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Posts posted by BlueShoe

  1. 10 hours ago, csmopar said:


    not sure this comment couldn't have gone in the mega thread........



    Yeah. Let's just mega-thread everything. The board is just crawling with activity these days. 


    We need to consolidate more threads. 


    I think by consolidating more threads, this team can become a Super Bowl contender. 

  2. 55 minutes ago, CR91 said:


    so in other words you have no idea. could have just said that and saved yourself some keys


    My idea, is my opinion on the matter. Just as your opinion is. 


    That is what this board is for. Fans come here to have an opinion. 


    My opinion is that I do not want Josh McDaniels to become our head coach. Your opinion may differ.

  3. 19 hours ago, CR91 said:


    What is the personality of a colts hc?


    I can tell you what I don't want it to be, and that is Josh McDaniels. 


    In my opinion, if we hire him then we have completed the cycle to ruin Andrew Luck. It is a pretty hard to completely trash a generation QB, but so far we are batting 1000 at it. 

  4. 19 hours ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


    I don't think it matters who's coming in, he's going to rub someone the wrong way, whether it be fans, certain players, etc, it's unavoidable. No coach is going to please everybody, until wins start to accumulate. That's really the only thing everyone can agree on, and even then, some people will take issue.


    There are definitely levels to what you're saying, but in my opinion, this cat is all wrong for us. 

  5. 19 hours ago, #12. said:


    In Denver, he tried to be Belichick, Parcells and Bob Knight before he had the resume.  From what I've read, he seems to have grown up and realizes he needs to adopt a different attitude in the year 2018.


    I don't want him, and I am hoping that we do not hire him. My opinion. You can have yours. 

  6. 10 hours ago, BProland85 said:

    I'd make them give us their 6th overall, and two 2nd rounders and then I'd make the deal. Then with the 6th overall pick, I'd take either Fitzpatrick, Barkley, or Chubb, in that order. If all three are gone, I'll take Quenton Nelson. 


    Then I'd possibly even try to move back into the 1st round by using the additional 2nd rounders to make a move on getting ILB Roquan Smith if he lasts to the mid-late 1st round. 


    Pretty solid freaking plan. 


    I would do something similar!


    BTW, I called this Jets trade a few weeks ago. :D 

  7. Chris Ballard starts off talking about expectations. Said Chuck never lost the locker room. The players never lost focused, and never tanked. They showed up every week. Without a great locker room it is hard to win in this league. We have to have high standards. Our young players grew as the season went along. 


    A lot of job openings. We will keep everything internal (in house). It will be a wide-open search. We are going to get the right fit for the Indianapolis Colts. 


    Now Chris is taking questions. 


    It is not a requirement for the new coach to have prior NFL head coaching experience. We want a staff full of teachers that can develop players. 


    Jim was asked what led to making the change of head coach.


    It was not any secret that we were evaluating Chuck last year. We wanted to have continuity. In the end it came down to the final day, and making sure we were doing the right thing. The decision was made, and it was tough to let a good man go. We were leaning towards making a change as the season went on. The Jacksonville game was very disappointing. We have to give Chuck a lot of credit. In the end, we felt we needed to make a change so we did. 


    Chris: We are going to take our time to make sure we have the right fit for this organization. At the end of the day it will be the gut feeling of when it is the right guy. After we spend enough time with the person then we will know. Anytime you are a GM and you don't have a short list of names you better always have a running list of the available coaches. 


    The new head coach will make the decision to keep the current coaches. He does not need to be offensive or defensive minded. I don't want someone to come here for just Andrew Luck. If a candidate is concerned about Andrew Luck then he is not the right fit.


    Jim: Andrew is coming back, and he makes this job that much more enticing. The great fan base we have. The great tradition we have. The incredible stadium we have. 2012 was absolutely incredible. We had an Executive of the Year award. If you come around the horseshoe then you are coming to something special. Jacoby really did some special things. The commitment we have in winning. This is something that should last for decades and decades.


