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Posts posted by IndyTrav

  1. What's the problem? 


     "Gateway Drug" *shudders*...Im willing to bet that is the single most important phrase in the fight against weed even tho it is the biggest double edged, garbage term, and yet against many peoples best efforts, it is still being used, and believed today.....It is a term that can literally be used against anything and everything....Milk is a gateway drug to Pepsi.....Pepsi is a gateway drug to Redbull...Ham is a gateway drug to Bacon.....


    "Using this (a), opens you up to using this (b)!" 


    100% of people who drink water, DIE!

  2. Can only laugh to the he had an off year in coverage. Clueless!

    He is an Irsay Ring of Honor guy in the making so he will get a good contract. Give it a 90%.

    A better pass rush could make him look better.

     He can play a pretty decent SS when Landry is out so that is nice depth.

    Keeping him for a couple more years with his replacement developing would be sound enough.

     But, if there were a couple worthy guys to choose from that Should be available say in the 3rd, I would be fine to let him go and use the $$$ to upgrade the D-Line, LB positions. That would be VERY SOUND also!


    huh?  Did you mean to quote me?

  3. I like AB, but my concern with him, and it has always been this, he's not an on the ball playmaker. He has frying pan hands.....I think this is what kept him from joining the Reed/Troy P conversation a few years back, when he had a legitimate shot to be the best safety in the league....that being said, his frying pan hands arent a bad thing, but when combo'd with Landry, who also is not an on the ball playmaker, it really doesn't bode well in a passing league....We need at least one safety to play center field. and I dont think either one of them are capable of doing that....


    Between Laron/AB there is a combined 15yrs of experience......20Ints, 1 TD...between both of them.....


    Earl Thomas has played 4 years, 15ints, 1 TD....Jarius Byrd has played 5 years,  22int, 2TD....Weddle has played 7yrs, 18INT 3Tds.... Goldson 7 years, 15INT, 1 TD.....

  4. Here is another nice stat that I think everyone overlooks. It is easy to say that he is a good tackler but he has 18 solo tackles in 5 years.  http://espn.go.com/nfl/player/stats/_/id/12689/pat-mcafee.  Where a guy like Shane Lechler who I think has had a pretty good career as a punter has 17 solo tackles in 14 yearshttp://espn.go.com/nfl/player/stats/_/id/2273/shane-lechler. Most of the tackles Mcafee makes are tackles that save the TD. I can't could find the stat on how many of those TDs he was the last guy to beat but I would assume it was a lot., So that means that almost 18 TDs were prevented by Mcafee single handedly. That is 126 quick points that Mcafee prevented on top of his good punting inside the 20 yard line. I also found this and even though its BR and all to be ranked #1 punter in the league on any list is impressive http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1444318-br-nfl-1000-punters#articles/1444318-br-nfl-1000-punters/page/33. Mcafee is a good punter and on top of that I know when everyone else on ST gets beat that 9 times out of 10 Mcafee is gonna stop the guy if not flat lay him out. I say we pay the man because he has so much more value than a lot of punters because he is a good punter and so much more.


    I think thats a bit unfair to other punters. Sure Pat has had some saving tackles. But who's to say those other Punters wouldn't, if given the same opportunity...Also, is our ST so bad that we give up that many break aways, or is McAfee doing something wrong with his kicks? Is it a combo of the 2?....That seems to be such an abnormal amount of opportunities in such a short amount of time. Its alarming to say the least.  


    Another interesting point.  Thanks.


    I would put McAfee on the same level Scifries (who has 9 tackles in 7 years) and in 2011 he signed a 6 year 20 million contract with $9 million guaranteed.  I could see PattyMac signing a similar type of contract.


    I think we all remember Scifries winning a playoff game with his foot. 



    Frankly I just dont think signing a punter is a high on the list. I mean we all had a pretty hard time swallowing the Erik Walden contract, and that was $4 a year, but the guy is clearly more important than McAfee is. So why is $3 or more ok?

  5. I think the main problem is that everyone wants to compare him to Marvin and or Reggie in regards to being a #1...Thats not fair to either Marv or Reggie, who are HoF caliber players...and its not fair to TY...


