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Everything posted by Nickster

  1. Yeah that's funny. Some of us were talking the other day about things "back in the 1900's" being the way young people would be thinking about our era. When do decades become the nickname for that century? In the 2030s will it be the 30s or will the 30s still refer to the 1930s?
  2. No not really it doesn't effect the grade. It can effect the outcome of the play but the grader would compensate for bad pressure by looking at time in coverage. LBs are vital in all zone coverage and none of ours are good at it. Like a LB can get a plus grade on a play for which the guy in his zone catches a TD pass. If a LB had good zone coverage, the play broke down and the QB scramble and makes a play to an improvising pass catcher, then he could still earn a plus grade for that play even when giving up a TD. Grades don't rely on the team's outcome. They are determined by individual contribution and responsility on each play.
  3. Well Hurts is definitely dual threat. And he put up incredible numbers in the Superbowl, and did than his part to win putting up 35 points. Newton also went the Superbowl and could have won it. I agree with you about shorter careers, but there is some real success from running QBs lately, and the league is followoing suit. It's a copycat league. I think teams are willing to experiment and draft guys with a 5 or 6 year window at QB rather than a 10-12 year window as in the past. I agree with what you are saying but the NFL historical practices have radically changed in the last half dozen or so years especailly at the QB position.
  4. Our LBs aren't that good. They are getting way too much praise here for the actual results. They excel v. the run but are a terrible unit in pass coverage and that is the name of the game these days. In the 80s, our LB crew would be top notch. Here in the 20s, they are not that good.
  5. I am somewhat encouraged by Downs. He looks like he might be decent. Brents looks like a decent player.
  6. This is the best thing for this team right now. 2 lower draftpick tackles getting it done on rookie contracts. Playing good football. One of the most surprising things I've seen in years in athletics is Kelly this year. He's never been THIS good and he hasn't been any good in years. Line looks good with average guard play, good tackle play, and great center play. Again, this is great. The Oline is the only thing I see that is positve without really working hard to look for postive things. EDIT: The kicker is really good too.
  7. It was Vince Evans whom I was thinking about. Just remembered him. That was my dawning as a football fan kid of Da Bears back in the early days of Sir Walter. I agree about the QB thing and interst BTW.
  8. It's more than dance to me that is going on, there have been scrambling QBs back to the days of Fran the man and Roger the Dodger. What has changed dramatically over the course of the last couple few years is QBs who are drafted to be runners not scramblers like LJ, Fields, Hurts, Allen etc. The game changed in that respect. None of these guys would have been drafted high even 10 years ago. You had one once in a blue moon. I think you are younger than me. The Bears had a QB back in the day can't remember his name, black dude though when I don't think there had been any black QBs yet, that ran a lot. Then there was Young for a couple years and Randall Cunning ham, then Vick, then NEwton, and now a bevy of guys. Point is there have only been a few times in NFL history when there have been running Qbs have any success and now there are a few.
  9. Yeah dude and when I say call out, my panties aren't in a bunge. This is the type of thing I want to do on this site. Go back and forth talking ball. You literally though asked me about my ideas on AR and must misremember what we discussed because there is one good example of a guy in allen who recently fixed some of the accuarcay issues and I said as much early on. I'm not sure if allen would be a great NFL QB without the running/scrambling too. It just seemed strange to me that a dude asks your opinion, you give it, then show that he was inaccurate on your viewpoints and then somehow you are the one arguing lol. No big deal. Just interesting to me.
  10. All right man. Hey we had PSAT yesterday and something else today. I've had a lot of time at the ole computer these last couple days lol. These are the good ones sometimes.
  11. Dude seriously this takes the cake. I didn't respond to you, wasn't arguing with you, I think the fundammental disagreement is that AR can be a tradtional drop back QB in retrospect. You call me out and then I'm the one arguing. Jesus skin is paper thin these days.
  12. I literally have no idea what you are talking about. Didn't you respond to one of my posts? Or call me out on what we went "round and round about"? lol. I never said I don't think AR cant' be a good NFL QB. I doubt and still doubt his ability to be good without the running. I don't think it's very likely that AR or Allen or LJ and Newton was proven not to be able to be a great NFL QB without the wheels.
  13. I think you are missing the point. And in the long quote above back when he was drafted I said he might imporve his accuracy. I also believe one of those quotes or maybe it was another one discusses how Allen broke the established NFL belief that inaccracy can't be improved. So I am not sure what you are referencing on that. The point I was making in the quote your above response addresses is that it might not be necessary to be that accurate of a passer with his qualities. So you can actually envison a scenario that AR blows a knee and permantly loses his athletic ability and becomes a great drop back traditional QB? I can't envision that personally.
  14. Bill Walsh coached in a different era when running the FB was much more important than it is now. I couldn't disagree with Bill Walsh more on this one if he still believes this. RB would be the last postion you'd draft when building team these days. WR should be near the top After QB, interspersed with LT, EDGE, and WR/pass catching TE.
  15. I don't think that AR is ever going to be an accurate enough thrower without the designed runs, scrambles, roll/sprint outs. But I've also said that that might not be necessary any more with the running QB. Like over and over, I've said AR might work out running with JT (even though that didn't make any differnce.)
  16. I agree with this a gazillion percent. Yeah, there really isn't that much to be excited about I guess. I still think there is an outside chance we can compete in the division this year, even though I don't think we have an impressive roster. We are playing a lot of not good teams. If not after a week or two, I won't be overly interested in the games.
