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Posts posted by EastStreet

  1. 20 minutes ago, LJpalmbeacher2 said:


    Well someone might make a similar case about pass rushers. If there's a Edge that the coach don't care to see him play against the run he's mostly in passing situations. Where would he be in the depth chart? Not too good vs the run but your best pass rusher.

    Same for the TE position. A all around TE may be #1 on depth chart but your Big play vertical TE is your impact player.

    I'd say that WR, DB, DL (both DE and DT) have the most combos. OL and TE are pretty clear. LB will flex off of the DL and DB sets, but not near the complexity of WR, DB, and DL.


    Specifically on TE, have your catching TE and your blocking TE. If one can do both, awesome. Aside from goal line and short yardage where you might sub and OL, not a lot of change. 

  2. 13 minutes ago, Stephen said:

    Honestly  Campbell  reminds me alot of hill. I watch Hill's college  highlights  when he was a running back and was amazed  at how much he has developed  as a receiver.  Campbell  will probably  develop  in a similar  way

    I think Campbell could play any position (speed X, slot, or Z) if he can beat the press. I have know idea how he does smacking CBs down at the line though. Going to watch some tape on him this weekend. I can easily see him as being TY's eventual replacement. Had he now went to OSU, he likely would not have been pigeon holed like he was. OSU just always has an overabundance of O skill players.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    That still doesn’t tell me anything. It’s fine to be excited. But some of you are s little overboard.

    Personally I'm optimistically cautious. I know there's no guarantees, but he's our best shot at a well rounded X right now. 

  4. 26 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    It is one thing to hope to see him play well. We all want that because it gives us another weapon. But people here have said some pretty silly things for a guy who hasn’t played yet then add a injury to that.  BAllard even said he doesn’t know how it will go.

    By all accounts he had locked up starting X over Grant, Inman, Pascal, etc. prior to his injury, and was looking to have good chemistry with Luck. That's enough to get some folks excited. 

  5. 24 minutes ago, a06cc said:

    You need to watch his take off speed from the line of scrimmage. I think he’ll be fine transitioning with proper coaching. 

    Nobody is doubting his explosiveness off the line. It's his lack of moves, hands, and strength for the most part. When you watch highlight tape, you only see the good, so really not something you can make a well rounded conclusion on. I'm going to try and watch the OhSU and OK games this weekend to get a more thorough view.


    Here's what NFL.com had to say.



    Edge player with good athleticism, who could struggle to translate to the next level unless he diversifies his approach as a rusher. His quickness created opportunities with inside moves and twists in college, but NFL tackles will shut and lock that interior door on him until he proves he can threaten them around the corner. Banogu could challenge for a nickel rush position in the future, but he still needs work



    Predictable pass rusher with affinity for inside moves

    Has upfield burst but doesn't use it enough to burn the edge

    Needs to improve hands and implement them into his rush plan

    Can be controlled by strength in pass rush and run game

    Stiff punch from long-armed tackle ends his snap

    Missing base power to set the edge or play through redirect blocks

    Too many missed tackles due to poor positioning and balance.



    • Like 1
  6. 46 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    I think the love of Cain is silly. Until he can prove it on the field he is just another player fighting for a spot.  

    Colts media generally won't do pump it up recovery vid series for someone that will struggle to find a spot. IMO, the only thing that would keep him off the team is if rehab takes a bad turn.


    Why all the love for him? For several years we have had very poor to mediocre Xs. The reports out of last year's camp were very positive prior to injury so why wouldn't people "hope" and look forward to seeing him play?

  7. The numbers you'll see are

    Tackles/Sacks/Tackles for Loss/QB Hurries

    I used FO's OL ratings, though not listing all the individual measurements. Just good/mediocre/bad

    Teams in red had sub .500 conference records.

