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Posts posted by Girlzarefanstoo

  1. So are you saying the Pats are the first and only team to ball tamper???

    It doesn't matter if they are or aren't - they are the ones being investigated.  "More probably than not" is the language of guilt in the NFL so punishment will be handed down.


    Other team's issues didn't warrant an investigation.


    Sometimes investigations conclude no wrong doing (as the ultimate end up of the Chargers' towel issue you keep quoting).


    When and if another team does likewise I trust another investigation will be conducted and the next team punished according to the rules.


    Do you know how frantic, manic, erratic and illogical your reaction is getting?  

  2. Read the article ...

    Your own article states:

    The league looked into the matter further. Without the aid of a $5M investigation and a corporate law firm, the league cleared the Chargers of violating a “a competitive rule.”


    The writer of your article has an agenda (just like you do) so he doesn't research the entire episode, merely picks and chooses what he want to justify his conclusion (just like you do).  


    "Per a source with knowledge of the situation, the fine was later overturned on appeal.

    So the Chargers ultimately paid nothing.  And they ultimately were found to be not guilty of any violation of the rules, since the fine came not from the use of the towel but from the failure to produce the towel quickly enough once suspicion arose."  http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/02/04/chargers-ultimately-prevailed-in-appeal-of-towel-fine/

    D E F L E C T I O N  doesn't change the fact your team has cheated, again.  

    IF my Chargers had I wouldn't defend them.  PERIOD.

  3. Just trying to keep perspective as saying the Pats won their games because of it is an indication of loss of reality ...


    BTW, your Chargers ball tampered in 2012 and were caught and paid a $25, 000 fine for refusing to give the towels they had put pine tar on to rub the balls, http://www.usatoday.com/story/gameon/2012/10/21/chargers-glazer-stickum-use/1647413/

    Nice try at deflection once again.  And once again, you are in error - Google isn't your friend if you don't research instead of just grabbing a link.  Here's what really happened:


    1.  The towels were not illegal.

    2.  There was no substance on the balls.

    3.  They were fined for not immediately handing over the towels to the refs when requested.  


    "The whole story is a little odd. It technically wasn't against the rules to use the towels, but it's no longer going to be allowed. The Chargers didn't gain an advantage, but they were fined anyway."


    Then ultimately, even the fine was reversed on appeal.



    End of story. 

  4. Not going to lie. I have a hard time re-watching games already knowing the outcome.  

    It just doesn't do it for me unless their were a few awesome plays.

    When I'm hard  up for a football fix I can watch, but that's about it for me too.  However, that was a really sweet game and we watched the 30 minute shortcut so we saw all the best plays ;-)

  5. "Husbands, love your wives. He that loveth his wife, loveth himself."

    Seems as though I've read that somewhere before. Nice, Girlzarefanstoo!

    Happy Mothers Day.


    Love those verses and I'm blessed to have one that does.  He's definitely a keeper.  And my kids made me cry with their sweet, hand-written notes.  Son-in-law was going to go into my garden and pick me a flower (that would have capped off the day perfectly!)  I'm pretty easy to please :-)

  6. So, the kids won't be over until dinner.  They're cooking for me even though it's at my house, so I have nothing to do.  


    My incredibly thoughtful, wonderful husband says, "Why don't we pull down the shades (living room is very bright) and watch some football until they get here?!"  This man became a football fan AFTER we got married just because I love it so much and now he's right there with me


    You have to give it to a man who knows his wife oh so well  :applause:


    So I think we'll pull out the Chargers victory over the Seahawks last year, that will be a fun one to rewatch.


    HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to the other women on this board.  It's cool to have a place where I'm not the only woman in the forum.

  7. Question if bradys lawyer actually had a case    wouldn't he have already  filed it, that way the nfl could put off punishment until the courts decide.

    I doubt if this has a lot of merit for a legal case either way.  This is an association that is ruled by it's own agreements.  That's why "guilt" is determined by what the players and league have agreed to in advance.  That's why the burden of proof is what they have agreed that it is.  That's why it doesn't take absolute, irrefutable proof to bring punishment.


    It is a privilege to play in the NFL, not a right.  

  8. I have not minimized the infraction although most here I think have blown it up to ridiculous proportions with the Nixon and Lance Armstrong comparisons so I have defended against that naturally.


