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Posts posted by Colts1324

  1. On 4/24/2017 at 1:55 PM, lollygagger8 said:

    I'm probably in the minority, but to me, Aiken is the most exciting signing after Hankins. 

    3rd most exciting. I'm really excited about John Simon. Takes a guy away from Houston and we get a playmaker. 

  2. 40 minutes ago, ProblChld32 said:


    I dont think the O-Line is as far off as we think, when you have rookies being rookies not much we can expect from that. I think we have high caliber starters on tbe roster that just need some strength and experience to solidify the O-Line

    Exactly. I believe the Joe Philbin, Chud, and Chuck know whether or not the O-Line will be ready. If they go O-Line with the first pick or second pick in the draft, we can't be mad. We've all made it known the first priority is to protect Luck.


      But I don't see that happening. I wouldn't be surprised if don't draft an o-lineman at all. We have a lot of young guys on the roster already. 

  3. 19 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    I'm not talking about professional media,   I'm talking about NFL scouts and front office types.     But even media that does analytics know this is a untalented roster....    And has been so the last two years.


    I'm not giving up on 2017.    I've posted that I think we'll win 10 games and hopefully win the AFC South.


    Two years away means not likely to make a deep run in the playoffs.     We don't have the talent for a deep run in the playoffs.     


    So, we'll need more talent this year,  and more talent next year to be good enough.   


    This was never a one-year rebuild.      No one objective would think that.


    Well it's hard to say we will or won't make a run if we make the playoffs. If we win 12 games and get the number 2 seed. We get a bye. 


    1. Patriots

    2. Colts

    3. Raiders

    4. Steelers

    5. Ravens

    6. Broncos


    This obviously could turn out way different, Just a quick possibility. Either way. If we are the 2nd or 3rd seed I think we play the Raiders in the divisional round, so not having to play the Pats or Steelers until the AFC championship game would be a huge deal. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, NannyMcafee said:

    Hopefully without the distraction of pagano vs grigson, we can see a more team like atmosphere/culture. It would seem we have a more pro active GM this year, who feels the need to develop a family type locker room. Whereas before no one really cared about developing that. Even the oline spent the entire off season together, which says a lot to me. 


    I wouldnt be surprised to see a more confident team on the field this coming season. I would however be surprised to see the same old crap we have been seeing for the last 2. 


    And hoepfully, we can see a somewhat dominant offensive line. Injury free. 

    Agreed. Good post. 

  5. Well I think Conley's whole rape investigation is just a woman trying to get attention and money. I think he may slip due to that. But he still has the talent to go at 15. I wouldn't mind drafting Reddick at 15. And going Jones with our second pick either. 



    Jourdan Lewis doesn't fit the mold that Ballard is looking for. Ballard has stated he wants big, tall, long armed, ball hawks at corner. 

  6. Just now, deedub75 said:


    Counting on the draft can be fool's gold.  Even if Ballard on the surface hits a home run in the draft, it still takes time to develop those rookies. They may not make an immediate impact.  Then there's that injury bug that always seems to hit us. 


    With that being said, I think we will have a good record this season because of our schedule and our offense and not because the team is much improved overall on defense. 


    Who knows?  Maybe the defense will gel toward the end of the season and becomes a juggernaut. 

    Agree. But we actually have the best depth going in to a draft in a long time(even Peyton years). 


    I just don't get how we will not be much improved defensively. We can't get worse? We can't be more injured than we were last year. We will have growing pains, stupid mistakes. But every team does. I think coming out of our bye week, we will see an even bigger jump on that side of the ball. We have talented guys. 

  7. 38 minutes ago, tfunky14 said:

    Even Michael Jordan needed helps before he was considered elite.

    Grigson was able to get lucky on the offensive side of the ball but not on the defense side. Grigson made questionable choices during his tenure and rubbed many players wrong, i.e. R. Wayne.


    Time will tell if Ballard was the right choice but at this moment he seems to making smart decisions in helping the team to improve.

    Yeah, but Michael Jordan is another discussion. Hope you aren't a Cavs fan. Lol Lebron had to leave to team up with all-stars and came back to Cleveland with a promise that they would surround him with a bunch of talent. That's not a top 3 player all-time. That's a coward. 

