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Posts posted by Girlzarefanstoo

  1. As interesting as all the discussion about what the impact on the balls and the game is, the most simple analysis is that it was a rule.


    I don't care if that rule is all teams are required to wear pink polka dotted underwear (I'd love to see that, by the way, LOL!)  You agree to a standard, you commit to the rules and you follow them.  If you don't like them there is a process to get them changed.


    When you intentionally choose to go around a rule for a perceived benefit it's called "Cheating" and it should be slapped down every time it happens and slapped down hard.  Because this is a protecting the integrity of the sport area, it should be like drug usage, the penalties should grow stiffer with repeated violations ending in banning for life.  

  2. Military, dying correlates to the NFL somehow in your mind? ok.

    Principle - noun

    an accepted or professed rule of action or conduct:
    a person of good moral principles.
    a fundamental, primary, or general law or truth from which others are derived:
    the principles of modern physics.
    a fundamental doctrine or tenet; a distinctive ruling opinion:
    the principles of the Stoics.
    principles, a personal or specific basis of conduct or management:
    to adhere to one's principles; a kindergarten run on modernprinciples.
    guiding sense of the requirements and obligations of right conduct:
    a person of principle.
    an adopted rule or method for application in action:
    a working principle for general use.
    a rule or law exemplified in natural phenomena, the construction or operation of a machine, the working of a system, or the like:
    the principle of capillary attraction.

    It's fairly obvious you aren't acquainted with the word or concept of "principles" so I thought I would pass it's definition along. It's also fairly obvious that you are very much unacquainted with the principles of logic and logical argument.  Therefore this is my last response to your posts on this.


    Which of course means you will post some inane response because you are incapable of not having the last word, so I'll leave it at that  ;)

  3. So now you are comparing this to the military? You are really on a roll today ...

    Do you know what a principle is?  Do you have any that are true for you no matter what?  If not, that explains a lot about your posts today.


    Principles are the same no matter the circumstances.

    A lie is a lie in the military, in school, in business and in sports.  Cheating is cheating where ever it occurs.

  4. If you cheat on a test or any assignment at West Pointe, what is the consequence?  You are gone.  Period.


    Seems rather harsh until you realize what is on the line.  You cheat and don't learn what you need to to lead men into battle you get someone killed.  If you cheat on one thing you will cheat on others and your word will become untrustworthy.


    Now, cheating in the NFL isn't going to get someone killed.  But it will impact their livelihood and future lives.  


    It doesn't matter IF it impacted the outcome, the Patriots cheated BEFORE they knew the outcome.  They didn't have enough confidence in their own skills and ability to trust their players to win within the rules.  


    If this is confirmed to be true (and again I insert that it is still in process of discovery), there is no penalty too harsh.  I would love to see them forfeit the game and the Colts go to the Superbowl.  You cheat - you don't win, period.  It would be a long time before someone else would try that kind of shenanigan and be willing to pay that high of a price.  

  5. So then you would be fine then that after all of its investigation, the NFL indicates that we found out that the balls were altered after the game started and that we have issued a warning to the pats and want to emphasize that teams should not manipulate the air pressure in the balls up or down.


    My impression from your first post was that you were one of the ones that wanted something more than just a warning.

    No.  You have created a false moral equivalence - teams in one game were both doing something that was were not allowed, but from my limited understanding were not under a specific rule.  They stopped after being warned.  End of issue.  The league reminded all teams that it was not allowed and the season proceeded.  If one of those teams or other teams again do the same infraction the league needs to look at it and perhaps enforce a penalty or write a specific rule to point to.  


    The Patriots broke a very detailed, specified, long-standing rule, in a way designed to deceive the officials and the other team and gain an advantage for themselves.  IF it is shown to have been executed after the referees certified their balls for use it is an intentional act of sabotage.  The level of deceit and manipulation for that kind of behavior makes it a much higher level infraction worthy of greater punishment.


    A "leader" of a team that allows such a thing to be done stands fully accountable for it.  NOTHING like this would be done without the coach's approval, knowledge or in his control in the sense that he should have had knowledge and control.  The same as the Saint's issue.  


    The playoffs are sacrosanct in my book.  They should throw the highest possible penalty against the team up to and including the coach being banned from this Superbowl and if it develops that they have been doing this all year long as seems to be coming out - he should serve a one year ban.  Any further cheating and he should be banned from the NFL for life.  That's how serious I take this.   

