  You may have a point...

  18. He's asking for an extension, not necessarily a raise.

    You're exactly right, in fact, he's offered to restructure.  He most certainly wants to retire a Charger and wants to have a shot at winning the SB with them.  He wants the best team around him that's possible.


    I believe the reason the Chargers haven't been willing to talk to the guys that need to be extended is they have to deal with what happens with Rivers first.  Then give those guys the opportunity to willingly stay or go.  I just don't see Telesco as a guy who would shaft quality guys or sign them knowing something he can't tell them.  This is about the potential move and Rivers' situation.

  19. I do know that dgambill - and I'm not at all a worrier... and I'm careful about what I say.  


    I am becoming more convinced that this may be a certainty.  You have to understand the character of the players that are saying these things.  These are exemplary men.  Leaders.  They have been the glue the team has been held together with.  Weddle is ANYTHING but a cry baby or emotionally extreme person.  For him to say what he said yesterday is a big deal.  I would so  LOVE TO BE WRONG!  


    Whether the team is in San Diego or not I will still be a supporter and I don't live in the city any more so it won't affect me, but it will affect a lot of my friends and fellow fans.


    The city has brought this on themselves.  They've had 14 years notice.  The Chargers have been more than patient.  But a decision has to be made.  It's poisoning the fans against the team and it may be time for them to make a clean start.  If the older players won't go along with that move it may be time to build for the future.


    I do believe that Tom Telesco and the management will not let Rivers get away with no compensation.  They would keep him for the rest of his career - but there are two sides to that coin.  If Rivers will not play on the franchise tag and will retire (I would not at all rule that out) they will have lost their future.  They are between a rock and a hard spot and may have to make a move they did not plan for. 

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