    I am thankful, Chris acknowledged to me that he really wanted to come to the Colts. Peopl are going to be excited about coming here and having a chance to get this job. You don't know the fire that is burning in #12's eyes. He ahs a 110 fever. You put him on that field with and Edgerrin James type "BARKLEY! WHOA"... That last part was me. But he said it. LOL


    Jim continues... Ideally we would like to have someone we can have success for 10-12 years, but we are not ruling out older coaches who might not plan to coach that long either. 


    I don't have super powers. I cannot see through concrete walls. I can say that from being around football for half a century, that this thing just took longer than we thought it would. The surgery was a success. When I made the comment about being 3-4 inches between you ears, I was talking about myself. I was injured, and questioned should I train or not train. I am not trying to sell something that I don't believe in. This horseshoe is bigger than us all, and it will prevail without me, Chris or Andrew. I do believe that from talking to the doctors that he can come back. My optimism was absolutely genuine. One of the finest shoulder doctors in the world said the shoulder surgery was outstanding. Each case is different. It just longer for the shoulder to heal.


    I am an optimist, but I am also a realist. I am not going to nonsense anyone. I am telling you that I have no doubt in my mind that Andrew is going to come back. That kid is a special kid. He was born to do great things in the NFL and he will do great things in the NFL! That is coming form someone who has been in this game for half a century. And that is coming from someone that was brought into this game by Johnny Unitas, who slapped my butt in the locker room and said get out of the way kid.


    Irsay continues:


    Whether we trade the pick or keep the pick, it is a tremendous asset. The type of equity we have with this type of draft pick, plus we were in every game this year. We could have been in the wildcard weekend. That's how close we are.


    God rest his soul Ron Meyer, he had a car salesman aspect to him and he was fun. I feel that Andrew is going to be back and he will write his name into the NFL in a very important way. If you told me that he was going to miss the entire year last year then I could not have believed you. 


    Continue on..... Irsay continues... Time will tell, but I am sincere when I tell you Andrew will be back. 


    Chris: We will continue to add competition. We will start throwing soon and that will tell us a lot. 


    Press Conference over. 


    Sorry for the typing mistakes. I was doing this on the fly, :D 

  8. Jim took the long road to explain it, but he basically just said that Chris Ballard will interview coaching candidates, and after he narrows it down to about 2 or 3, then Jim will also interview them. Says he has never gone away from the GM's recommendation.  


    Now it's Chris Ballard's turn. 

  9. Just now, IinD said:

    I can't lie I love Jim, but as he's gotten older, he's hard to listen to.


    Stop and go along with the Um's is brutal to the eardrums after 2 minutes.


    Side note, he looked terrible in that video and he's not even 60 years old yet.


    I noticed that too. He is not getting around well. 

  10. 1 minute ago, RockThatBlue said:

    Yeah he definitely does say um a lot lol. I cant poke too much fun though because I hate speaking in front of big groups of people, I'm sure I would probably sound like a disaster too lol.


    Yeah. I kid, cause I love the guy. :D 

  11. 14 minutes ago, Coltsfanforlife12 said:

    Ok whatever you say.  It really depends on how bad he wants to get back into coaching.  No one is going to give him a HC though.  I personally don’t think my logic is flawed.  He’s failed as a head coach if he wants to coach then he’s got to be a coordinator or start there again.  Fairly logical to me.  



    Imagine you have a lot of money. So much that you're set for life, and then some. You have been the boss for over 20 years. Are you going to take a job not being the boss anymore?


    Like I said, your logic is completely flawed. 

  12. 13 minutes ago, Coltsfanforlife12 said:

    How is it nonsense that no one will give him a HC job?  He’s failed everywhere he’s been.  The only time he succeed was when he had a strong OC.  Which he’s proven since he can’t find.  


    It is nonsense that you believe Jeff Fisher would be willing to accept a coordinator role after being a head coach since 1994. You have some seriously flawed logic.

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