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Posts posted by IndyTrav

  1. I kinda agree...for him to retire at the top of his game it would be ala Barry Sanders/John Elway...he would have nothing to prove...I could have the records...I don't need them...and I don't need to hear people say I need to win more SBs than this guy or that guy to be considered one of the greatest ever. Let HIM define his legacy and not stupid sports writers. As long as he is happy that is all I want for him...because watching him play has made me immensely happy. While I believe Tom Brady is a winner through and through and has as much talent, skill, and competitiveness I just have never watched a player orchastrate an offense and been more entertaining then Peyton Manning. Seeing him play the way he does is like listening to a genius write classical music or something. I think we all recognize Peyton may have often not had the best TEAMS but very seldom did he show himself not to be great. Whenever he finishes I will be very sad....that is some beautiful football we won't get to see anymore.


    I forget who coined the phrase, but its one I think anyone in sports should consider....Retire a year to early, not a year to late.....

  2. Honestly, I'd like to see him go out like Elway, and not like Favre. 


    I just cant help but think about Favre in relation to Peyton. Played arguably his greatest season ever, with one of the best teams in the league, came up just short in the NFC championship game. Naturally he gave it another shot, and everything just feel apart. The team, and Favre himself.....I dont want that for Peyton.... 


    I'd really like to see Peyton get that ring this year, and ride off. Not come up short, and continue pushing. 

  3. What is your deal?.


    If you dont like what i post, stay off.


    For one, you dont remember about the game and come here and nit pick and its funny how you missed the whole point about Peyton being clutch when needed.


    If Thomas was incomplete, Broncos would have punted but Chargers took the ball at mid field, big difference.

    Welker dropped a big 3rd down and had to settle for FG.

    Decker drop is a Decker mistake. Not only did he drop, he deflected.

    Yes, SD missed a FG, so. We are discussing why Broncos scored less.


    Go watch the game completely and come talk.


    Yes, because in a weekend with 4 games, its a criminal act to not remember a handful of plays...


    I do remember SD doing nothing with that Thomas "fumble"...So your point is moot...


    Welker dropping it meant they were automatically going to score a TD on the next set of downs? Thats interesting. 


    Decker miss IS a Decker mistake. It was Peytons mistake putting him in that position. Up 14, on the 4, getting the ball at half, you dont force it in. 


    Your constant dismissal of a complete Broncos team (which you have done all year) is tiresome. We all understand you have a man crush on Peyton. But Im here to tell you he isn't infallible. He makes mistakes. And there is nothing wrong with pointing them out...


    Peyton played well, I've said that. You chose to gloss over it. 

  4. Yeah you need to watch the game for not only the first point but for all of them.



    So SD didnt miss a FG?...That wasnt a great onside kick?....That wasnt a non catch by JT?....


    Also, re-watched, yea Decker def has 2 left feet (not the first time thats happened either)...Still cant remember the Welker drop....


    And 14pts is plenty of scoring for the most historic offense of all time?


    Bad decision by Manning there. Should not force that ball into coverage. Take the FG. They have the ball to start 2nd half.

  5. Denver could have easily lost this game.


    1. Eric Decker falling on his own ( easy TD missed ) I thought his own guy ran into his legs? I need to rewatch. 

    2. Eric drops the ball ( deflect to INT - 7 points lost ) This is equally on Peyton. Dont force the ball into 3 guys. I give this a 50/50. 

    3. Prater missed a 47 yard field goal. SD did too. 

    4. Onside kick lost.  Great kick by that kicker. I think the stat before hand said they got 4 of 5 onsides with him. Crazy. 

    5. Julius Thomas fumble I think that was a non catch tbh. Surprised the refs called it what they did. 

    6. Welker key 3rd down drop ( ended up with FG ) I cant recall this one 

    And on and on


    One constant, Peyton Manning. Give him credit. Denver better tighten up next game. It will be a shootout.


    *see bolded*


    All in all I thought it was a fairly solid performance by Peyton. That being said, I think had they lost, a significant amount of blame would be put on Manning, and some of it rightfully so. The Denver D only allowing 79 yards (thats crazy!), and the best offense of all time only manages to put up 17pts.... I think had you asked anyone before the game and told them the Den D would shut out SD for 3 full quarters, they would have predicted 31ish pts. 

  6. Sorry that happened to you. But, I guess at least you got some stories out of it...


    I've been to several away games, my most enjoyable experience was Lambeau a couple years back. Nice people there. They also dominated us, so I think that may have helped. 


    I was at the 4th and 2 game, and saw some pretty ridiculous stuff from Colts fans who were rightfully amped up. Walking down the street seeing a Patriots guy getting yelled at, and eventually getting attacked by 4-5 Colts fans....After he ran away some of his stuff was on the ground, which Colts fans then attempted to burn. I was able to snag the hat (a brand new white throwback), which still has burn marks under the bill....Its in my memorabilia room at the house. A reminder. 


    I was also at the game, when about half the stadium booed a Punt/Pass/Kick girl who couldn't have been 13, because she was wearing a Pats jersey. 


    Moral of the story, *s are everywhere. 