    Southern 0/0/0/1 (Division I–AA/FCS)
    @SMU 2/1/1/1 (bad OL)
    #3OhSU 3/0/0/2 (mediocre OL, horrible by OSU standards)
    #9@TX 3/1.5/1.5/2 (mediocre OL)
    ISU 3/0/0/0 (mediocre OL)
    TTU 8/2/2/0 (bad OL)
    #4OK 4/0/0/1 (good OL rushing, OK passing)
    @KS 8/2/4.5/1 (horrible OL)
    KSU 5/0/1/0 (bad OL)
    #20@WVU 4/0/2/0 (bad to medicore OL)
    @BAY 10/1/4/0 (mediocre rush OL, bad pass OL)
    OkSU 2/0/1/0 (bad OL)
    CAL 5/1/1/0 (bad OL)

    Best game (vs a decent opponent) - Texas

    Worst game (vs a decent opponent) - Iowa State

    Best game (vs a poor opponent) - Kansas

    Worst game (vs a poor opponent) - OKSt


    In general, their schedule was full of pretty bad OLs so it's hard to project how he might do against NFL level OLs. I'd also note the lack of consistency from game to game.


    The big12 is notorious for bad Ds in general, so most OLs aren't tested. TX improved dramatically (overall team) as the season progressed, but hard to take anything substantive out of that game. VS the best OL in the conference (OK), Banogu was pretty quiet.


    Given Perterson's D scheme, it will be interesting to see how Banogu does once he gets quality rush coaching. IMO, he's got a lot of athletic upside, but has a lot of work to do if he wants to polish up and translate well vs NFL OL's. High ceiling potential, but also significant chance of not translating.

    • Like 3
  8. thanks for the vid.

    really loved the tape, but always try not to get to pumped by a highlight reel.

    going to look at has game log and see how he performed vs different teams and different OLs.

    without question, dude has some great raw athleticism. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, AustinnKaine said:

    Good post for sure. 

    Numbers do lie. Its all about context. 

    Thanks for sharing. 

    Actually, the numbers are pretty complimentary of Hines if you're willing to look at advanced stats and dig a little deeper. If someone told you that in his rookie year he'd have 700+ all purpose yards, you'd probably say "heck yes".


    He had more yards from scrimmage than anyone not named TY, Mack, or Ebron. That's more than Rogers, Wilkins (who had 20 more touches than hines), Inman, Pascal, and Grant.

  10. 6 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

    I think you are over reacting and letting this stuff get too personal.

    You forget what fandom is.

    i don't mind folks using fact and data to counter any opinion if it's thoughtful and objective. 


    acting like someone is an * for disagreeing with a pick or FA signing, or simply using the "you can't question ballard" narrative is simply lazy. the "ballard has a plan" thing is pretty silly too. of course he has a plan. doesn't mean folks can't disagree with a pick, or even elements of the plan.


    not taking it personal or forgetting what fandom is, just calling out some of the silly behavior.

  11. 18 minutes ago, RNGDShobby said:

    Don't forget we also traded that 46th pick so technically its;
    Banogu, Tell and a 2020 2nd. 

    I'm not sure I buy into the fact that his medical condition was cleared on the day of the draft. I'm sure every team had their own docs look into it and made their own decisions.

    Good point on Tell. 


    I think the timing sucked on the medical news. While I'm sure team doctors reviewed what was out there, it wasn't like they had time to conduct their own tests or dig deep.

  12. 3 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

    With the batting average Ballard has it's not surprising he has fans.

    What you are calling crap is fans believing in his choices.

    This opinion/discussion board will stay positive on Ballard regardless of those who don't. I don't think anyone expects Ballard to be perfect but he hasn't struck out yet.

    Like you said, the future will tell the story.

    I think the only difference between you and me is I don't do 'what if's' and you do. You are a stat guy who bases his opinion in that direction. Me? not so much.

    I been following drafts since 1973 and in that time what I have learned is you never know how things will go. What I have learned about Ballard is he has a total different approach than most GMs.

    I'm a huge Ballard fan. I just don't expect him to be perfect, or godly.. And I think it's perfectly fine to disagree with his choices. And if folks want to disagree, they shouldn't have to put up with all the silliness from some people. It' fine for people to say "I'm good, I trust whatever Ballard does", but I'm not a fan of folks that freak out act like anyone who disagrees is committing a sin, or an *.

  13. While I think they might have been a tiny bit too critical, PC is raw, and his route tree is limited. And they did say he's not really a deep threat "yet", which likely means to me they think he can be after he polishes some things.


