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Posts posted by IndyTrav

  1. Surprised to not see Indy in anyones bottom 5. Im not sure we could beat Tampa or Washington right now, who seem to be consistently in everyones bottom 5.....Jets are another team in everyones bottom 5, they stomped us last year. We also split with the Jags last year....A couple of Oak mentions, and we nearly lost to them as well (at home).  


    Top 5: In terms of not wanting to play them.


    San Fran



    New Orleans


    Bottom 5:



    ...These last 3, flip a coin, could be anyone at this point. 

  2. Some criticism I have after week 2:


    -We are running this 1WR  set about 5-6 plays to many per game.  It appears to me we have been decently successful running in 2/3 WR sets, pretty happy about that.


    - I doubt it will be a popular opinion, but after last year and the first 2 games this year, I would be 100% happy with a handful of designed QB runs a game. We are talking 3, maybe 4.  The kid is just to talented. Big and strong.


    -Sometimes guys just get in the zone. TY Hilton today, was making plays not even involving himself. The guy goes into halftime with 5 rec, 120+yds.....Give him the ball as much as possible. The guy is hot, ride the hot hand until it wears out.


    - Getting a lead in the early 3rd quarter does not constitute running on 1st and 2nd for the next 3 offensive possession, each one ending in the same manner. 

  3. Yes! The classics are back!


    Whats worse than 1-1?


    Tracking gum into the house that was stuck on the bottom of your shoe. 


    The moment you dont see toilet paper after a nice bathroom break.


    Being 'just over' the limit on anything. So close, yet so far. 


    Watching the neighbors dog poop in your yard. 

  4. I saw on Yahoo, that Arian Foster is writing a column. Check it out. 




    Awesome article. 


    The Texans are really lucky to have a guy like this. I think we all really dug the respect he showed for touching the Pagano banner last year, and now I read this, from here on out count me as a fan of his. 


    Congrats to the Hou. Texans fans for having a player like this on your roster. 



  5. If the two vs Jags and the one vs Raiders are not considered "easy" , does any team in the NFL have an "easy" game. Don't forget that a team can lose an 'easy" game.


    No Jags are an easy game. For every other non AFC South team. Division games are a different breed.


    Oak should be easy. In about week 3 or 4 until the end of the season. But right now, first game of the season, no one knows what to expect from the defense. Pryor, DmC, etc etc......Would it really be that shocking if this game goes 24-21, with either team winning? Its really not that far fetched. 

  6. But they weren't, and what if wasn't my point. The point was even if he was a multiple winning quarterback, at this point in his career, his playoff record still isn't above .500. So is it the playoffs or the Super Bowl? It's a flip flop when it comes to Peyton, and only whatever you can use to shoot him down.


    Facts are facts, only Johnny will have matched the credentials Peyton will have at the time of retirement. And Johnny is THE quarterback. It'll be one in the same.


    I dont think anyone can legitimately shoot Peyton down. There is no wrong answer in the GOAT debate. But compariing him to his peers (Brady and to an extent Brees), and the previous generations, every item is examined. If his playoff, or SB records dont match up favorably against other players (Brady, Montana etc). Its not an attempt to discredit Peyton.

  7. I am just curious as to what people would say if we didn't lose Super Bowl XLVI? Peyton still wouldn't have a winning playoff record.


    He is already the consensus "greatest regular season quarterback " Which let's be honest is a backhanded comment than a compliment for trolls. So if he wins another Super Bowl he is the "greatest regular season QB" plus a multiple Super Bowl winning quarterback  a feat only achieved by a few quarterbacks.


    So by the time of retirement; greatest regular season quarterback, most MVPs, ever NFL passing record (Brett can keep the INTs), and a multiple championship quarterback  Only one other QB has those credentials, and us Colts fans do not have to look far, Johnny Unitas. Johnny is THE quarterback of all quarterbacks, and is only a victim of time. No way you can argue against Peyton.


    On the other side of the coin is what if 2 miracle passes werent completed against the Pats. Your talking 5SBs and an undefeated season...At which point there is zero discussion.... 

  8. And in his entire career, he's out performed every single one of his peers statstically including the guy in your avatar. His playoff stats dont reflect that of a player who has his record. its a team game. I bring up his playoff loss record and the stats behind them because all people see is the 9-11 mark and don't realize there's a whole lot more behind it. As I said, there are QBs that have a better record primarily because they aren't in the playoffs every like Peyton and havent had their defense and or special teams collapse the way his teams has. Peyton in a couple of different years carried the team by himself to a playoff berth when in reality, they weren't a playoff team to begin with.

