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Posts posted by IndyTrav

  1. First, I'll start off by saying I dont mind a little bit of 'flare' from my NFL players. 


    That being said, Dez has had some pretty interesting moments this year, from the sideline blow up with Witten to the more recent leaving the field with 1:30 left.


    Im not a Cowboys fan, just a guy from the outside looking in, and I see a guy like Dez who is fed up with the Cowboys nonsense....This to me is a team that has stayed stagnant for the last 10yrs, being just good enough to be just bad enough. At least Dez wants to win enough that his emotions cant be controlled. I imagine it is pretty frustrating for a guy to watch his team lose over and over while he is performing, and then not getting the ball.


    While great players, maybe the Cowboys would be a bit better if guys like Ware/Witten/Romo actually blew up occasionally and started busting some skulls, actually called out bad teammates, bad coaching etc.


    Why not? The last 6 years they are 49-45.....Can't hurt to do something different.  

  2. i dont see Doogan these days?



    I don't either. He probably took a brief break from the Forum. I've done that before myself, but I am drawn to football like an addiction & need my fix too much. Plus, my friends on here crack me up & I can't leave that comic relief for all the cash in the world.  :yahoo:


    I'm sure Doogan will pop up again when he is ready. 


    You can find him on the Broncos board. 


    He defected. 

  3. I've already caught myself slowly disengaging from the NFL. 


    No real "ah ha' moment for me, I just noticed I cared a little bit less this year, than the year before, and the year before....


    One thing thats really begun to alienate me is the duration of games. Which I dont know are any longer now than they have been, but it has recently begun to really bother me. Maybe its because the best team rarely wins it all. Or does that make it more exciting. Maybe its the constant NFL barrage by the media. Over saturation on radio, TV etc. 

  4. What happens when Kirk Cousins comes out and lights up the scoreboard?


    If I'm Washington, I trade RGIII and cut my losses.


    These are my thoughts as well.


    What if Cousins turns into a 3 game Nick Foles, on top of his pretty decent showing from last year? 


    Say someone offers a single 3rd for Cousins. Or you are offered significantly higher picks (say 1st-3rd) for Griffin......With a new regime coming in and wanting to get "there guy" in the draft does it realistically make sense?


    Im not a 'Skins fan, but if I had to ask myself the question "Is *insert qb* going to be my QB for the next 10 years?".....And I think the answer for both guys is "I dont know"....For different reasons, but the answer is still the same....So i guess my thought process if Im going to go with the "i dont know" philosophy, I'd rather do it with a few higher picks in my back pocket....

  5. How many teams could lose all the starters we did and manage to still win 8 or 9 games?

    Patriots- Wilfork, Kelly, Mayo, Vareen, Hernandez, Gronk, Amendola, Wilson, Vollmer

    Bengals- Atkins, Hall

    Seahawks- Harvin Rice entire secondary minus Sherman

    Denver- Clady, Koppen, Thomas, Bailey, DRC, Miller, Jammer

    SF- Willis, Crabtree, Davis, Smith


    Just to name a few teams who have overcome injury. Some worse than ours. Just this year. 


    I just hate the injury excuses. Outside of losing the marquee guys, every team in the NFL deals with injuries just as severe, if not more than what we have....The only injury I consider significant for the Colts was Wayne. Allen/Thomas/Ballard, while nice players shouldnt have made or broke our season....

  6. Oh, okay, because I thought it was very relevant.


    Media and fans constantly try to individualize team sports because it makes it so much easier to sell and worship players.


    The fact is, no one player has ever won a championship in football by being the only great player on their team, and they never will.


    It has happened in basketball, soccer and every individual sport there is. But not football, because not even the QB has enough control over a game to do it themselves.


    You arguments are as lazy as your justification for Flacco's mediocrity being that 'he just wins'... completely negating the fact that 52 other players on his team also 'just win'.


    Unfortunately for a discussion like this,  football is the ultimate team game. EVERYTHING thing in football is....From SB Wins to Stats. 


    You can't simply say "so and so is better, more Rings" b/c like you said its a team.....but same with stats "so and so has more TDs" because again, its a team....



    The best thing you can do in this is accumulate all things that can be considered. Record/Stats/Wins/Postseason and get the best idea possible as to who could be the greatest...

  7. :scratch:


    What's wrong with having a loud stadium?


    The NFL has rules against enhancing the sound through the PA system. I don't see why there's a need for any additional regulations.



    I think he's asking based on what teams are doing with stadium design?


    Is the NFL going to allow teams who have the luxury of new stadiums, with designed intent to disrupt field play, have an edge over more historic, or less cash friendly teams? 