    He called Banogu a project, which I think is fair. 


    Overall I didn't think it was that bad.

    • Like 1
  14. 18 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

    You don't know that Banogu will be and how he will fit in our defense. 

    Take into consideration Banogu added with next years extra round 2 pick you don't have a clue how it effects the bigger picture. That is yet to be determined.

    There were quite a few GMs who passed on Sweat so your opinion was not shared by those.

    There are also some who think Tillery was over rated.

    Ballard explained what and why he did what he did. He values different things in a player than you do.

    You bring some legitimate concerns no doubt but I have no problem with what Ballard did. And from I read by the talking heads they had no problem either.

    I guess you missed where I said "only the future will tell."


    Yes, lot of GMs passed early. At 26 though the flag or risk/reward equation is equalized. And again, I said if healthy. We'll see how it turns out.


    Some thought Tillery was over rated, some though he was underrated. Again, only time will tell. 


    My thoughts are purely my opinion. But as I said, I'd bet on Sweat given what we know about his health currently and not knowing what info the teams had during the draft. And of course GMs are going to support their picks with their narrative. I would not expect anything else. What GMs typically don't do, is come back and explain years later why a guy they passed on might have been better than the guy they took. 


    Again, time will tell. I'd put my draft out there for fun if I didn't think the pearl clutchers and cult of Ballard wouldn't freak out with all the "how dare you think you can question ballard" kind of crap. People need to lighten up in general as this is an opinion/discussion board.

  15. 1 hour ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


    So how do you label/rank guys on a "run-first" team when there isn't really an "alpha" WR and their production is all about the same?


    Like WAS or JAX or BAL.


    And can a team have multiple WR1s?  Like the Rams with Woods and Cooks.

    WR1, etc. is all subjective. WR1s get passed all the time and new ones emerge. Just like the hand offs we had from Marvin to Reggie, to TY. The Rams are really interesting. Both guys are mid 20s and both are pouring it on. Not sure who is the alpha, but perhaps Woods is as he got there earlier. Talk about two great FA adds. And both for 5 year deals (both locked up to 2022 when Woods is up, and Cooks is up 2025.


    Wash, Jax, and Balt all have had QB problems lol.... Jax did well upgrading with Foles though and Washington did good drafting Haskins. I don't have a lot of confidence in Balt though.  


    At least Wash and Balt recognize the fact that they needed to upgrade (both took 2 WRs this year in the draft). Wash took two good WRs in the draft in McLaurin and Harmon. Balt took Hollywood with their first pick, and Boykin with their 3rd. 


    I feel a bit sorry for Foles. Not doubt he will make the existing WRs better, but they should have done more for him this year instead of just taking Conley in FA. They've taken 3 WRs early (1st or 2nd) in the last 6 years, so it's not like they haven't tried to upgrade.

  16. 4 hours ago, ztboiler said:

    I don't think you have to ever worry about this regime adopting an exotic scheme.  That's not what was on display with the initiatives of this draft.  Ballard's vision is and always will be rooted in a 4 man rush, speed in pursuit, and zone coverage principles.   It simply appears that we are modernizing the scheme the same way that all cover 2 teams must adapt when they want to succeed - and just like the Cowboys did last year - by game plan specific match ups to take space away from receivers and/or front 7 rush and alignment wrinkles.  

    hope you are right. some of the talk about position fits seem a little less than standard.

  17. 11 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

    You are not looking at the bigger picture.

    Ballard is drafting for the future. Not if Sweat or Tillery are better than Banogu.

    Chances are that 2nd round pick next year will be a higher pick than the Colts will have.

    Besides, Sweat more than likely was ruled out over his medicals. That is the rumor anyway.

    I'm looking at short and long term. Sweat was a top 5 or top 10 guy. If his medical scared us away (we'll likely never know), I would have taken Tillery. If Sweat ends up healthy (I haven't seen any rumors) than IMO we missed out on a tremendous value at 26. Sweat is the type of player, again if healthy, that you give up several picks to move up and take. He's a guy you build a D around for years. Banogu is not that type of guy.


