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Posts posted by IndyTrav

  1. Ya, the Colts have been pretty fortunate for nearly a decade in terms of having the worst division in football...While its nice for W's, I often wonder if long term it is a bad thing. I feel it helps hide holes, and hide things we need addressed. "well we won 12 games, nothing needs changed"....I dont like that mentality....

  2. That article was awful.....but I extremely dislike Schefter, so there is that.... 


    "Last season, had Broncos safety Rahim Moore not made what might have been the single worst defensive play in postseason history,"........I am SO SICK of this. Moore was 1in away from batting that ball down, lets not pretend he was just completely blown out of the water......And people CONTINUALLY forgive Manning for the PICK 6 he threw earlier in the game, AND the AWFUL int he threw in OT....but no blame Moore...No agenda there....


    The fact of the matter is, Peyton has won multiple MVPs and been showered with praise for his offensive acumen, and is arguably the greatest offensive player of all time....


    What a Peyton led offense has scored in his playoff loses: 16, 17, 0, 14, 3, 18, 24, 17, 17, 16, 35.... 


    Favre also lost 11 playoff games, in losses his teams had: 17, 9, 27, 24, 27, 17, 7, 17, 17, 20, 28....


    (not adjusted for ST/Def TDs, if any)



  3. How is that discrediting?. Its a simple question. If you dont know or do not want to answer, dont stir the pot and talk something else. I will let you have the last word.


    It was a question I answered. Your the one who has taken it upon himself to bring up any slight, past or present, in an attempt to discredit Brady and the Patriots. Taking the torch of spygate, brady hasn't won a SB since he's been good, BB is the best they only win bc of him, etc etc. 


    Its embarrassing. Its like your trying to speak for any uneducated Colts fan by bringing up things that paint the Patriots in a bad light, while refusing to actual believe that maybe, just maybe, the Pats are a good team/well run franchise, with a HoF QB.....


    And I did answer your question. Why hasnt Brady won a SB since he's been statistically more accomplished. Its because winning a SB is hard, and not something thats done year in and year out, even by Brady/Manning. But that fact that you, or Pat fans, pretty much EXPECT a SB from Brady, shows you how successful and dangerous, they/he are. 

  4. Edgy this morning, arent you.


    Who discredited Brady?. I asked a question based on the title of the thread.


    Must feel better after all the rambling.



    "Why hasnt Brady won a SB in the last 5 yrs"......Your not attempting to discredit Brady AT ALL are you? Not in this thread or any other Patriot related thread are you? I must have just imagined you doing that repeatedly.



    As for the topic of the thread. I would consider it Bradys best performance yes, due to the changing nature of his team, and over coming those. I would consider this the least talented Pats team he has worked with, and yet here they are in the playoffs yet again....But its a tough call. A new kid, coming out of nowhere to beat the big bad Rams, with a rag tag group, winning in the final seconds. Pretty cool in terms of 'story'.

  5. Can any patriots fans answer the below. I am sure you have better insight to this.


    "If Brady is a much better player now than earlier, why did he win 3 SBs before and none after?."


    Probably because winning a SB is hard.


    He only made it to 2 more, went 16-0, Broke the TD record, won 2 MVPs, a CPoY, and 2 OPoY. 


    Brady won 3 SB with a fantastic TEAM, that the NFL clearly was not ready for. He has arguably the greatest coach of all time, but the constant attempt to diminsh his laundry list of achievements has gone beyond petty, and into the realm of absurd......Just accept the fact that he is one of, if not the greatest QB of all time, for every Manning argument there is a Brady counter point, and vice versa....


    Colts fans will never admit Brady is better, and that is fine, but the constant attempt to try and discredit Brady in anyway embarrasses me as a Colts fan.....  



    And admit it, his last 2 SB you rooted against Brady with every fiber of your being, desperately wanting him not to win....I know I did.....Do you know why most Colts fans did that? I do.....

  6. They lose the right to complain when they finished the regular season as a lower seed.


    Completely disagree. Teams get a homefield advantage based on seeding. They shouldn't be allowed a time advantage as well. Not when it can be accommodated. They generally split trips in the regular season as fairly as they can, but in the playoffs, when there are only 2 games, there should be no reason to not schedule games appropriately and as fairly as possible. Car doesn't lose HF advantage if they play at a reasonable time. 

  7. I saw two great teams battle it out in one of the best football games I have ever seen. It ran the range of my emotions from utter disgust to uncontrollable happiness. 


    But like in all sports, someone had to lose despite two awesome efforts. 


    I like to think of myself as a rational guy, but after the Luck fumble recovery TD, I said mentally we were going to win the game. Things like that play just dont happen. Some cosmic notion overtook me. A 'sign' if you will. Some good plays, and a little bit of luck put us over the top.



    But to any Chiefs fan reading, Im sure the lose was hard for you guys, but you played a heck of a game, not much I can do to console you, but in my eyes you guys played a great game that is won 99.9% of the time. You have a nice future going forward, and I am willing to bet this will be the first of a few playoff meeting between us in the next 6 or so years.  