    Could he be a #1....Maybe....but I wouldn't call it ideal....I think he is a game breaker, but I don't believe him to be a future superstar.....(I think all of his TDs coming in 2 games this season is a fairly large red flag)....


    I think maybe people get caught up in size, and refuse to acknowledge anything else. I think TY has the intangibles, but not the size. Where as a majority of true #1s have the intangibles AND the size....The Calvins/AJs/Julio/Dez/DT/Marshall/Jefferys of the world have everything TY has, and more.... 


    IF Ty can reach the Steve Smith/Deseas Jackson level, I think we as Colts fans would be pretty happy, but he has a LOOOONG way to go to even reach that......So lets not even bring up Marv/Reg....


    If we can get 75-80rec and 1100yds an a handful of TDs from him, I think that would be best case scenario. 

  6. Just because something is off the cuff, unplanned, doesn't mean it's beyond criticism. 


    I dont disagree, but that wasn't the point being made (you know this, which is why I find your comment questionable). It was in reference that somehow his comments were pre-planned, calculated, and attention seeking. 



    What people?


    What would appear to be the majority of Americans, because two pretty solid Championship games have been widely ignored in favor of this 'story'. 

  7. Fair point, but had he said, "yeah, it was a big play, and I'm pleased I just got my hand in there. Great feeling that I'm going to the Super Bowl with all my team mates...", would that turn him immediately into a bad player and a loser?

    I'm not advocating he or anyone tip toes around the playing field. But I do think it was a calculated egotistic act for attention.


    So you think before this interview, roughly 1-2min after the play of his life, he thought to himself, "Hey Erin Andrews is going to find me, what I should do is yell into the microphone, proclaiming I am the best, and Crabtree isn't, Boy I hope she asks me the question to the answer I just made up"...


    No one can give off the cuff unplanned talk anymore? It all has to be calculated and planned?....I think you are giving Sherman to much credit...

  8. I'm intrigued by this response. Seems like you doth protest too much. It's much ado about nothing. I throw in a little teaser and in comes a Sherman. But I get where you come from. You are allowed to have a tantrum, as long as it's on something you AGREE with. But others can't? Surely you should be applauding me for being so convinced in my principles? You know, like you are with Richie Boy.....but of course, that is different. Or is it? Cue Twilight Zone music....


    Everyones entitled to an opinion. I think the earth is flat. It doesn't matter that there are mountains of evidence suggesting otherwise. Thats my opinion. I shouldn't be corrected because of it right?

  9. I don't have a problem with the crap talking directly to Crabtree. Its the me me attitude during the interview. Not one time during his mental breakdown did he mention any of his teammates efforts. That is my biggest issue. I didn't have a problem when Teddy Bruschi called out the media after the Beatdown the pats put on us in 04. But he was talking about his team accomplishments.


    His me me attitude? I just timed the interview....it was 13.6 seconds of Sherman speaking +/- 1 second....He then ended it "LOB" which is in reference to his team....


    "Take me thru that last play"...."Who was talking about you" were the 2 questions asked....Both of which were about him....

  10. Sherman supposedly runs a charity for for under privileged children. I'm guessing most come from non traditional families. So he is probably a large role model to most of those kids. Do you want your children playing sports with or against kids who think that type of behavior is acceptable?


    What behavior?!?


    Do I want my daughter playing a sport, and thinking that she is better than the person she is playing against? Yes.


    If my daughter just made the best play of her life, against a girl who has taunted her, do I want her to respond? Yes. 


    This 'what about the children' is the cheapest cop out.....Were you equally up in arms when Peyton Manning wanted to consume alcohol after a win? And what effect that would have on the impressionable youth of America?

  11. Dear Mr. Crabtree.


    I'd like to apologize for showing you up on the field. Even though we were both competing for a chance to appear in a Super Bowl, it was wrong of me to shut you down for an entire game. Even though we both wanted to be there, I realize it was wrong of me to deflect the game winning pass from you.....I'd also like to apologize for calling you mediocre. In the times you and I have played against one another you have almost had a single TD. It is clear to me with production like that, you are far from mediocre. Even though I am the best in the league at what I do, you were clearly the superior player, and will remain as such until the end of time. You were 100% right to punch me in the face after I told you good game. There is no need for that in todays NFL. Even though I was selected in the 5th rd, and you were selected in the 1st round I should never use that as a chip on my shoulder, or as fuel to a competitive fire. That was wrong of me....I fully intend to learn from my actions, and I will never refer to another player as less than me, regardless of perception, accolades, and stats. Please accept my sincerest apologies, as I will use these next few weeks to better myself as a person. 