    Only the future will tell. Me personally, if Sweat was truly misdiagnosed, he'll out-stat Banogu next year, and for years to come.

  18. 10 hours ago, shastamasta said:


    Not sure I agree. He caught a lot of balls last year, but didn’t do much with them. He doesn’t appear to be super elusive and doesn’t break many tackles. So even with his speed...he doesn’t appear to have much YAC ability.

    I think your expectations on YAC may be a bit off. Hines ranked 46th among WRs in total YAC. He was second on the Colts only behind TY. And that's with limited targets/catches. He's ranked right there with Agholor in similar catches and YAC. He has more total YAC than Edelman who has 11 more receptions. Ebron had a few more catches than Hines, and had 100 less YAC yards than Hines.


    Can Hines be better, of course, but to say he hasn't done much with the catches he had is pretty harsh given the comparable stats and he's a rookie. One thing to consider is the limited route tree he ran. Another big factor was how teams defended against us. TY was the only real threat down field. Every other WR could be defended without much attention. Teams doubled TY and zoned the middle to limit Ebron later in the year. That clogging of the middle impacted Hines as much as it did Ebron, if not more given Hine's stature.


    Ds will not be able to do that this year. Things will be wider open and Hines should benefit as will TY and collectively all receiving positions. For a rookie though, Hines did plenty IMO with the balls he got. And keep in mind that mid season people were talking about him breaking NFL rookie records...



    This was reflected in his yards/catch...which was also low his last year in college when he made the full-time switch to RB.

    Not sure this means anything. Hines took over RB1 his junior year (his last year). He was no longer a slot or APB, he was the absolute RB1 in their system, so of course his receiving targets and averages were going to drop big time.



    The Colts seemed to recognize that the short passing game was in need of help because they spent a 2nd round pick on a more dynamic player (and actual WR) in Campbell to improve that area. I just don’t see Hines getting many targets over him as a WR.


    IMO, Hines was drafted to be a true APB, not a true slot, and not a true RB1. He's just another weapon. The Colts recognized a lot of things. Our entire WR group aside from TY was mediocre in all facets, short, medium, and long. This was made painfully clear in several games where teams doubled TY and we were pretty much shut down and had to rely on Ebron as a pressure valve.


    In short, if Cain comes back healthy, and Parris come along well, everybody will be more open including Hines. I also wouldn't assume Parris is going to be used only or primarily in the short passing game. Funchess IMO is going to get a lot of short to intermediate targets. Parris should get a fair amount too, but I can't see him not getting intermediate and deep too. If Cain becomes a deep ball monster, than then maybe Parris becomes primarily the short guy, but even then I don't see us not using his 4.31 deeper.



    And then they signed a RB who is very good in the passing game at getting chunk pass plays.

    If you're talking about Ware, I don't agree. I think he signed on to be more of a power back used on short yardage situations, and late in games to wear teams down and keep Mack fresh. I don't see him being on the field in the scenarios where Hines was on the field last season. Ideally all 3 (Mack, Ware, Hines) have specific purposes



    I think this points to Hines’ usage being limited, rather than expanding...which I am fine with. He’s a gadget player...and the Colts have better weapons now.


    I agree the Colts have upgraded the O skill as a whole, but not sure I'd assume Hines will be limited just year. If Reich is true at his word (wants to be top 5), I expect Mack, Ware, and Hines to all get plenty of touches. That doesn't mean to me though that we're going to be a traditional smash mouth running team. I think we'll be top 5 being a well rounded rushing team. Mack as a typical RB1, Ware as power back, and Hines as a change of pace multi use weapon. Teams have to defend differently when Hines is on the field, and I don't think Reich will limit that.


    Here's the YAC stats if you want to check out how he stacks. 



  19. 19 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

    Speed, swarming and nasty more than makes up for one player IMO.

    right now we can only gauge Banogu vs Sweat/Tillery. We won't know till next year what the other 2nd buys us. this coming year, i'd bet a lot of money that JT and Sweat (if healthy) have significantly better year 1 stats.


    I'd also say that Sweat is a lot more speed/swarm/nasty than Banogu.

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