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Posts posted by Girlzarefanstoo

  1. The Raiders will not come in hanging their heads, they're not a defeated, no hope team.  They're rebuilding and on the rise - this could be a tough game or a blow out.  Tough to say.  


    Carr's the real deal and he's only going to get better over time.  Raiders have nothing to "lose," could be an interesting game. 

  2. I don't know, not having film on a player can be an issue - Daniel messed with us last year in the same, last game of the year.  Actually, the Chiefs rested all their first string players so we didn't know much of anything about the team we played.  You'd think that would make things easy, but they were scrubs playing for their livelihood.  At least we have that film to go with in preparation.  And last year Daniel had an entire week of first string reps to work off of, this week, 2 days.  

  3. IF we make it into the playoffs, whether we go deep or not entirely will depend on how many key players we can get back.  We can't field the team that went 5-1 right now.  Unlike some teams that start off that hot and collapse, we were no fluke.  Crucial season ending injuries tore up that team and we've been finding and developing players all season long (only to replace the replacements and start all over again at square one.)


    Our coaching staff has been nothing short of amazing to be able to keep these guys in the hunt.  The team itself has an incredible trust and confidence in one another - it's really fun to watch them fight and claw and never give up.  I calculated the positional losses yesterday 4 centers, 2 right guards, 4 cornerbacks and on and on.  23+ just counting season ending or multi-game injuries.  


    Do we have enough left in the tank to compete in the playoffs?  I hope to get to see it.  We can't start slow against KC at home when they have an outside shot at the playoffs themselves.  


    What you all will need to be wary of is our team next year.  Our young guys got much more playing time than they would have and the team is developing a belief that they can play with an beat anyone.  Our vets should be back plus what ever magic Tom Telesco pulls out of his hat to continue building our depth.


    Fun times ahead in SD

  4. I have not won yet. It won't be decided till MNF. I just got off to a good start with Antonio Gates :). My opponent has Gronkowski and Graham in his flex, so I needed to match something with my TE production.

    Duh... if I'd have thought about it I would have realized that.  Good luck.  I don't do FF, not enough time in my real life day to add anything fantasy, LOL!

  5. Chad72, Gates had a great game, he's so clutch.  I'm going to cry really hard the day he finally retires his cleats.  Glad you won your FF!


    Even after all that Rivers did, you'll notice he was the first to say his poor play put them in that position in the first place and put all the honor on his players.  Class guy.

  6. All I know is last year I refused to even look at what had to happen for us to get in until the last day, then bit my nails all day long until our game that we had to go and turn into a ridiculous and unnecessary nail-biter.  


    I won't worry about what I can't control.


    Really proud of the character our team displayed and the readiness of practice squad and never played a down players that came in and made a difference.  One of Mike McCoy's points of emphasis in training camp is giving practice reps evenly to all players at a position and switching players into other positions all year in practice. It has really paid off this year and last during our ridiculous injuries.   

  7. Yeah, kudos to your coaching staff to realize Seyi was not getting it done and putting Inman in.


    Plus, Chris Watt getting injured was another blessing in disguise because Trevor Robinson at center plays much better and it was deja vu all over like the Ravens game when he came in for Chris Watt. The coaches should just play Trevor.

    Agreed.  Actually we've talked about that on the SD forum as well.  He looks good and I can't even think of our rookie Right Guard's name that came in.  Philip barely was touched after they took over.

  8. Oh.  My.  Word.  Where are my heart meds?!!!!  


    I will confess, I thought it might have been time to pull Rivers near the end of the first half.  I was watching his eyes, his body motion and body language - he was in tremendous pain.  Even after watching 10 years of this man's heart I should never have doubted.


    We've never won a game where he threw 3 interceptions.  That's just too much to give up, but our D was so scrappy and made all the difference.


    I haven't read any of the game time posts as I just came here.  So I'm off to see what you guys thought as the game rolled on.


    My thoughts:  First, I saw some stats this week on the number of points and yardage that our injured offensive players have contributed.  It's staggering.  Their replacements were untested rookies and 4th and 5th string running backs, we never should have won with them.  I knew Dontrelle Inman could be a big surprise tonight, we saw him do a lot in preseason.  If he would have played in the first half instead of Seyi Ajirotutu it might never have been close.  Seyi is amazing on special teams but just doesn't have it as a WR.  He's made some big catches, even won our KC game in the last second, but there's a reason he isn't starting.