    Yours truly


    Richard Sherman

  12. Most of the time Peyton led teams seem to have a bad defense. Here we are 15 years into his career, I think patterns have developed. 


    I think maybe its time to perhaps consider that having Peyton Manning on your team is a hindrance to your defense.In 15 seasons, he's had a defense, in PPG, inside the top 15 6x......In relation Brees another high scorer, in 12 seasons has had a defense inside the top 15 6x.....On the opposite end is Big Ben. Not a high scorer, never had a def outside top 15, in 10yrs....Eli has had 3 in 10yrs...


    Is this a consideration? Maybe, Maybe Not. 

  13. It may well be the most pointless exercise in sports... it brings little to the table in terms of skill or entertainment and simply wastes time.


    At least the XFL got something right.


    Acutally while the XFL, was a far less quality product, the NFL has adopted quite a few of the things XFL brought to the table....Mostly the camera work. The overhead/onfield (SkyCam) etc. Directly influenced by the XFL...Sometimes you see movement on the kicking line during kickoffs, also an influence from the XFL....Now the extra points.....


    Pretty neat for a rag tag start up that only lasted 1 year... 

  14. Maybe I am just set in my ways, but I can never understand most fans ideas on players. Colts fans often pull the "attitude" issues. And I just cant get behind that. 


    This is the NFL, contracts are not guaranteed. The only thing that matters to me about a player, is asking price. 


    My thought is, Throw poop at the wall. See if it sticks.  


    I dont care if a guy kicks puppies while giving nuns the finger. If he can play good football for cheap, sign me up. 

  15. Although I thought he played well this year. I am only relating that to his previous years here. So while he improved in my eyes, it was marginal. 


    He's just so hot and cold. I think some of us get enamored with the YPC, and his TD total, and somewhat rightfully so. But I just see a guy who had 5 double digit carry games and 3 were under 4ypc (season avg of 5.2), and 2 of those double digit games were under 3ypc.....


    Honestly I think the book on DB is written. He's good/excels in a very limited role....And I feel players like that are easily replaced. 

  16. I know a lot of people won't be happy with that and they'll say that we should maximize Luck's abilities.  However, it's a question that can go either way.  During the Peyton era, we spent a lot of high draft picks on offensive guys to get the most out of Peyton.  Some complained that we should spend the higher picks on defense and the running game.  Now, we are going to spend resources on the defense and running game and people are complaining, saying we should utilize Luck.  It's a question that can go either way.  Surround your franchise QB with offensive talent or spend the high draft picks on defense and let your great QB make later round WRs into good players?  Personally, I prefer the latter.  Make a balanced team; a good QB like Luck, Peyton, Brady, etc. can make WRs better than they are.  Balanced, deep teams win championships


    I'd agree with this. But I also think one helps the other. With new OL, not only does our RB and run game benefit, but so does Luck, and vice versa. Where as say a TE/WR would only really benefit Luck (like with Peyton).


    Essentially Im saying OL solves A LOT of problems. 

  17. Here we go! IndyTravs favorite subject! I've always maintained he wouldn't make 1st ballot, and its about time we find out!


    Props to Marv for making it this far this soon!




    I think its safe to say we can mark off Andersen/Lynch/Williams rights off the bat....


    Im thinking its going to be Strahan/DeBartolo/Haley/Brown/Brooks....maybe no DeBartolo, instead Greene sneaks in. 


    Hopefully I am incorrect, and Marvin does make first ballot. I just dont think he does, and I've argued my case as to why...That being said, I think its a good sign he's made finalist, but with some of the guys coming up next year (Isaac Bruce, Torry Holt, Edgerrin James, Ty Law, Kevin Mawae, Orlando Pace, Junior Seau, Kurt Warner)


    and the following year ( Alan Faneca, Brett Favre, Terrell Owens, Clinton Portis ) 


    its going to get a little hairy for Marv. 

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