    The issue I have had and have stated clearly from day one even going back to January and DW49 can vouch for this is not whether the Pats did it as I said back then that if Mort's original readings of the balls were true than they are guilty and that it resides with Brady. Period. Remember, we are talking air ball pressure. If the league had handled the situation properly after being tipped off by Grigson than they would have never let the Pats balls into that game. They would have taken them before kick-off and made them play with the back up balls which is standard procedure than they could have measured the tampered balls after the game, recorded that they were under and then punished the Pats on Jan. 19. That is what should have happened. Instead they went on this ridiculous investigation which over shadowed the Super Bowl and now have presented a report 100 days later that is full of holes and inferences and nothing substantial. As I said back in Jan,, it is very difficult to prove tampering without an admission or video. In this case, the league had Grigson's heads up, they admitted they lost track of the balls AND still allowed the game to be played with them for an entire half. This has been where my ire has been. Punish the Pats. No problem. But they were not able to because they screwed up that game so badly and as fans we have had to see this drag on and on and again we are talking air pressure in a football. I really do hope this marks the end of Goodell's run as commissioner ...

    Virtually the definition of minimizing is contained in your own post:  if, should have, ridiculous investigation, full of holes, only air pressure.... 


    You will hear this as criticism but it honestly isn't - you seem to be incapable of thinking logically and/or understanding where your logic is terminally flawed.  One of the ways you "argue your case" is to set up "straw men" and burn them down.  A "straw man argument" is a term in logic, not a derogatory statement (just in case you do now know this).  Those with logical and critical thinking skills have the ability to discern what are "facts," separate facts from opinion, see how the facts have been derived and then how to respond appropriately to them.  


    Those who don't use logical skills in relation to arguing their points generally instead mock, criticize and deflect about those facts or conflate opinion with facts.

  9. So you are saying you would stop being a fan of the Chargers if they had improperly inflated footballs?


    And using steroids is a much bigger infraction and advantage than ball pressure ...

    No, that's not what I said at all.  I would most likely continue to be a fan, though I would be incredibly disappointed in my team and/or players involved.  I would call out that player(s) and hold them accountable.


    Where we differ is that I would not minimize the infractions.  I would accept an investigation into those charges and wouldn't DEFEND them against those charges once the report was done.  I would accept the punishment meted out.  I would not try to deflect blame on to others nor point out everyone else's mistakes to minimize my own team's infractions.  

    Steroid use is terrible.  When a player is caught they pay a stiff penalty.  I never defend it's use, period.  Were you to trace my posts as long as I have been online you would find this as my consistent practice.  
  10. amfootball, Hmmm.... somehow in all the 2033 posts in this thread I missed that!


    Good for you or as my Aussie friends would say, "Good on ya."  I honestly thought you were saying you weren't.


    I love my Chargers through thick and thin and have for 45 years, but that doesn't mean I would defend that which is indefensible.  Cheating comes into that arena for me.  I wouldn't turn my back on the team for a single player's sins, and I believe in grace when someone REPENTS of their wrongful ways.  


    We have had steroid use and the occasional rough character.  All were dealt with by the league and the team.  In no case has the team intentionally broken the rules in order to win an advantage.  That's the clear line of delineation for me. 

  11. IF you want to call me fanatical then I think you have to also admit you are an extreme Patriot hater. I think that is fair so the conclusion of this is probably somewhere in the middle. I do think at times the league has given the Pats preferential  treatment but in this case with ball deflation, it has been the opposite as this should have been handled and put to bed on Jan. 19.

    Amusing to say the least.  If we were to take a poll of the readers here with whom you have interacted with during this issue,very close to 100% would agree you have acted fanatically at best about this incident.  


    No - I am not a Patriot hater.  Yes - I am a cheating hater and that means where ever it happens to fall.  No, not every incident is equal and deserves equal treatment, but when cheating occurs it needs to be punished severely to send a message.

  12. What follows is going to be speculation - so if speculation makes your head explode you are forewarned and may wish to turn the page ;-)


    1.  What IF the Patriots really have been doing this for years and years?  I wish I were a statistician and could calculate the players that have left the team and what their increases of fumbles and dropped passes were at the next team as well as the guys that fumbled with prior teams and not with the patriots.  I would imagine it could be proved statistically probable if indeed it has been a long-standing practice.

