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Posts posted by Girlzarefanstoo

  1. I think a couple of interesting things have happened because of Fantasy Football:


    1.  I think other city's fans have gained an appreciation for people that play for other teams because they see the contribution they make to "their" fantasy team.  

    2.  I think "everyone thinks they're a GM" now - the comments on message boards and forums sometimes are more ridiculous than ever!

    3.  Those people that aren't crazy (see #2) have a greater appreciation for the difficulty coaches and GMs have in fielding a winning team.


    I do not play FF - no time, I work for myself so my time=$ and I can make a LOT more creating art and products than I can attempting to manage a FF team :-)!

  2. I have not commented on this thread because I wanted others to bring Rivers up first - he has been simply amazing this year.  Here's what I think sets him apart:


    1.  He calls his own plays and completely commands that offense.  Not only that, but since Hardwick is out, he's telling everyone what the coverage is and adjusting their defensive assignments from the line (Hardwick did that as center).  That sets him and a few others a notch above in my book.

    2.  He has thrown only one interception all year, and that was on Eddie Royal who stopped running mid-route.  He's at a 9 to 1 ratio right now, and there aren't any that come to mind where he was "lucky" not to be picked.  I don't think they've even been close to being picked off. 

    3.  His last two games he has exceeded a QB rating of 130, for the year 114.5.

    4.  YTD Stats: 

    Philip Rivers:  ATT 137, COMP 96, YDS 1,155, COMP %70.1 YDS/ATT 8.4, TD 9,  TD % 6.6, INT 1, INT% 0.7, LONG 49, SACK 5, SACK/LOST 26, RATING 114.5

    5.  He's getting pressured a great deal more than shows in the sacks.  He has single handedly escaped the grasp and completed some of the most amazing passes out of the midst of pressure.  Absolutely cool and level headed in or out of the pocket.

    6.  The last two games he's had no running game and is on his #3 and #4 Center, lost his right guard early in the year and had an unstable, less than ideal line.  

    7.  Some times a QBs numbers look better than they are because of having a single outstanding receiver or TE.  No single target that's making his numbers, he has completely spread the ball around.  

    8.  Rivers could care less about gaudy stats, if we need to win the game by running it 100% that's what he would be willing to do.  Fiery leader, utterly humble team player.


    MVP in my book whether or not the NFL realizes it.  No apologies, Love him, so glad he's ours :-)

  3. The first half we suffered from "no tape on Bortles" syndrome.  But that pretty well got taken care of at half time.  


    We're still hurting missing 2,500 yards of offense in Ryan and Danny Woodhead.  Rivers and the wide outs sure took care of that though.  Nice job avoiding a trap game.

  4. FORGIVEN... great apology by the way, not any of the "if you were offended by anything I said, but I don't think I said anything wrong..." stuff.


    Live and learn, and I hope you don't end up needing to sit all of a game at some point in the future.  :-)


    This post is going to be very non-politically correct.   But it still still be respectful.


    I'm sorry......


    I don't mean to come down hard on those who can't stand a long time....




    This is a football game.    A freaking football game. 


    Having passionate loud fans is key for any team wanting home field advantage.    And standing and cheering is part of that.


    Anyone think fans standing too much is an issue in Seattle?    Or in Denver?    Or anyplace where the fan base is passionate?


    The answer is "no".....


    If it means that fans who want to watch the game sitting down eventually get tired of being unable to see and give up their seats,  then so be it.     Maybe they'll get bought by people who want to come and seriously support the team.  REALLY... YOU THINK THE VET WHO LOST HIS LEGS ISN'T PASSIONATE OR THE BIKER WHO BLEW OUT A KNEE OR THE GRANDMOTHER THAT LOVES HER BOYS ENOUGH TO BE THERE?  PERHAPS YOU DON'T KNOW SOMEONE LIKE MY NEIGHBOR WHO IS A QUADRAPLEGIC AND HASN'T BEEN ABLE TO STAND SINCE HE WAS 21 AND INJURED IN A CAR ACCIDENT.  HE LOVES HIS TEAMS TOO.  SAD...


    We're not sitting in a library, or a movie theater,  or attending a play.  


    This is like attending a concert!    People stand.    People cheer!    People go crazy!    The more the merrier!  GREAT, JUST DON'T STAND THE WHOLE GAME.  THINK OF OTHERS INSTEAD OF ONLY YOURSELF.