    Another ring would vault him to the greatest ever. Montana couldn't take another team to the Super Bowl (who in many eyes is the GOAT currently). Unitas never did. The closet one was Kurt Warner with the Rams and Cardinals. Peyton would be the only one to ever do it and will be in the "multiple championships" category everyone seems to deem necessary to be an all-time great.



    No he doesn't.



    This is a tiresome argument. Peyton is only the GOAT amongst us Colts fans, and thats fine. The rest of the world simply wont view it our way. 


    Statistically, Brady and Manning are neck in neck, and in my opinion, the tie goes to Brady.


    Peyton On a Per Game Basis(Brady in parenthesis): Yards: 266(256) TDs: 1.9 (1.9) INTs: .9 (.7).....So Peyton Avgs 10more yards a game, Brady less INTs......Thats what the Stats say.


    Offensively for career, I dont think its unfair to say Peyton had a clear advantage in personnel. 


    Coaching- Brady gets the nod. Peyton had Dungy for awhile, but Bill B is the clear club house leader.


    Team- Toss up....Brady had good Def early, good Off late. Peyton had an O his entire time, and a hit and miss D.


    Other Factors: Goes to Brady. Plays outside 95% of the time, in some pretty brutal condiditions. Tougher division? Maybe. 



    Long story short: Brady had a better team, Peyton a better O, stats are the same, Brady had a better HC, Peyton had an easier 'road', Brady has been to 5 SBs, Peyton 2.....Its pretty cut and dry that its Brady.  

  9. Im not 100% sold on the Mike Wallace hate. Sure, he got a large contract. But Im not sure that makes him a future bust, or over paid. 5-60 ( $12m yr)


    He's right in the same ball park, as guys like Sidney Rice 8.2m, Bowe 11.2m,  Santonio 9m,  Garcon 8.5m.....Nearly every single one of those guys got a 11-15m signing bonus. Including Wallace. ....The guy was on a run first team, and put up some pretty solid numbers.


    Excluding his rookie year, he avgd 65rec/1095yds/8+tds a season, which is significantly more than all of those other WR.  (Garcons BEST single season was 70/947/6).


    My pick would probably be Kruger, someone I think was signed to reach the upper echelon of DEs, and probably wont be.

  10. I will be thrilled if TY reached the Desean level of production. I personally believe that to be his ceiling. Similar to Steve Smith....Something along the lines of 75/1200/8 would be ideal.


    But with Desean, up until last year, you are talking about a guy who would consistently put up around 100 all purpose yards per game. Thats a pretty nice thing to have, and I would think we would be in a pretty good spot if TY can do something similar. 

  11. They run it entirely different than how we did. They are aggressive and have a solid LB core. They didn't draft "small/fast" guys like we consistently did. They drafted good football players regardless of system. And implanted them to be put in a position to succeed.

  12. Someone must have been busting his chops about preseason prices.

    @JimIrsay: U pay a lump sum n reality for 10 Season Tics ..your Bronco tics r 400% under-prized,ur pre-season tics over-priced,it balances out in end

    @JimIrsay: That's the reason Season tic prices shouldn't even have a tic price on individual tics..The 10 home game tics have varying value

    @JimIrsay: N the end it's fair/U R NOT paying full price for pre-Season games..no more you' re not paying full,but under-prized 4 Texan/ Broncos,etc

    I wonder what the prices were for the 06 Jets game, and all of the 2011 season. We're the season tickets under prices then?

  13. I am hoping Romo is that 30+ pass TD QB this year :) and I got him in round 6.

    That's exactly who I was thinking of as maybe the 6th qb who can do it.

    Do you play in a 6pt Pass TD league? Because I am assuming that Romo was at least the 7th/8th QB taken, and you got him in the 6th. That tells me ALOT of QBs were taken Brady manning Rodgers Brees Kap newton Ryan. Maybe stafford rg3 Wilson luck.

  14. I agree. Someone is getting cut.

    This is the discussion I had with a friend on Friday. He went to TC and said Brown was really trying to make an impact on STs.

    The lone "problem" is that I think our RBs are all pretty much the same mold. Bradshaw/Ballard/Brown/Williams are all similar skill set and build....Whereas Carter seems to be a bit bigger, and more apt for GL work....IMO it's going to come down between Brown/Carter and I'm really curious to see which way it falls.

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