    2.  What IF they begin to question former team mates and dig into it further and discover more corroboration of a long standing issue?  If someone holds a grudge they may have already come forward in private to let the league know.

    3.  What IF they issue the punishment for this one episode and reserve the right to readdress the issue if they discover it was a long-term affair?  Remember, they dealt with the domestic violence issue too quickly and too lightly and the firestorm that created when the tape came out.


    How would that change your perception of the importance of this issue?  

    How would that change your perception of appropriate punishment?

    When would you consider the extreme step of stripping a title like Wig asked?  Considering some years teams make the playoffs by the outcome of a single game won by just points, a long history of this behavior could have given them a ticket(s) to the big dance.  


    Remember Brady's interview during the playoffs, "I'm a bleaping machine in the cold.  I know exactly how many layers to wear down to what degree..." and I assume it isn't all that farfetched that it might be added "and exactly how many pounds of pressure to leave in the balls for each degree of cold"


    Here's the link to that interview/article: http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000455540/article/tom-brady-im-a-bleeping-machine-in-cold-weather

  13. I've been very honest and objective about this, but just have to point out...


    It's premature to crap on Brady's legacy at this point. You can call him a cheater, a liar, whatever, but if the Patriots come out next season, go 12-4 again, and make a deep run or maybe even get to another SB, then how much did deflated balls have to do with anything? 


    If they come out and go 8-8, different story.


    This is what happened with Spygate. People said they would suck once the league took Belichick's cameras away. How did that work out? 


    Be objective. Be reasonable. Wait and watch to see what happens. If Brady has a career year in 2015, with new rules and "clean" footballs, a lot of you are going to still hate him anyway. 

    Edit:I forgot to say right up front - I don't hate Brady and I understand your emotional vantage point.


    Except for one thing.  And this is where the "Nixonian" comparison comes in.  They didn't have to cheat.  They didn't have to break the rules.  Their character (or fear or lack of character) drove them to it and that's just plain sick...  That's not competition - that's something deeply wrong at the core of their being.  

  14. In addition to the 2-3 game suspension and $100k fine (minimum) I think Brady should get, I think Belichick has to be suspended at least 4-5 games. Even though he didn't know, he needs to be more proactive in making sure stuff like this is not happening on his team. Basically this would erase September for me, and I'd hate starting the season in a hole, but after seeing Brady smiling today with Jim Gray, I'm all set with starting from behind. Brady deserves that.


    As usual, the cover up and lies are far worse than the original issue. If you cheated, pay the price, admit it, move on. I can live with him manning up, paying the price, and starting a new year. But by insulting the intelligence of all Patriots fans who are not punch drunk, I just can't stand behind my team.


    What I saw today was beyond arrogant.

    I didn't see any interviews yet to judge, but how you reacted to this is how I would see myself, were the shoe on the other foot.  Well said.  I wish all team's fans had the same values... 


    It's no secret my team has never won a Superbowl, but I would NEVER want to win one without it being fair and square (I'd take a little luck, LOL!) but no undue advantage.

  15. lol. Where was your outrage over Seattle last year when they won having multiple players suspended for PEDs and holding illegal practices?

    Irrelevant.  First, I wasn't aware of it so I didn't comment on it.  Had I, nothing would change.  


    Cheating is cheating.  There are varying levels of impact of cheating, thus there will be varying levels of punishment.


    You still haven't answered:


    Do you believe Tom Brady is innocent or guilty of this?

  16. Cheating disqualifies.  Period.  I want to see the standard raised once again, not downgraded to the "everyone does it" standard.


    In fact, it doesn't matter if the Patriots would have won without cheating.  They did.  At least one player and his accomplices did.  In a perfectly executed justice world, that title would be stripped but that won't happen.


    Frankly, like Richard Nixon, it's all the more pathetic that Tom Brady felt the need to cheat.  It's just plain sick.  

  17. No it's not. Brady is not required to hand over this private phone. And the investigators had the ball boy phones which would have shown any communication with Brady anyways.


    Again, according to Brady's agent his testimony was left out so I would like to see how he framed McNally relationship ...

    You are convincing exactly no one.  You might learn from the example of GoPats.

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