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Posts posted by Girlzarefanstoo

  1. He is going to give us fits for years to come.  He's so far more educated than a standard rookie.  His brother has literally coached him, taught him to read defenses, game film and mentored him on what it takes to be a QB in the NFL.  


    He looked like he did playing college (we were FSU season ticket holders).  Cool, calm, making things happen.  


    We'll finally, eventually get rid of Peyton in our division and Carr will be right there to fight us for the title.  

  2. I'm finally catching my breath - I said it in my earlier post, there's nothing about a hated division rivalry that is predictable.  That said, good teams do what it takes to win.  


    Derek is going to be a good QB.  He looked like he was playing in college - no nerves.  Good decision making for the most part.  Raiders played out of their minds today.  They had 2 weeks to game plan this game and it looked like it.  Everything about them looked better.  


    Don't know how we keep hanging on with the serious injuries to seriously important players.  However, if we do, we're going to be in the thick of it come playoff time.

  3. By the way, as to your first line in your post... this is about the 3rd or 4th thread on the subject.  Donald Brown is a role player - not expected to be our featured back.  He was beginning to break longer runs vs the Jets when he was clotheslined in a dirty play.  I just rewatched the game and he was getting on a nice role.  He would have had a lot more yards in that game if it weren't for the cheap hit.  


    I cant help but notice that everyone who was on the Donald Brown band wagon have been very silent. .
    Not that I am dragging a dead horse in here but the same people were the ones that said the same thing about Dwight Freeny..
    That was the Polian mentality keep players and overpay..

    Freeney's pressures have been outstanding - and yes, that's a big part of what the Chargers had in mind.  Stats rarely tell the full story.  He's a mentor/teacher and has upped the play in every position around him.  As you know he's a quality guy and a leader.  He also has had a few more sacks than are recorded due to penalties elsewhere on the field that cost the play.  


    Watch our game film vs Seattle and you'll see him in action.  The plan was to confine Wilson to the pocket and not go past him allowing him an avenue of escape.  The game Thursday night the D didn't do that and guess how disruptive Wilson was?

  4. History has taught us to never underestimate the power of a hated rivalry to turn games upside down.  


    The Raiders are terrible, but Carr is a QB that has a big arm, accurate throws and is fearless.  If/when he gets protection and some receivers they may be on their way back up.  We were Fresno State Bulldogs Season Ticket holders when Carr was there (hubby's body can't handle it any more).  Carr is a great leader who has been coached by his brother since he was little.  


    All that said I believe we beat them soundly.   

  5. I do complain about anyone who points themselves out. I believe in the old saying act like you been there before. These players get paid a lot of money to do a job and being a braggart is not in the job description. I think when a player has the look at me mentality it takes away from the team concept. It might not matter at all to you or anyone else so it's just my opinion. I have already explained and made that comment earlier so why do you feel the need to make an issue about it?

    One of the things I love most about Rivers is he celebrates with the team, he's often one of the first guys down to congratulate whomever caught the pass - but it's NEVER all about him.  Any time a play goes well, it's all about whomever made the play, the effort they put in, the perfect route they ran.  If it didn't go well, it's NEVER about the guy who may have blown the play, "I could have made that ball more catchable, I should have led him more, etc."  Every accolade or record directed at him is routinely said, "It's all about the team, and what they did."  And he means it.  That's why his players and coaches (let alone fans) love him so much and play so hard for him. 

  6. That has zero to do with his constant celebrations. Let your play do the talking without pointing at yourself and saying look at me. Like I said I guess I am too old school for the look at me players of today.

    Not everyone who is great needs to put on a show after every play - check out Antonio Gates "celebrations" after each touchdown.  Pure class.  


    As to MVP - every year there are 2 or 3 pretty much equally deserving candidates.  Events, team records et al come into play, name recognition, popularity and a hundred factors that aren't really "fair."  


    Watt is amazing.  His hustle, game long effort and disruptive force is very special.  It's a long season yet ahead though so as always, the early speculation may have no bearing in 13 weeks or so. 

  7. I think he is the front runner but I'm TELLING you know...don't be surprised by the dark horse Russell Wilson. Not only has he been spectacular but he has cult following in the media going now too. They love young qbs..and Phillip may not be the sexy pick. (sorry girlz)

    LOL!  I'm sure his wife Tiffany, thinks he's sexy enough with their 7 kids :-)


    I'm rooting for him, and I'm just glad that people are finally recognizing the qualities that have made him a great leader.  But in the end it won't matter much if we don't get to and win the Super Bowl.