  7. look at ther year NE almost went undefeated losing in the SB. The Jets, Bills, and Dolphins were horrible and for a lot of years it was the case. not the last couple of years the Dolphins have improved bills seem to be starting to take a step in the right direction and the Jets who knows about them. but for the most part the AFC East was a very weak division and NE took advantage of that like good teams are supposed to. This year the Texans for what ever reason took five giant steps back. They are a better team than they showed this year. Titans are getting back to contending form only the Jags are a mess. I expect the AFC South to be a toughter divison next season



    And yet from 06-10 both divsions had 169 wins, East had 10 teams with winning seasons, the South had 9 in that time span......so in the last 8 or so years the East actually has 17 more wins than the South...... 


    The constant attempt to discredit anything NE does is tiresome, and incorrect. There division was just as good as ours, our bad, depending on how you look at it.... 

  8. Looking at last yrs list, I see 17WR (although Jacoby Jones made it, weak sauce):


    I think WR who should easily make it ahead of TY.


    Calvin, AJ, Marshall, Jeffery, Gordon, Brown, Andre, DT, Welker, Decker, Dez, Boldin, Fitz, Julio, Pierre, Desean, Jordy, Cruz...thats 18, so I guess its possible TY makes it, but its gonna be in the 90s....

  9. Guess you don`t get it that Andrew throws to his primary receiver MOST of the time.

    It doesn`t matter if you are open a lot, if you aren`t the target cause he isn`t looking.

     He ran wide open all the time last season and this, to no avail.

    Great hands, PFF`s 6 rated pass blocking TE with one fail in 40 attempts.

     6 catches and about 15 yards behind the 3rd best season D Clark ever had with Manning who does see the whole field and threw very accurately.

      Coby is just fine.




    Thats kinda funny, because it looks like Fleener in his 2nd year with an improved Andrew Luck, his college OC, and over half a season with only 1 other receiving option on the field, he had 7 more rec, 87 more yards, and 1 more TD, than Dwayne Allen had as a rookie.......

  10. As a Fleener "hater" I'll say he played better than I thought he could....


    That being said, Im not impressed. I think this is the best we will get from Fleener....Team was missing there TE, #1WR, and RBs, and Fleener still never became THE guy.....He had a nice game or 2, but with the opportunity he was given I expect more....


    His last 5 games were pretty abysmal, but the Pats game....0rec vs Hou, 2-8yds vs KC, 1-25 vs Jax, 


    Edit: played well in playoffs tho. 

  11. I think Pep has got some changes to make....up until the Blount TD run (the nail in the coffin) here is how we ran on first down. 


    4 runs between guards, 7 up the middle, 1 under LT, 1 to the left end.......


    13 runs on first down, 12 of them were inside the tackles......That seems crazy to me....and that was just on first down.....


    We had 2 runs to the outside the entire game....20 rushes, and 2 of them were to the outside.....seems a bit uneven to me... 

  12. I don't buy that  look at the east  they have been weak for years   Pats have a cakewalk every year with Buffalo the jets and Miami.


    And yet the Jets have been to as many AFC championship games in the last 10 years as the Colts have.....but you hate the pats, so you'll refuse to believe.....and ignore the fact that in the last 3 seasons the AFC East has 98 wins, and the AFC south has 81.....none of these are a big deal, bc the East is just soooo bad...... 

  13. Last 10 years:


    AFC East: 14x in playoffs by 3 teams....7 Conf Champ games by 2 teams....3SBs 1 team

    AFC North: 17x playoffs by 3teams....6 Conf Champ games by 2 teams....4SBs 2 teams

    AFC South:15x in playoffs by 4 teams.....2 Conf Champ games SBs by 1 team

    AFC West:13x in playoffs by 3 teams....2 Conf Champ games by 2 teams....


    NFC East: 17x playoffs by 4 teams....4Conf Champ games by 2teams....3SBs by 2 teams

    NFC North: 15x playoffs by 4 teams....5conf champ games by 3 teams....2SBs by 2 teams

    NFC South: 15x playoffs by 4 teams.....5Conf Champ games by 3 teams...1 SB 

    NFC West: 13x playoffs by 4 teams....4 Conf Champ games by 3 teams....3SBs by 3 teams


    The AFC South is the only division in the NFL in the past 10 years that has only had one representative in the Championship game....

  14. Ya, the Colts have been pretty fortunate for nearly a decade in terms of having the worst division in football...While its nice for W's, I often wonder if long term it is a bad thing. I feel it helps hide holes, and hide things we need addressed. "well we won 12 games, nothing needs changed"....I dont like that mentality....

  15. That article was awful.....but I extremely dislike Schefter, so there is that.... 


    "Last season, had Broncos safety Rahim Moore not made what might have been the single worst defensive play in postseason history,"........I am SO SICK of this. Moore was 1in away from batting that ball down, lets not pretend he was just completely blown out of the water......And people CONTINUALLY forgive Manning for the PICK 6 he threw earlier in the game, AND the AWFUL int he threw in OT....but no blame Moore...No agenda there....


    The fact of the matter is, Peyton has won multiple MVPs and been showered with praise for his offensive acumen, and is arguably the greatest offensive player of all time....


    What a Peyton led offense has scored in his playoff loses: 16, 17, 0, 14, 3, 18, 24, 17, 17, 16, 35.... 


    Favre also lost 11 playoff games, in losses his teams had: 17, 9, 27, 24, 27, 17, 7, 17, 17, 20, 28....


    (not adjusted for ST/Def TDs, if any)



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