    If it's not to your liking,  then by all means,  give up your tickets and stay at home and watch on TV.


    Apologies for being so blunt and direct, certainly didn't mean to offend anyone.  NO YOU'RE JUST IGNORANT OF THE SUFFERING OF OTHERS, AND I DON'T MEAN IGNORANT AS A PURJORATIVE, JUST THAT YOU HAVEN'T PERHAPS EXPERIENCED ENOUGH OF LIFE TO DISCOVER THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS ISSUE.  But this is a football game and that's the nature of the beast....

    Why does it have to come down to "go home" if you don't like it?  Why can't fans around a disabled person be sensitive to other's needs?  You can make noise, jump up and down and stand - just don't do it the whole game.  Take the time to ask someone if it's bothering them and adjust your behavior if it is causing a problem.  Selfishness isn't "being a great fan."


    There are many people who aren't technically "disabled" yet aren't "able bodied."  Look around you every day.  Take a look at anyone over 50.  You might be surprised to notice how many move pretty darn slowly.  A lot of people have physical issues, but I guess only young, strong, self-focussed, self-centered people are "real fans."  


    My husband has always been a strong, capable man who worked hard and helped others anytime he could.  He is now disabled - bad back and bad knee.  It's virtually impossible to get disabled seating as there's too little of it available.  We had season tickets to the Fresno State Bulldogs football for a while and got to know our neighbors.  They were very kind and helpful - as well as raucous and wildly supportive to the team.  They would help carry things out for us and invited us to tailgaiting parties.  Eventually, it got to be too much for my husband to walk the mile to the stadium then up the stairs and back so we watch what we can from home.  But as every football fan knows, it's just not the same.


    NewColtsFan - someday you may be the oldster needing some kindness from young, blissfully-ignorant football fans.  Please remember this conversation when and if you do.  


    It really isn't that hard to take the time to look around you at the stadium and consider others before yourself.  It's how our world used to work and it's a good ideal to practice still.

  6. OP - rather weak, lame post.  The jury is still well out on this one.  You could be right in the end, but we won't know for a while yet.


    Donald wasn't picked up to be our #1 back.  He hasn't had much opportunity prior to last week and that game isn't going to be a good comparison.  After losing 50% of our run game in Danny Woodhead it made us a very one dimensional.  Branden Oliver is a rookie and for what ever reason the coaches didn't want to use him unless needed.  AND Donald did what was the goal, run the clock down and don't lose the ball.  The coaches will add in plays for whom we have remaining and then we'll be able to see better how we'll do.  


    No doubt about it, you can't lose two excellent backs like Mathews and Woodhead and not suffer. 


    We lost Hardwick, our center and our OL QB - big deal loss, but we also lost Jeromy Clary RG who was a tough veteran.  In addition to Mathews and Manti T'eo being out for weeks, we've got 6 on IR, 1 PUP and 1 IR to return. We can't keep losing starters at this rate and keep up the level of play.  

  7. Of course you are lol. Because reality is a much harsher environment.

    Reality is we lost about 1/2 of our offense between Mathews and Woodhead so coming away with a win, on the road early east coast game against a previously undefeated team is a good thing.  


    Not happy with 2 yards per carry, but our offense was playing conservative, time-eating ball and trusting the D.  As a fan, I'm not a fan of that approach, I want to see our O be explosive - but getting the win?  That's all that matters.


    Now Tom Telesco has to go and get us some help, our rookies show some promise but aren't ready to take on the load.  

  8. Why would Peyton throw deep? Does no one realize Rivers attempted only one pass over 20 yards, the td to Gates, all game long? Dinking and dunking is how you beat Seattle. But 1 or 2 deep throws during the game is okay, because I do agree it might make the CBs back up. And for those doubting Peyton's deep ball...that's just flat out silly. He's had the best deep ball over the last 18 regular season games and the stats back it up.

    I don't believe you are correct on this - only one pass MADE over 20 but we had 2 or 3 stretch the field attempts.  A couple were close but well covered.  Regardless, the attempts were important in making the Hawks D play honest.

  9. At times.  They have been a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde team, mostly because of a bunch of dumb penalties in the 2nd half.   When they are good they are real good.  Three touchdowns in a quarter good.   When they are bad they look very sloppy.