    Personally I think his awkward delivery sort of made people not take a closer look, but it's actually one of his strengths.  I used to start the first game of the season and be sort of jarred by seeing him throw and then remember that's his usual motion.   I have seen him throw from every single position possible except left handed, and I bet my husband this week that at some point in his career he will!  I bet he's even practiced throwing leftie just in case  ;)

  8. I saw the grading of both O lines today.  Seattle's graded out well in run blocking.  As a group, they graded poorly in pass blocking.  One O lineman for Seattle, their rookie right tackle,  graded out well in both areas.  They didn't grade out as poorly as I would have thought after watching the game.

    Considering how many times Washington was deep in the backfield chasing down Wilson that surprises me too.  

  9. Thank you! DB was starting to come on strong. And that one run where he stiff armed the guy and hit the after burner while changing the ball from one side to the other was the one that I was referring to.

    A lot of people judge a football player's performance only by statistics without knowing what the coaching staff is trying to accomplish.  Donald's job it to pound away and hold onto the ball.  He was starting to get rolling, if he had stayed in the game, he was starting to gain in bigger chunks.  By the second half I could easily have seen him pile up the yardage.


    People don't remember much about LT's running except the big numbers, but he often only had 10 or 20 yards in the first half with 15 carries, then would start breaking the long ones in the second half as we wore defenses down.  You wouldn't have the big numbers without the early seemingly ineffective runs.  That's the kind of ground and pound offense Frank Reich is working to compliment the incredibly versatile passing game we have.  2.9 yard average when you're throwing +70% completion rate and 67% 3rd down conversions is not an issue.


    This offense is a fairly lethal combination and a LOT of fun for the fans :-)

  10. At this point, I am beginning to realize how many wonderful years Norv Turner wasted away for you guys. Michael Turner, Darren Sproles, Vincent Jackson, Antonio Cromartie, Shawn Merriman, Jamal Williams and Shaun Philips in their prime etc. - you guys were a very very talented bunch that underachieved, looking back.


    I don't think Rex Ryan, when he took a shot at Norv Turner, was wrong and if Rex Ryan had a QB worth something during 2009 & 2010, he would have won a SB for the Jets, IMO. Norv actually had one and that is the depressing part for Chargers fans.

    To some degree it was Norv, but I'm not nearly as upset with him as I lay the blame squarely on AJ Smith.  He was a prima dona that loved to stir up unnecessary drama.  He got addicted to the "amazing, overlooked find" instead of steady, solid predictable players that perform.  He didn't value the talent we already had and work to keep the pieces in place.  If you're Norv and have a pass heavy, long ball offense - how do you keep it going when AJ lets Vincent Jackson walk?  How about your coach and your QB are pleading for you to keep Sproles and you decide you can get "3 for the price of 1" instead, (none of whom are still on the team or ever performed).  Too many high draft choices were wasted on reaches, injury prone guys that had college injury histories and by the time he was gone we were so depleted we SHOULDN'T have made the playoffs last year.  


    By sheer force of will, character and tough coaching, Mike McCoy and Tom Telesco have entirely changed the culture.  It's a team, working as one - not a few great stars doing their thing.

  11. Now, for an actual discussion of the actual game.


    1.  I thought Seattle never actually looked crisp.  I don't know if it was a playing down to the competition, taking them lightly or the dreaded flying half way across the country issue, but they just seemed bleh most of the game.


    2.  If the Redskins had any kind of contain defense for Wilson, that could have had a very different ending.  I couldn't believe how much they over-pursued him leaving half the field open for his scampers.


    3.  Percy Harvin did an amazing job of containing himself over losing 3 TDs to stupid penalties.  A lesser man might have ripped into his team mates after the third.


    4.  Cousins did a decent job - a couple more catches that should have been caught and the outcome could have been different.

  12. This dude "thedude" is the typical Seahawks fan. Once they win a SB, they want to talk trash to fans of every franchise that has a longer history of winning SBs. I see those tendencies in most Seahawks fan posts across the web, I will chalk him up to another run of the mill homer.

    I promise you when my Chargers win their first (hopefully of many) Superbowls, I will NEVER use this attack against another team.  It's just lame and intellectually worthless drivel.  