  8. 3 hours ago, lester said:


    And to make the original poster's point, each of those positions are deep in this draft.

    What I think the poster is saying is - we have already (on paper, for sure) upgraded from the personnel who were employed in the 30th ranked defense from last year and STILL have a very promising draft to fill in the missing links this year.


    He is saying, I think, that with a few of those pieces, we win a couple of those squeakers that we missed last year. All of a sudden, we're not 8-8, we're 12-4. Not becasue the team magically became elite, but becasue the pieces that were holding us just behind where we needed to be have been upgraded.


    I am not holding out for the #1 or #2 seed that he mentions, but I do believe with a few more pieces that are easily within our reach we are winning 10 or 11 games, and that should certainly be enough to get into the playoffs. And getting to the playoffs is enough because ANYTHING can happen in the post season. In the playoffs, everyone is a contender.

    You literally worded how I feel about it perfect. Lol.


    Exactly. And I think we are one of those teams that is young/will be young. So after having the whole regular season to play together, we very well could make a run in the postseason. If we finish 12-4. We will have 1 less game to play as well. 

  9. 1 hour ago, coltsfeva said:

    To your first point - the op included existing players, Ballard's FAs and the draft. He's not saying we were fine with what we had.  Point 2 -  Ballard's insistence that we get younger, faster, developer playmakers and add competition is a philosophy we can all agree on. Point 3 - Who cares what the "Professionals" think? They don't really know a whole lot about the Colts. The Oline played better at the end of the year and I can't tell you how many of them said they need a guard, based on the number of sacks given up for the year. That's just lazy journalism. Point 4 - Talent was a problem last year on defense but they also had aging veterans, rookies and a lot of injuries. All that plays into the ranking of the defense. The old guys are gone, the rookies have another years experience and guys like Gathers, Langford and Mewhort are healthy. Point 5 - How do you know we are two years away? You don't even know who we will get in the draft.  So, you're giving up on 2017 already?  Point 6 - To say we only have Luck is pretty short-sighted. There are some really good players on this team. Point 7 - it's not unreasonable to think this team can't be "serious contenders" this year. As far as the original question "what are we missing" , we should wait until after this weekend to see, shouldn't we?

    I agree. Thanks! 

  10. 3 hours ago, UKColt13 said:

    We're missing (in order of importance imo):


    1. A legit CB#2

    2. A difference maker at ILB

    3. A decent nickel corner

    4. A young EDGE to develop

    5. A young running back (although I like Turbin) 

    I agree with that. The exact order too. 


    Tell me if this isn't realistic.


    1st pick: Gareon Conley.... Legit number 2 

    2nd pick: Zach Cunningham/Raekwon McMillan 

    3rd pick: Ryan Anderson/Carl Lawson

    4th pick: Wayne Gallman/Cameron Sutton 


    That would fill 4 of our needs right there. 

    This draft is deep at every one of the positions we need. That's part of the reason I have fa Th we will be much improved next year. 

  11. 2 hours ago, James Ducheteau said:

    I think what we are or were truly missing was a healthy Luck and a defense that could cover TE's and RB's. So if Luck's shoulder is 100% and we have picked up or do pick up some one who can cover the TE's and RB's we are going to be much better. Yes we don't have the best at any position but we won 8 games with the garbage we put on the field last year , so as long as Luck is good to go and we can stop giving up 3rd and 10's to the back out of the flat I think 10-12 wins is very realistic. 

    Exactly how I feel. We don't have to be perfect at every position to win games. We just need improvement at all positions, and I see improvement everywhere so far on paper. 


    Hopefully, that translates to next year. I believe It will. 

  12. 1 minute ago, deedub75 said:


    We may finish at 11-5 or better mostly due to the schedule. This team has not been infused with talent.  Ballard has filled the defense with a lot of unprovens and we will be depending heavily on rookies on defense. 

    The schedule helps, but do you realize Luck is finally going to be able to throw without having pain? Our offense is going to have a another offseason under their belt to better Chud's offense. Our defense can only get better? Our offensive line isn't going to get worse? 