  8. Alright, lets not deviate from the topic.


    I will ask a direct simple question and you answer.


    Brady's performance of 14 points in the SB, how do you rate it?. 


    Def not mind blowing by any stretch, but I would assume thats acceptable. Problem is he is being held to the 50TD standard. "Well he didn't throw 4 TDs its an abomination...he choked!"


    He wasn't mind blowing but when his team needed him, he milked the clock to under 3min, going 8-11 for 71yards and a TD.....The the Eli miracle thing happened, and that was that..... 

  9. I didnt think people still used the "Just rings argument". Its a combination of everything. Its just rings are the last part of the equation. 


    Great Individual success: Stats, ability, League marketability 


    Great Individual accomplishments: MVPs, Records, 


    Great Success within a team: Regular Season/Playoff Records


    SB Success: Rings or Appearances


    SB Accomplishments: MVP, Records



    These are what makes the GoAT argument.


    Some guys, Montana/Brady/Manning have every single one of these traits. Other guys, like Marino/Bradshaw/Aikman, only have a few. But in cases like Montana/Brady/Manning since they meet all the criteria, it begins the question what is the most valued of the accomplishments? MVPs? Records? SBs?....Generally it is regarded as SBs..... 

  10. Right or wrong, I think when people think of the 70's Steelers its not Bradshaw that comes to mind.


    Could be due to marketing, but Bradshaw was a character back in the day, and had plenty of exposure, but for some reason, perhaps he's not memorable. 


    But the NFL and NFL Films, have glorified those Pitt Defenses for decades, and if not the def, its Franco Harris, or Swann/Stallworth....All of them are parts of iconic NFL Films, whereas I cant recall one on Bradshaw....

  11. The new Herman Moore.



    Moore put up decent numbers too with all those busts in Detroit throwing the ball to him back in the Barry Sanders days.


    Awesome comparison. I loved Herman Moore. If im not mistaken, Marvin got his single season Rec. record from Moore. 


    Moore had such an amazing stretech of years until the injuries piled up and he was never the same. 3 AP seasons in an era with some pretty amazing WR is pretty special.....

  12. Personally, if i had to do it again, i would've taken josh gordon, instead of T-RICH. But i can understand the situation at the time with ballard and bradshaw getting injured. It seemed pratical and we had no idea that wayne would fall. That's why i'm high on rogers, because he is a plug and play guy. Rogers was a 5 star recruit while gordon was a 3 star. If we can manage to motivate rogers to even play 75 percent, he'll be better than josh. I'm convinced of that. And this is coming from a guy that really likes josh gordon also.


    Whoa Whoa Whoa...


    This Rogers love is getting a little out of hand on this forum. Your claiming you think Rogers at 75% is going to be better than the guy who is the FIRST EVER player to have back to back 200yd games. A guy who had a pretty phenomenal rookie year, and is now having a historic 2nd year, while having Jason Cambell/Brandon Weeden/Brian Hoyer throwing him the ball, and no other offensive weapons around him, in what is generally regarded at the most defensive hardest hitting division in football......Where as Rogers is on a team in desperate need of a WR, and he hasnt seen the field in 11 weeks, and he at 75% is going to be better than Gordon? 

  13. You probably were born after 2004 or another lacklustre Pats fan who hates greatness.


    Manning did not play for 6 quarters when he made 49 TDs and he took way lesser snaps than Brady did for 50 TDs. Most of those TDs came at the end of 4th quarter ( remember the Titans game ?), who was piling stats?.


    Just stop hating and respect talent.


    I got to looking.


    Peyton threw 7 TDs in the 4th QT his record breaking year. 6 when the team was trailing or tied....Peyton threw 19tds in the 2nd half 

    Brady threw 10TDs in the 4th QT his record breaking year. 4 when the team was trailing or tied....Brady threw 18tds in the 2nd half


    Peyton threw 31TDs at 19 yards or less. 7 Tds under 3 yards.

    Brady threw  34TDs at 19 yards or less. 11 Tds under 3 yards. 


    Brady may have had a few that were 'excessive' 1 @ 31-7 in week 3, 1 @ 42-21 in week 7, 1  @ 38-0 in week 8.....

    Manning had one that looked 'excessive'...1 @ 41-24 in week 12.....


    I think its a misconception about Brady 'compiling stats'. I think the 38-0 sticks out in peoples mind, and it Saints what he actually accomplished.  

  14. Can't believe the pressure his teams continue to put him under....likely looking at back to back OT games.


    I feel like I've seen this 100x....Peyton has this amazing game, and yet somehow the other team stays just close enough, and no one notices.....then suddenly its a 1 possesion game, or someone loses a ball...

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