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Everything posted by Nickster

  1. This may or may not be true. His clock looked great to me in this game. The only sack/fumble that would be internal clock related is the last one which was inconsequential really. The game was over, he's waiting to throw downfield. The Garrent Sack/Fumble/TD he bascially spints straight to GM, he tries to get rid of it without grounding for a safety. He was really unlucky there. You Have to rely on your TE and RT to slow the guy down at least some. This play is totally on Ogletree and Freeland IMO with almost no culpability from GM. He's tring to avoid a safety and is unlucky. Only way to avoid this fumble was to turn away and take the safety. The other Garrett Sack Fumble, is on Raimann completely. He gets beat so badly that GM has no way to "feel" him. Garrets hands are on him before he sets his back foot. Zero chance for GM once again. I get what you are saying, but I think GM was awesome. These plays were not at all his fault and he was unclucky IMO.
  2. If the media set it up as some sort to pariah, and quite honestly I think we agree that it is, then something could/would be done. If the media let it go then it will go on. But this time I'd like to see the media go after something worthwhile and real like this unfair rule. If you'd just adjust the rules it would't be so bad. Maybe, teams could keep the player if they agree to do like a 3 year guarantee at the top current salaries that adjust over the 3 years to meet the inflated contracts at the position, or simply take away the 2 1st rounders on the exclusive tag. Either of these types of solutions would be OK IMO. Right now, it's really just WRONG. And unlike Sith's I don't really deal in absolutes so much these days.
  3. That PI was horrific. The Defensive holding is questionable, but I don't have a problem with it. The PI play was riduculous. The ball landed past the dotted yellow line which is where the spectators and other people on sidelilnes can watch the game from. If the receiver was the Jolly Green Giant or had an Inspector Gadget Go-Go arm, then that ball was catchable. But since the player was an actually specimen of * sapiens, that was as bad a call as you'll see. I can't believe they didn't confer and rule that uncatchable. I'm pretty understanding of how difficult a job officiating FB is since there are so many ways to intrepret what happens on the field. But to declare that ball catchable defies the laws of physics and human physiology.
  4. Miles should have been crushed on Sunday. He was a Holy Terror.
  5. I hear you but I just completely disagree. Guys should get paid what they are worth.
  6. It may or may not be effective for us. Personally, I think we would get absolutely torched if we blitzed more because we have minimal man coverage talent in the LBs and secondaries. If you want to blitz you have to draft/sign man cover players. Not Darius Leonard, not Franklin , not Brents. We don’t have man type players right now. We had a rarely blitzing guy in Flus, then tripled down with the least blitzing dude possible in Gus. The best way is to get pressure with your front 4. Doesn’t look like that is going to pan out for us despite all the spend. But we’ve drafted/signed zone players for the back 8. I don’t know if it’s CBs philosophy. It might be Jimmy, or it just might be coincidence, but we rarely blitzed when we played Tampa2 and C2 as our base all those years in the early 2000s. we’ve never blitzed much since I’ve been a fan that I can recall. But you have to have the right personnel or you’re gonna get torched over and over, and trust me, if that started going down that way, Colts MB would turn so hard against blitzing it would make the Mbs striking excoriation of Saint Jonathon Taylor look like a love fest.
  7. I never really paid attention to tagging. I’ve changed some paradigms as I’ve gotten older. I used to be pert near offended lol when a dude would turn down millions. But, I’ve backed off of that some. It’s just a really bad deal for the excellent players who end up getting less than market value, risking their future earnings with every snap, while guys that aren’t as valuable get the guaranteed cash. And as of now the only 3 players that it’s actually being used in is RBs which is the most punishing position in the league with the shortest shelf lives. It’s obviously unfair to these individuals IMO. I hope they get rid of it. I’d almost be willing to bet it will be gone soon. The media is hyping it and they are very powerful lately in shaping and dictating many things in sports these days. I dislike when excellence is punished. Happens a lot in society, especially in collectively bargained situations.
  8. It’s a bad deal for those few guys. I did some reading on the tag. It was supposed to be temporary for the transition to free agency starting in 1993. It’s in the media a lot these days and the NFL doesn’t like bad pub. They might feel screwing 5-6 guys a year isn’t with the negativity. If the minions in the sports media started honing in on this like they did some other things, I’d bet it would get changed. And although I haven’t liked some of the bullying the Sports Media Minions have precipitated, I would like to see this changed. It screws a few players and doesn’t save much. It screws greatness and excellence and that is often a union drawback IMO. Excellence should be rewarded. With the tag, the exact opposite happens. Excellence is punished for the guys that get tagged.