    Hankins, Sheard, and Simon all have shown they can play. They have a higher ceiling than they have played at, but they have played well in their roles. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Chrisaaron1023 said:

    Head Coach...


    I'm sorry Chuck.. I feel like sometimes we need some fire. Going "3 and out" four straight times doesn't warrant just a clap and "Lets just keep chopping Freaking wood" Comments. We are completely outcoached it's hilarious.. every freaking 4pm game we play.. "deer in the headlights" look from all of our guys.. just not ready to go. I wish we were more aggressive..no huddle from the start. We start way too slow all the time and have to play comeback. It gets sickening after awhile.


    The other thing we are missing..

    How many weeks will we make it before ALL of our freaking DB's get injured? Over/Under 4 games? 


    These are some of the reasons why we are seeing 8-8 9-7 just no faith in the wishy washy team.

    lol I'm honestly torn on Chuck as our coach... At first, I was PO'd that we didn't chuck him.


       But now, I feel like having Ballard as the GM may really allow him to actually coach and have a say in who plays/goes. Ballard has surrounded him with a team that has depth and competition at most positions that he has never had, so hopefully he surprises all of us next year.  

  14. 10 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    You have nothing to apologize for.....    being a Colts fan is why we're all here....


    But here is what you wrote that I responded to....


    "and I really have come to the conclusion we aren't missing that much.  Why does everyone hate on us? Even our own "beloved" Colts fans? "



    We mostly have Andrew Luck and 52 other guys...    and that needs to change under Chris Ballard...

    I'm exaggerating for effect,   but our roster is just not that talented.     Could we win 10 games this year?    Yes.   But it's not a lock....    we've got our work cut out for us....


    Fair enough. I do realize we are missing pieces. Every team in the league is. But with a good draft and our schedule, we should be able to win this division with the best QB by far in the division. 


    "Experts" putting us at 8-8 or 9-7 is a little low given our schedule and the fact we went 8-8 with a harder schedule and half our team injured last year. 

  15. 14 minutes ago, ProblChld32 said:

    But we aren't talking about those other teams we are talking about the Colts, this roster still needs help at these positions IMO and in this order CB, MLB, OLB, RB, OL, TE

    Maybe we fill CB, MLB, and RB in the draft. 


    I think Ballard leaves the O-line alone and hopes to God they gel and improve like the rest of us. Won't be mad if he spends draft picks on an o-lineman to protect Luck, but would be surprised if it's a high pick.


    I don't know, I'm bored laying in bed, and wrote my mind. I think we are closer(pre-season) than we have been in the Luck era. 

  16. 12 minutes ago, Bluefire4 said:

    People said the same last year basically. And then the season started and they wanted to fire everyone when we were losing. Anything can happen in the NFL.

    Very true. I know I very well could be wrong. But I'm confident we finish 11-5 or better. 

  17. 1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:


    I don't understand this post.     If this is true,  then we shouldn't have fired Grigson.


    Or Ballard shouldn't be talking about the need to get younger,  more talented,  faster,  and more skilled.


    I'm sorry to say your views are the views of a fan.     Way, way too optimistic.     I won't go position by position and player by player,   but in a nutshell,  professional's would not agree with this.      At all.


    We had a 30th ranked defense for a reason last year.      No talent.     And the talent we've collected this off-season are nice complimentary pieces,   but not playing making difference makers.      They might exceed expectations,   but they're not that great.    


    We're a couple of drafts and another good off-season away from being serious contenders.


    We can exceed expectations team-wise because we have Luck.     But even then,  one man,  no matter how great,   can only do so much....


    We're not nearly as close as you think we are.      Or,  to answer your question:   What are we missing?





    1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:


    I don't understand this post.     If this is true,  then we shouldn't have fired Grigson.


    Or Ballard shouldn't be talking about the need to get younger,  more talented,  faster,  and more skilled.


    I'm sorry to say your views are the views of a fan.     Way, way too optimistic.     I won't go position by position and player by player,   but in a nutshell,  professional's would not agree with this.      At all.


    We had a 30th ranked defense for a reason last year.      No talent.     And the talent we've collected this off-season are nice complimentary pieces,   but not playing making difference makers.      They might exceed expectations,   but they're not that great.    