    Sounds a bit like us too - frankly, we fumbled 3 times against Seattle and were lucky enough that they were all recovered.  Any one of those could have changed the outcome of the game.  Let alone the myriad of penalties in the red zone that we also managed to overcome.  Way too sloppy for my taste, but then it is the beginning of the season.  

  10. Super key on stopping the Seahawks was containing Russell in the pocket with a high degree of pressure.  When he wasn't contained, he nailed some amazing throws against very sound coverage.  When he was pressured we got him 3 and out with throw aways.  


    I haven't watched a Denver game yet this year - have they been getting pressure on the passer?  

  11. A couple of key points for me:

    1. It would be interesting to know the % of men in the NFL that commit abuse.  I doubt it is any greater than the general population, they just get more attention when it's brought to the attention of authorities.   So it probably seems like there's more because of the wall to wall press coverage it generates.
    2. When a guy is guilty, I want to see him bear the full brunt of the consequences his choices have brought.  Playing in the NFL is a privilege not a right and each of these men need to have behavior consistent with bringing honor to their profession and not disgrace.  
    3. I would like to see specific guidelines drawn up that pre-think these situations out, so the response is as consistent as possible across the board.  
    4. (In this point, I'm not speaking in anyway about the existing cases.)  We need to bear in mind that not everyone who is accused is in the end guilty.  My husband and I have spent long hours in marriage counseling with some very troubled marriages.  With a small portion of these situations, you will find that the wives are also very capable of bringing false charges, coaching kids in what to accuse and faking injuries.  In other situations they are so afraid they will not bring charges no matter what happens and will not leave the guy.  So how do you make a hard and fast rule that requires the police to file charges and/or for the guy to be found guilty when some of the women will not stand up to them in the courts? 
    5. I also think that if the league drew up policies that in some ways took the decision away from the teams, I think it would go better.  If a guy knew that if he was reported for spousal abuse it just might lose his paycheck, it could be enough to make him think twice about his choice.  
  12. I do find it interesting that AFC West and NFC West are playing each other this year - that will make for less surprises in a Superbowl matchup and less being sort of in "awe" of another team.  I don't know if that's what happened with Denver last year - if the stage was too big for some of their guys or what, but it can only help that we're playing each other.  


    If we (San Diego) were to make it to the SuperBowl, I know the guys wouldn't be in awe of Seattle but would respect them and be prepared for a tough duel.  After either us or Denver finish this season's crazy tough schedules, I don't think there's anyone tough we won't have played.  

  13. Since we are the only team that has had both Woodhead and Sproles as players, I can confidently say they are not identical, only similar.  They do obviously fill similar roles for the team. 


    1. Sproles is shiftier and more powerful.  Have you looked at his thighs close up?  They are unreal.  
    2. Sproles runs back kicks - Danny does not.  
    3. Sproles is better in pass pro though Danny certainly isn't bad at it. 
    4. They both are good receivers.
    5. They both are quick AND fast.
    6. They are both fearless across the middle and great on screens.
    7. They both are small and know how to hide behind blockers and find the hole.
    8. They both are clutch in handling the ball. 
    9. They are both quite durable for little guys.  Sproles' career has been incredibly long compared to what people were saying would happen to him.  
    10. Danny Woodhead had a better rushing year last year at 4 yards per carry to Sproles 3.5, but Sproles generally produces much more than his stats would lead you to believe as it's total yardage where he excels.

    I'll probably think of something else but that a pretty comprehensive list.

  14. Happens every time the Colts lose for the past two years

    You should have seen the calls for Rivers' head on the SD message board after the Phoenix game... it's a cancer in all forums.  Personally it turns my stomach and I usually stay away after bad losses.  


    You guys did a lot right tonight and yet unfortunately enough wrong to lose it.  It was a good game and there's no reason to hang your heads in shame, it's fixable.   Frankly, the interception should have been a holding call and I think the game ends entirely differently.  I absolutely hate when the refs mistakes cost a win.  

  15. Sproles has a special place in my nightmares. In them, he's always blowing by or juking some flailing Colts defender. Oh that's just my memory of Colts/Charger games

    I keep trying to remember, it might have been Jules who used to say, "Sproles is the Colts' kryptonite."  I don't know why one player will play so well against a specific opponent, but Sproles has done really well over the years against you guys.  


    We have Danny Woodhead who I'm happy with, but Sproles does so much more even than what the yards show.  My favorite memories are of him upending a 300+ DL coming at Rivers.

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