  9. And according to wiki an exclusive franchise tag would be an average of the top five salaries for April of that year. I’m sure you knew that @throwing BBZ lol. This would mean a player must take that contract or sit out basically. There is quite a bit of difference there. Does spotrac have a number for that? That number would be around 27. it’s the non exclusive tag that is an average of 5 years. What that means is that player can try to find a deal with other clubs but the team gets a chance to match. IS wiki wring or is that how you understand it? EDIT: Just saw that the non exclusive comes with 2 draft picks if another team signs and the home club doesn’t match lol. So basically the non exclusive is iron clad.
  10. Well that’s kind of the point of a union isn’t it? This year there are six tags and 3 already have deals.
  11. But if you are among the best 5 WRs for instance , I think you deserve to have a chance to be paid like that. I don’t think it even makes since that a player can be held back for two years in getting a greater share of guaranteed money just because the team doesn’t want to give the money. Another player with another club who isn’t as good can get more if his team tags someone else or doesn’t tag anyone. I understand why a guy would be * when tagged. I personally if I were a player would be willing to strike against that rule and I’m not the biggest union guy out there. It’s unfair IMO because it applies differently to players. Tagged players that are worth more on the open market are treated differently than non tagged players. That is unlucky. It has nothing to do with dollar amounts to me. 1 mill is a lot of money to play Sports to me. Technically, yes it is part of the rookie contract but it is a weird rule that as far as I know no other sport has.
  12. Yeah I’m not necessary a big union guy. I belong to one but don’t agree with everything. But the tag deal sacrifices a few guys each year put doesn’t negatively effect anyone else. I don’t really usually deal much in fair/unfair these days. BUT this tag thing seems pretty unfair for the guys who get tagged against management AND other union members.
  13. I’d be interested in that too compared to what we give up on blitzes. It would seem that since we blitz so rarely that our success rate would be higher than it would if we blitzed a lot because there would be an element of surprise presumably.
  14. Tagged players really do get screwed then. Salaries 5 years old don’t seem all that relevant to me. Wonder if the union will stand against it next CB. It only effects a handful of players, but it is certainly not in those few player’s’ interest.
  15. For the last 5 years was what I didn’t now. Thanks.
  16. What’s the tag based on clue Haver? Lol. I asked a question. id bet you don’t know lol.
  17. It’s obviously more complex than top 5 salary per year average because the 5th highest salary is 24 mill which would obviously not make it possible that 22.9 would be the average with 4 higher salaries than 24. do you know how it works in language for dummies like me? I’m guessing there is bonus type of complexity. Looking at the numbers 24, 25, 27, 28, and 30 as the top 5 average salaries, the average would be around 27.
  18. Oh I thought it would be higher than that. How is it calculated? I thought it’s like an average of the top few salaries. EDIT: so I see that it’s an average of the top 5 salaries. I thought it would be closer to 30. I guess there are only a couple of those bigger salaries.
  19. yeah that was what my poll was about. If AR was healthy at this point I’d still be for starting him around the half way point of the season even though I think GM gives us a little more chance to win right now. If GM has a future with this team and it’s not a s a backup or coach. Eeeah. Hopefully it was anomaly. It should be. But if not oof.
  20. I don’t think they’d tag Pittman. The number would be close to 30 mill wouldn't it? anyone know what the WR tag is now? Calling @Superman
  21. We have the lowest blitz percentage in the league, but we are respectable in sacks. Sacks are obviously important, but the issue with Colts pass rush the last couple years are not numbers of sacks, those have been pretty good. The issue is a low Hurry%. We have a low number there. We’ve pretty much been sack or no pressure and that is an issue because we have a poor covering secondary and poor covering LBs. NYJ, DeT and SF are all bottom 5 in blitz% and top 10 in Hurry% and sacks and pressures. NYJ is 1st and Det is 2nd in Hurries and SF Is 7th. These 3 teams get it done with the front 4. We have built and drafted with massive capital in salary and the draft to build a front 4 that creates pressure like those teams. it just hasn’t happened. The front 4 does not produce the type of pressure that matches the capital. We haven’t drafted press corners or coverage type LBs and we hired Gus Bradley and he just doesn’t blitz. So we won’t likely see more of it unless we get a new DC. Sometimes I’d like to see more blitzing but I wonder about how that would work out with our coverage guys. I also wonder if the teams that have a high blitz% and are effective have better coverage guys. I would think so. But is is frustrating to see us rush 4 and sometimes 3 and get carved up.
  22. Jailbreak blitz on every 3rd down. Lol.
  23. Most teams go for it these days so there is nothing unusual about Frank and Shane going for it. It’s the trend and it emerged from metrics. It’s like when baseball players started taking tons of pitches and swinging for the fences almost every time they swing. Metrics apparently suggest that going for it on forth down and taking/swinging for the fences yield more points and runs.
  24. Yes Peter. For many of these posters on here, discussing football is very personal. Very wierdly personal. Cringy.
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