    We're a couple of drafts and another good off-season away from being serious contenders.


    We can exceed expectations team-wise because we have Luck.     But even then,  one man,  no matter how great,   can only do so much....


    We're not nearly as close as you think we are.      Or,  to answer your question:   What are we missing?




    I know we are missing pieces, and I have stated in every post I've made. I think we can get two stars in this draft. We can instantly improve our CB group with Conley, Jones(if we got him in the 2nd), or Kevin King/Humphrey in a trade down. 


       I was basically asking others what really are we missing? What positions are we missing from being considered a true contender by the rest of the league? 


       If you look at it position by position, we aren't as bad as our 30th ranked defense nor our record said we were last year. We lost a lot of games we should have won. And with our players back from injury and the ones added we should be poised to make a big jump. Don't forget we have AL at QB. We did not have a healthy Anderson, Geathers, Davis, or ANY pass rush last year.


       We've improved tremendously at NT with Hankins. Simon and Sheard will be a much better tandem until our rookie develops. Our O-Line may take a huge leap. We actually have depth at most positions except corner and safety now. And with a RB like foreman, we could really make a big run next year.


    Yes, I'm a big Colts fan, so I sometimes look at things from a fan's perspective... Sorry? Lol

  18. 1 minute ago, ProblChld32 said:

     Outside of Vontae who is good enough to be considered elite or even Pro-Bowl material? We still have a huge question mark at ILB, and we dont have a TRUE Pass rusher at OLB we do have needa they just arent as big thanks to Ballard bringing in said "Competition"

    Yes, but almost every team has needs. Hilton and Luck are pro bowlers and elite as it is. Kelly, Geathers, Hankins, and Mewhort will all likely be named to at least one pro-bowl. Denver, the best defensive team in the AFC, has one at QB, RB, and on the o-line. The pats need to improve on the o-Line or at OLB. Hilton,

  19. 13 minutes ago, Gigc said:

    honestly --- outside of making SURE the OL is set --- stars, impact players at ANY position.

    you win with stars. Right now, we've got Luck and TY. 

    no other stars. 

    that's why I wouldn't mind an offensive player at 15 ---- even a wideout.


    Agreed. But Kelly is going to be a star center. Geathers CAN be that star safety. Why sign Aiken if we want to draft a wideout in the 1st? We would have to trade one of or wideouts. And no receiver to me in this draft is that appealing. All of the top 3 receivers in this draft are currently injured and Williams had a bad neck injury in 2015. I think we need a star RB. But Foreman can be that guy in the 2nd if we go that route. 

  20. I've been thinking about what our top needs are while doing my mock drafts and I really have come to the conclusion we aren't missing that much. Why does everyone hate on us? Even our own "beloved" Colts fans? 


    Let's make this a discussion about comparing our position groups with the rest of the league. 


    QB: top 5. Don't need to explain. Luck is going to prove the doubters wrong. 

    RB: Gore/Turbin/Rookie... this group should be addressed in the draft.   Rank: top 20. 

    WR: Hilton, Moncrief, Aiken, Dorsett. - top 10

    TE: Doyle, Swoope, TBD... Group is based on potential. - about average. Rank: 15th range 


    RT: Clark. Could be a stud if develops this offseason and this season.

    RG: bottom 10. Need to find a clear cut starter.

    C: We are set. Expect big improvement - top 8

    LG: Jack Mewhort... when healthy he is in the tier right below elite. Really good. Top 6 at LG. 

    LT: Castonzo. He has struggled the last two years. Still is a decent blindside protector. But needs to step up his game. 12-15th overall.


    DE: Henry Anderson- Hopefully has that breakout year. Top 12

    DE- Langford/Ridgeway... Langford is nothing super flashy but gets the job done. Ridgeway isn't ever going to be a star but could be a solid starter. Will be a good battle. --20th overall

    DT/NT: Jonathan Hankins. Huge pickup. Will be that big bodies all around NT that we have been missing.... I have him as 7th best in the league. 


    OLB: Sheard, Rookie, Mingo

    Solid signings and should provide a better pass rush off the edge. 16th-20th depending on the draft. 