    In the meantime yeah, I know we've never won one, only got to one, got our bums handed to us, we're the Lord of no Rings, blah, blah, blah... Kind of the same as Seattle until last year and New Orleans a few years ago and Indy before that.

  13. can't believe anyone is still talkin bout this game  :scratch:

    We aren't really anymore - this thread morphed several different ways.  HOWEVER, I took IMMENSE pleasure in Rex Ryan's press conference this week.  "beat down in all phases of the game..." and more like it   :thmup:

  14. I don't think God is a football fan....especially with the amount of people missing church on sundays to watch or go to games...but if he was...I've seen nothing yet to suggest he is a Chargers fan...sorry! lol

    Really....?!  He has lightning shows in the heavens, every single minute of the day somewhere in the world ;)  


    On a fun side note -- our church is filled with football fans (49ers, Steelers, Raiders, Rams and Chargers that come to mind), in jerseys, in the service with TIVO catching the game back home LOL!

  15. Branden Oliver's play was no fluke - he's showed that spark since he stepped foot on the playing fields.  I don't play Fantasy but if I did I would have picked him up this week.  I heard he gained over 30 points for FF.  *DISCLAIMER*  He plays for the Chargers so there's no guarantee how long he'll hold together :-(

  16. I think any of the predictions here could be the end up.  I would put the Chargers anywhere from 11-5 to 13-3, but I literally can't even think that far down the road.  We have a terribly tough last 5 weeks.  Historically, when we're hanging by a thread, we have come through in those circumstances - but if we have a lead I don't want us to get too comfortable and find we miss out (can you tell I'm a LLLOOONNNNGGGG time Charger's fan?!)

  17. I take absolutely nothing away from Luck - he's played amazing, especially for as young as he is,.  However, the entirety of the role of QB that Philip is playing is a much bigger one than Luck at this stage of his career.  


    Every Colts' fan knows all that Peyton does in being the general of the offense - that's the same role Rivers has finally been allowed to take on himself and THAT is the biggest difference in this team.  His ability has always been there, but Norv micro-managed his offense way too much and didn't trust anyone else to select plays including his QB.

  18. SD is LEGIT...if they can get/stay healthy they are a force to be dealt with. Denver will have their hands full both games with these guys....and yes their young RB looked nice this week! Rivers is playing at MVP level...I think this could be his year to get over the top and to the SB if they can avoid any more injuries.

    From your keyboard to God's eyes :-)!!!

  19. It seems like you guys are so focused on your argument about Donald Brown - did you miss our UDFA Branden Oliver's performance yesterday?  182 yards from scrimmage in his first rookie game.  We saw this kind of performance out of him during preseason, but of course it wasn't against the #1 NFL rushing defense so we mostly took it with a grain of salt.  The fans had nicknamed him "Sprol-bert" in the summer as he has the quickness, size and moves of Sproles but can run through and over people like Tolbert.   


    We were expected to win this one - but no one expected our running game to accomplish what we did.  And NO ONE predicted 31 points on that D.  


    Donald's purpose is to pound and pound until they get tired.  His early runs were often losses, even 4 and 5 yard losses as their D were deep in the backfield.  But prior to the nasty, head shot that took him out (the Jets were nasty, dirty players trying to cause injury), he was starting to pile up some good runs.  


    I liked what I saw out there.  Toughness and dominance in all 3 phases with incredible injuries piling up.  Can we swap bye weeks with someone?!!!  Assuming we can survive the decimation and start to get some key players back I think we will have some amazing depth - the one thing we've always missed going into the playoffs.

  20. They do have a lot of injuries but they play at Oakland next..

    ...and you might call that easy

    So many injured backs and linemen and still.. 31-0

    Yeah, but if there's any team we could lose to, Oakland might be it - the old divisional rivalry.  But so far this year, we have played to a high level no matter the opponent (we've had a history of playing down to the competition and losing games we should have won).

  21. I was watching behind time so couldn't come in on the thread - painful win in the  number of guys hurt today.  Geesh... really, our 4th center in 5 games.  We started the game with twice the number of guys injured than the Jets and our bye week isn't until Nov 9.  I about had a coronary when Rivers came out to keep playing after losing center #3, then they pulled him out to get a standing O.  


    Really pleased with our defenses play and heck, the whole team.  

  22. I can't put any emotional effort into this question when we're only 1/4 way through the season - so much can and will happen before this is decided.  Not the least of which is the potential for injury to a contending player (see Aaron Rodgers last season)

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