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Posts posted by IndyTrav

  1. The Texans have let us hang around all night for all the complaining we have done tonight what has been lost is that the Texans aren't closing the deal.



    I think alot is going to be said about the loss of Kubiak....I bet that was pretty rattling in the locker room....Going in feeling great, coming out pondering the fate of existence...that and the missed FG....

  2. We just saw without a doubt what the overturned call just lead to. With it and the fg we would be down by 8 points at this point right now without it forced to chase and down by 12. Couldnt have been shown any more perfectly then what has occurred. This should end any nonsense the other way, blah blah blah D playing bad doesnt matter crap. This is proof positive.




    Very wishful thinking. 

  3. My worst fears tonight have come true.  Luck is looking like a young QB without much talent around him at the WR spot.  I will say this Hilton is starting to come on.  That's a good first step. 


    WR are playing bad


    But Luck is throwing like poo as well.


    Is that his fault? Mostly. But I'd be pretty scared behind this OL too right now. 

  4. I am livid about the calls. We agree on that. But Trav is absolutely correct that the Colts are not losing because of those calls.

    It would have altered the team's chances, but once the bad calls were made, the D had plenty of chances to step up its game. It failed to do so. Once Luck and co. got the ball back, they could have stepped up their game. And failed to do so.

    Hard game to watch, but the bad calls aren't determining the outcome, just making it more frustrating.



    We have a winner

  5. Not irresponsible troll, not sure what you dont get that saying obvious bad calls have no bearing because team isnt playing great. If you were a child maybe worth explaining BUT assuming you are adult no possible way that can make sense so thus trying to invoke a reaction. Troll, dont deny when called out accept and explain why you feel a need to have attention by posting troll comments...... 



    Fans complaining about blown calls, while there team is getting blown out is funny to me. Complaining about the refs and making comments like " we are playing two teams" or "the fix is in", or questioning the quality of the refs, all while making definitive statements like " We def would have scored had it not been for this or this or this", or "they def wouldn't have scored had this happened"....its annoying, and incorrect. 

  6. One does not omit the other.


    We're getting our butts kicked as badly as we are for both reasons. (We're sucking, and so are the refs.) Without two blown calls, there is even a chance we'd be tied/winning right now. Thanks to the refs we'll never know and that's not right.



    Thats another part of it. What about our team tonight indicates we could have done anything had those calls not been made?! There is ZERO evidence. Did Mathis get held that one bomb? Sure. But before that Andre had 140/2TDs.....Had the fumble not been reversed, what about our offense says we could have done anything with it?! A ST block, and Luck on his back 90% of the time....


    If the Colts were playing well, i'd be much more in arms about these blown calls (they were in fact blown), but those 'calls' are flesh wounds to a team bleeding out. 

  7. Not the refs fault but it's fair to point out that they have been horrible too tonight. 



    No one ever said the colts are playing fantastic....The point was just made that the refs *mod edit* suck



    Not saying they havent been bad. Or missed calls.


    But they arent the reason the Colts are getting trashed out of the buidling.


    People are blaming them. Big difference. 

  8. Again IndyTrav we had the fumble at the 30 or so that's an automatic 3 point and takes time off the clock so houston couldn't just match down the fueled to score! Damn you must got some good stuff to smoke I want some!!!!



    Really? Automatic? 


    I seem to remember a blocked kick.

  9. They have accounted for 14 Houston points???

    No they havent.


    The texans marching down the filed has accounted for 21pts. 


    Our fans have named about 3 plays (Mathis hold, Over turned call, and an Andre push off).....3 plays in this entire game. What about the other 30 the Texans have completely smashed it down our throats? Those dont count?


    And with the way our Off and ST are playing, even if we didnt have that call over turned what gives you the indication we could even score?!

  10. Refs blah blah blah....



    Just because the refs blew a call (or 2) that doesnt mean the Colts Def has to get completely torched over and over and over again. 



    I get so sick of fans blaming refs. 


    Colts are playing like garbage. 

  11. Keep in mind most fans only get to see them from a distance in games or on camera, I got Bjoern Werners autograph at TC and I thought 260lbs was a bit north of what he looked like, I was thinking more in the 240-250 range



    This is where it gets confusing. Because I too have seen and stood next to several players. Some were much smaller than the impression I was given, and others were much larger. I think its a little game teams play with each other. 

  12. Since when is Calvin Johnson 260 pounds? 


    Dude is a monster, and I don't think there's ever been anyone who would be able to cover him one on one, but he's listed at 6'5", 236 pounds. That's big enough, don't you think? 


    Visually looking at the guy.


    Obviously no one knows his actual size but him, but he was standing next to Dez, who they have listed as 10lbs smaller (and 4in) and he dwarfed him.  Decker is listed at 218......Again looking, and visually comparing them, Calvin is MUCH larger. So its one of 2 things, those guys are much smaller than the listed size, or he is much bigger.   

  13. No No No No NO....Jerry Rice is the GOAT at any position. He is the Michael Jordan of the NFL. I'm am Megatron's biggest fan, but you people are delusional to compare him to Rice. Seriously, I don't know if you guys are too young to remember Rice, or just want to argue, or whatever, but this is ridiculous. Jerry Rice is the ALL TIME GREATEST PLAYER IN THE HISTORY OF FOOTBALL. PERIOD. OVER. END OF DISCUSSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Who was more important to the 49ers? Montana, Young, Rice, Walsh, Lott, or the WCO? Just curious.

    As for the living in the past thing. I hate the "DBs could mug WR" mentality. People don't think a 6-6 260lb Calvin would just put them in the ground? The 5'11 200 DB is gonna man handle Calvin at the line?

    Newer is always better. The athletes now, are bigger stronger faster than 10-20-30yrs ago. Just how it is.

    Waxing poetic about Rice is great. He was great. Arguably the best all time. But just as Hutson was better in a different era, Calvin too is better in a different era in regards to Rice.

  14. You can make a legit argument Jerry Rice is the greatest player in NFL history. You can't do that for Calvin. Advantage Rice IMO.

    You can also make the argument that Rice wasn't even the best player on his own team any given year. Montana, Young, Lott not to mention Walsh and the WCO.

    No one is ever going to reach Rices raw numbers. But my money on the greatest has always went to Hutson.

    That being said. If we were to create a WR, it would probably look an awful lot like Calvin Johnson.

  15. I think he's a bit immature. Like someone said, his superman thing, and pouty demeanor are a big turn off for me.....However that being said, I dont think he has been in position to succeed in his short career. Poor coaching staff, hard division, poor franchise really, and I think he had surpassed my expectations, and if he had a solid coach or team or franchise I think his Superman/Pout would be fixed. . I think he is a phenomenal QB. I'd take him right after Luck in 'new' QBs of RG3 Kaep, Wilson etc.


    Top 10...lemme see.  


    1. Rodgers

    2. Manning

    3. Brady

    4. Brees

    5. Luck

    6. Ryan





    So yea he makes my top 10. Top 8 actually. 

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