  17. I wanted them to do that. I wanted them to double dip.
  18. IF you were really interested in what I was thinking about AR and the other prospects, here's a history of what I said lol. Here's what I said around the combine on March 10 You didn't ask me but I like Stroud and Levis. I like Stroud's accuracy and Levis release. Young is a munchkin. I have said a few times in threads here though that if there was a ever time a small guy like that could be good it's now with the QB friendly rules. AR is an incredible athlete. Other than the deep balls, he looked terribly in accurate throwing the FB against air at the combine. He could be a great runner that learns to throw accurately though. I've never watched Hooker play or throw, but from what I understand from reading he played in no read/1 read system and that always turns me off when translating to THE League. But I don't have real strong opinions on any of these guys. I gave up projecting college QB talent to the NFL over a decade ago lol. Tough business. THIS was my quote about AR the day before he was drafted on april 27. I don't watch much CFB. I was unimpressed with his accuracy during the combine, but I'll spare you the quote. "Watching this vid Chugga. Sure. Effortless. But also. Too high. too low. Behind the pass catcher. And short throws almost never in stride so that the receiver can get YACS. From the film I've seen and the combine session, I can't believe this kid is near the conversation of a top 5 pick. Not saying he won't be good with the athleticism and he seems like a smart kid and quick processer I guess fromt he S2 test. But good lord he's an erratic thrower of the football right now. He's kinda like Ebby Nuke Laloosh. Great velocity, horrible accuracy. Maybe he'll wear some Women's lingerie and get accurate. I am very skeptical of this kid being a NFL caliber thrower of the football. Something drastic has to change for that to the case. But the talent package is there no doubt. " Here's what I said the day after he was drafted April 28 Steichen probably sees an even more explosive version of Hurts. Hurts played 4 years of CFB and was a much more polished passer with actual success in college. I get that. I don't know how it will play out, but I really think CB and SS think they can develop this guy into a stud. I think they probably think the guy is too good to pass up. I have serious doubts about the kid as an accurate enough passer of the football at the NFL level, but he's still 20. Football has changed dramatically. Hurts is a run first QB and just put up 35 in the the big bowl. It's a reality. It's different. But AR will be perdy good Day 1 running the mesh with JT if we get minimally competent line play. I don't think he will start right away, but I expect to see him taking some snaps in Game 1. Don't know Doug. I'd really like to see us go for Levis or Hooker in R2. I think we could likely convert a pick like that into a nice draft pick in year or two when we are really ready to compete and have a better handle on where our needs are going to be when and if AR is ready to be a good QB. Will the austrian work out at LT? Will our young Pass catchers develop? will our Dline with all the investment improve? Lots of unanswered questions that will also take a year or two to judge. There will likely be even more QB desperate teams next season than this season IMO.
  19. why is that obvious? I'm not anti-Richardson.
  20. Well Dude I don't know what to tell you other than the QBR for Burrow seems to be a pretty good indicator of how he is playing. Yeah, leadership yada yada yada. Not to say it's not important, but Burrow is leading the WORST OFFENSE STATISTICALLY IN THE NFL. In two of there three wins they scored less than 20 points per game and have only scored 3 TDS combined. I guess he led the defense lol? So I am not even clear on what you are arguing. I guess OK QBR isn't everything. You are shadow boxing on that because I've never that that it was everything. But overall it's a good indicator of how a dude is playing. Burrow is playing bad on terrible offense right now. The QBR reflects that. the fact that Burrow has a low QBR is a reflection of how QBR is effective at judging play overall not a reflection of how it's flawed the play of Joe Burrow. In the simplest terms, Cincy offense and Joe Burrow are not playing well right now as is indicated by the QBR of their QB.
  21. Bestie you lose me sometimes man. I don’t think Burrows QBR is misleading. He hasn’t been good. Hes a top 5ish QB but hasn’t produced this year. QBR doesn’t measure what a player should do but what he does.
  22. burrow hasn’t been very good this year. He has an anemic 5.3 Yds per completion and has been sacked 14 times. Where do you think he should rank this year so far ?
  23. I didn’t forget I just don’t think it’s that significant. There may be some effect but Minshew doesn’t do anything you need special prep for. If you went from prepping for GM and then to AR, that would be much more significant IMO. But the Shew didn’t get to prep for the D either with 1st team reps. Did you convenient forget that lol?
  24. One of those passes just got away from him. He just like threw it to the backstop. I’ve said this a few times today so if you’ve seen it sorry lol. But Minshew has 50 combined pass and rush TDs and 21 combined TOs. So his 4 TO performance Sunday was almost 25% of his total career TOS. That’s really something. It should be anomaly. If not. Oof.
  25. I’m not excited about AR yet. I like some of what I see. Visually, he’s stunning, both physically and with his elusiveness in the pocket. Looking at him throw, I’m unconvinced. You seem to read everything on here so you might recall me saying that it may no longer be that the deciding prerequisite to be a quality NFL QB you had to be able to attack the boundary from the pocket. There’s nothing that I’ve seen from AR on film from college or at the combine yet this year that makes he over confident that he’ll ever do that consistently. However it might not matter as much. AR can attack the boundary running and or throwing on the roll out, sprint out or scramble. He’s gonna miss a lot of development with this apparently pending surgery. He will have to relearn to throw and that may or may not be a bad thing. He doesn’t learn how to get down, he won’t last. You can’t play QB like you're superior to these animals on NFL fields no matter how good you are. He needs the fall coach someone was mentioning.
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