  8. The 2 most important things in life are:





    Make no mistake about it. That is what EVERYONE wants more of. The new guy is 24, making $495k. The decent, not great 32yr old is making $1.4million......That tells about 90% of the story.


    Were his public opinions, views, and stance taken into account when they fired him? I believe they were. And although they were a factor, and did have SOMETHING to do with his realease, I believe it to be a small amount. Its like saying the guy who drove his car off the cliff going 120mph was killed because he didn't have his seat belt on...


    That being said, it bothers me that this is the point of topic ("Well, why DID he get fired?") rather than these amazingly obscene and controversial statements were made in front of dozens of company employees by someone in a position of power. IF these statements were true, and it is something in fact he said, WHY is this not as important as the Incognito/Martin scandal? Or the Mati Teo saga? These incidents seem insignificant, when compared to a coach condoning mass genocide on an entire group of people. THAT is the story here, and that is what should be getting debate going. Not Kluwe or anyone elses opinion on a hot button topic. 

  9. Ya, I think the kid is pretty raw. I'd like to see more of him because its a small sample size. But this is a young guy, 2 years in the league, never had a TC with him as "the man", learning a new offense, without the best WR on the team and he flourished......this kid could be something special. Or he could be Derek Anderson. We will see.  

  10. I've thought about it, and I think I am putting my $ on Green Bay to go all the way. Just remembering some of the past SB champions and how they got there. I see GB as meeting all my criteria.....


    -fought to get into playoffs, can play in any condition, experience, elite QB, potent off, capable def, getting hot at right time, and getting healthy at right time. 


    I just dont know if I think any other team has that much going for them. So my NFC pick regardless of matchups is GB.



    SF@ GB GB



    GB@ Car GB


    GB over SEA

  11. Some more stats for us to argue over:


    Here are the average points each team has allowed in the playoffs: (this doesnt account for TO TDs, just final game score)


    Peyton: 21.75 ppg

    Brady:  19.8ppg 


    Peyton led teams have lost 7 games when a team scored 24pts or less. 4 games with 21pts or less. 

    Brady led teams have lost 2 games when a team scored 24pts or less. 2 games with 21 pts or less. Both were SB losses to NYG. 

  12. Schwartz was a guy I really liked, but the results speak for themselves. I'll be putting him next to Mike Singletary on my list of "coaches I thought were good and on a good team" list. 


    If history is any indication the new HC will make the Lions one of the top teams in the league, and appear in a SB.

  13. Joe Montana and John Elway hated to lose but you didn't see them acting like spooned brats.


    Montana demanded a trade out of SF after Youngs success.....And John Elway hated losing so bad he threatened to play an entirely different sport if he had to go to a 'certain' team......



    I personally just see a guy sick of losing, and sick of the cowboys underachieving culture. At least he is showing his emotions thru his actions. Where as other players and veterans on that team aren't willing to, just continually giving company lines....


    Maybe that team would be better off if some of its stars like Ware or Witten walked off or emotionally exploded.....


    If this were a winning team, with a culture of winning like the Colts, or the Pats I dont think I'd support Dez. But this is a team thats made the playoffs 1 time in the last 6 years. Something obviously isnt working.  

  14. But Trav..my thought is.....Dez is not helping


    One of the changes they obviously need is to get rid of a malcontent wide receiver....


    who's immaturity creates chaos at key moments.


    His acting out also suggest other problems. You could get great value for him if you trade him and I think he needs a change of scenery to mature


    I think this is a 2 way street. If his immaturity creates chaos, then that is an extremely weak team. 


    It could be a maturity problem. But I see a guy who just wants to win. And whos team is a complete meltdown, and has been since before he got there. 


    The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result. I see Dallas as a team, sitting there on the sidelines taking it on the chin, no one speaking up or doing anything about it. 

  15. The way he hauled his butt to the locker room with 1:27 left to play after GB scored the other day sums up about how awesome he is and just how much I would want him on my team to drop a bunch of passes and quit on my team before the game is over.


    This is where I am confused about the enigma that is Dez Bryant. 


    I agree that walking off is a pretty bad precedent. But at the same time, what else can the guy do to show his complete disgust for his team which obviously needs changes. 


    The Cowboys players/leaders have continually sat on the sideline and taken it on the chin and have nothing to show for it. 

  16. Mariano is def the best in what he does. I would have been happy if they gave it to him.


    Still doesnt discount the fact that a player having 4 neck surgeries, cant lift a 15 pounds dumbbell and cant throw more than 10 yards to comeback and playing lights out.


    I just think the argument is Peyton hasn't really done anything in 2013. The surgeries were not in 2013, his comeback wasnt in 2013 etc etc. 


    My opinion it should have went to Ortiz/Boston. 


    Regardless, its a somewhat 'meaningless' award. But a personal achievement none the less.

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