  6. In a game last month between Minn and Carolina the NFL caught team attendants warming balls in front of the heaters in order the soften them up to gain an advantage.  This is against NFL rules.  The refs gave them a warning and nothing else was done in reference to sanctions.    I take it you have a severe problem with the NFL not sanctions the team that was warming the balls or are you comfortable with just a warning.  You know from a integrity standpoint, is the warning enough for you for someone who is trying to manipulate a ball during the game to gain and advantage? 

    I believe rules need to be enforced.  Whatever the appropriate penalty needs to be meeted out.  Equally.  To winning teams and losing teams.  Do not assume that because I didn't mention this particular episode I condone their behavior.


    Rules are put into the game to equalize the playing field for each team so that truly the "best team wins."  


    A team that wins by cheating is not the best team.  EVER.

  7. amfootball - I have simply lost all respect for you as a fan.  Defend and deflect away.


    If my coach had done what yours did in the past I would have called for his head.  PERIOD.  

    If my coach had allowed what has been alleged and appears to be all but confirmed, I would call for his head.  PERIOD


    Bookmark this post and see what happens should my team do anything similar.  My values will not change.  My team's sportsmanship is of higher value to me than winning at all costs. 


    Sadly, you will have some pathetic response so have a really nice day, I'm getting back to work and earning a living.

  8. Irrelevant? Perhaps you should check NFL history in the 50's, 60's and 70's and then you can tell me how the patriots are so different from their peers of yester year.

    And for the last time... a man of honor would not choose to win that way.  Justifying wrong acts because others do so is wrong.  You are wrong.  You are so steeped in a win at all costs culture that you choose to have no moral compass.  Do not assume others are like your team to justify doing wrong.  

  9. I didn't ask about you. I asked about the NFL.

    Irrelevant.  You assume everyone cheats and want to justify your belief.  You will do anything to deflect from the simple facts - if they turn out to be corroborated.  You're like the child who is caught and says, "Well Johhny does it and you didn't punish him." 


    When you break a rule to attempt to gain advantage for a win, you are wrong.  It doesn't matter how many others do it and don't get caught.   

  10. Honor.  Integrity.  Sportsmanship.


    The forgotten character traits of great men and great teams.


    There was a time, not so long ago when someone would not "do anything" to win regardless of it's legal or moral status.  They would do anything within the rules to win.  Winning by stretching, breaking, or bending the rules into a pretzel shape would have cheapened the value of the win for the team competing for the championship.


    I am sickened by this and if Belicheck knew/condoned/looked the other way I would love to see him banned for life for a second offense.  PERIOD.  A lesson needs to be taught and fear instilled or the game becomes the WWE.

  11. I wonder what they do if someone is injured here

    Interesting question, Mark. A player hoping to get in the game would likely be willing to risk injury to do so.  But perhaps they require/offer insurance?  You could probably do a short term policy for very little cost and either the player purchase or the NFL for the week of the combine.  

  12. People keep saying this about their free agents and other signings, but it's really not accurate. The Broncos aren't on the hook for a ton of guaranteed money, and they have young drafted players that can and have performed well for them. Not to mention the fact that their major free agent signings have all performed well for them, for the most part.

    Here's why I believe too many FAs are the issue, not FA in general.  1).  Too many FAs are let go for a reason.  Their prior team knows something about them you don't know.  2).  Judicious selection of FAs can bring up your younger talent and mature them more quickly than would naturally happen, but you have to be careful that you aren't taking positions and playing time from young players so they can improve and become part of a long term solution.  

  13. I want to go a little bit out on a limb here and posture a possibility.  It has always been said the Peyton runs the practices like he were a coach.  What if Manning and Elway have already discussed all of this and he is planning to retire, then take over the HC position?  


    Possible?  Or am I nuts?



    don't answer that last one....  :thmup:

  14. I was just coming to post the same from Lombardi.  My oh my.


    Someone on the Denver boards opined that Elway must already know Peyton's decision or at least leaning.  If he's cleaning house, then I think he's ready to remake the franchise.  It was always a win at this moment strategy when Peyton was at the helm but they can't pull that off without a franchise QB.


    One of the problems of bringing mass quantities of FA is that it's not a systemic, long-term building of a team.  Can't say I won't enjoy watching them implode should it happen  ;)

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