  9. Ryan Matthews out again for SD

    That comes as no surprise to us - we pretty much knew he wouldn't be in for this game and perhaps even the next.  I think they're not going to risk him just in case we do make the playoffs and he can come in fresh and make a big difference.  Rough year for Ryan and it's his contract year.  


    A lot of San Diego fans want to let him go but his rookie contract option is only 3.3 mill.  I just think we need to draft or secure another #1 back and perhaps have a 2 back rotation.  Not sure exactly but he's a quality player when he is healthy... that's the problem..

  10. This is a rivalry game, so the 49ers may come with extra motivation to play spoiler. Add that to Philip Rivers and his back problem and I think it spells bad news for the Chargers.

    Nah... no major rivalry here - yeah they slaughtered us in the one Superbowl we got into but that's long, long ago.  We don't play them often enough for a rivalry to really develop and unlike AFC teams they don't generally stand in the way of us moving into or through the playoffs.

  11. I am not a Rivers or a Charger fan but I think your wrong. He plays with heart and don't run his mouth except for some trash talking on the field.

    and talks the cleanest trash you've ever heard, LOL!  If you ever see the Philip Rivers Mic'd Up episode it's a crack up.  Seriously, "Goooolllly"  I think one was "That's how you kick some serious rear end."   I can't think of some of his other Riversisms but they're straight from the 50s

  12. Rivers is tough...he will show up to ball....I would be more worried about losing Keenan Allen....he seemed to be your best receiver outside of Gates of course. Granted he faces a lot of #1 corners but without him in there...the coverages will roll to even more to Gates. That and well the lack of run game hurts.

    ^^^ YUP ^^^

  13. The injury, what ever it is, happened right at the end of the 5 game winning streak where he was playing at a record setting level.  No qb in history played a better 5 game stretch of qb ratings.  Without knowing what was happening, we knew something was up.  His throwing motion was off and his accuracy was as well.  Rivers may pull the trigger on a too dangerous pass, but he doesn't inaccurately throw the ball.


    A few weeks ago, Gates let it out of the bag telling the press that Rivers was dealing with a serious rib injury.  Of course that got walked back.


    My understanding is it's a back and rib issue.  Which explains why he has looked stiff in the pocket.   

  14. who cares, i hate this guy's ego ! 

    Then you are completely ignorant about him or ill informed.  You certainly don't have to like him, but the man has no ego.  He's a competitor.  He's fiesty on the field.  He's very confident and yet very humble.  He builds up his team mates and takes the blame when things don't go right.  He has ZERO ego.  

  15. The last time that happened was the 07 playoff game the week after he played against the Colts.  That was also the week he had surgery and played without an ACL.


    He's a tough guy, and he's says "no biggie," about missing the practices.  Those of us who watch him week in and week out have known there's an issue.  I guess we'll only know when the season is over (if even then).


    No update from Antonio Gates this time on how Philip Rivers is. With laugh: "If I say something, it'll be on SportsCenter, bro."


    As to what Rivers himself says:

    Philip Rivers: "I hate not practicing, but I think at some point you've got to do what's best for me and the team. Practicing today wouldn't have been beneficial moving toward Saturday." Added: "At this point," has "no doubt" he'll play.



  16. He played with it for a while and didn't tell anyone until later.  I believe he was carted off because of the ankle issue.  He's a fighter, he wasn't going to leave the team in the lurch if he could have anything to do with it.  Keenan's matchups this year have been top drawer, he's struggled at times but always been important to the team in the intangibles.  He blocks with as much enthusiasm as he flies down the field. He's "sitting at Gates' feet" and drinking in everything he can.  I am so sad he'll be out.


    The injuries have been ridiculous this year - not only a lot quantity wise, but at one point we were losing one or two starters a game to IR or long term injuries.  That and repeated injuries to the same position group or key position like playing 5 centers in one season.  I haven't looked into the record books, but that one has to be a record or close to it and I pity the team that holds that record if it isn't us.  It's so disruptive.


    Losing our top 3 running backs was HUGE, especially combined with the OL instability.  


    The D has been hit hard as well, but has fared better getting through it, but our barely acceptable secondary is now very thin.  


    NOT whining, just the reality of our year.  I honestly don't expect the playoffs at this point but would love to see what we could do if we made them.  We've played the best this year, no easy schedule produced our wins.  And we played close enough to win when we weren't even playing well.  


    That's football...  ;)

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