    ILB: Jackson, Morrison, Bostic, Spence, Rookie. This is the one of two positions that I feel like we all know we could improve. Curious as to who gets cut if we draft an ILB. 20th-25th overall.

    OLB: John Simon, Akeem Ayers, Rookie(whether he plays Sam or Rush)

    Simon is going to surprise people. Should be a big improvement here. 


    CB: We have a top 15-20 corner in Davis. If he is fully healthy. But we have no depth. Worst postion group on the team. With a top corner in the draft, we could drastically improve this group..... Rank: 26th-29th


    FS: Butler/Green. This postion is kind of an unknown. Butler is small for the position, but has played well in limited time. Green has potential but was terrible in coverage last year. We need him to develop throughout this season. 

    Rank: 20th


    SS: Geathers is a stud when healthy. I think he is a playmaker. I have him ranked high cause he can cover and make game changing hits. 


    Rank: Now: 10-12, after this upcoming season: 5-8th. 


    Special teams unit downgraded when Pat retired but is still solid.


    With a CB, RB, and an ILB in the draft, we will have upgraded our three worst positions. All 3 positions are ones that can come in and be really effective. I think with our schedule we can go 12-4 and be a number 1 or 2 seed. Having a bye week will make a big difference for this team as we have been beat up every year when December/January rolls around.


    Overall, what important position groups does our division have us beat at. Some. Several.  But we have the best QB, WR, C, NT, SS, and arguably  LG. With a top corner, we will have a good pair of corners for the first time. 


    I dont see see where the 8-8, 9-7 predictions are coming from. 

  21. 5 minutes ago, Luck is Good said:

    Grigson's draft last year wasn't bad. He got some guys that will be good contributors. On this upcoming draft, Malik Hooker is really good. He was a star at Ohio State. He would definitely help. Garson Conley was also really good at Ohio State. I would love either of those picks

    I'm partly biased because I'm a big buckeyes fan tho lol. Lattimore is my favorite of the group but odds are he will be gone by pick number 5. The highest I would trade up is to 8 and it will never happen...

  22. On 4/21/2017 at 6:36 AM, Jared Cisneros said:

    There's going to be no momentum from 2016 to this season from that win. The team will be much different now, and unless they are better coached, a lot of the same problems will arise from last year. Not sure new talent by itself this quick  can change things.


    Remember Triple H's theme song in WWE.

    It's all about the game, and how you play it. It's all about control if you can take it.


    We play the game from behind, and only take control when behind late in the game. That is not the way to win games and is a coaching issue. Would rather make the playoffs and have a chance 99% of the time, because that's how you can win the SB. Pagano is the 1% though, and anyone that knows football knows Pagano will never beat the Pats as long as Brady and Belichick are in the league. May not even beat the Steelers.

    I think most of our players probably don't even think about it honestly. They think about not making the playoffs and blowing that huge lead to Houston. Or losing to Houston a second time at home.


    As a player, it's harder to forget the close games you should have won than it is to remember the games you remember the close games you won. From my personal experience and my teammates. 

  23. 10 minutes ago, Luck is Good said:

    This 1st round pick is essential. This pick will tell us if Ballard really does have a great plan in mind. I think he does but Thursday will tell us for sure

    If you listen to what he says, he is pretty much saying he is happy with Grigson's group that he drafted last year and it is telling that he doesn't see the need to draft an O-Line with the first pick. He has also said good RB's can be had in the late rounds. I think he is thinking playmaker. Garson Conley, Malik Hooker(I think he falls to at least 8, but I want him and would trade up for him in a heartbeat if it didn't cost too much) Sidney Jones would be a steal in the 2nd round. Derek Barnett and Hassan Reddick are my two realistic favorites for our pick. 

  24. 1 hour ago, ColtsBlitz said:

    Hopefully this Conley situation will clear up, but I do agree. The unique thing about this draft is that there are prospects around 25 that have top 15 talent. So trading back isn't that terrible, plus it gets us an extra pick in this deep defensive draft class that we need to take advatage of

    Yes I would agree if I knew that we would trade back up. We won't be adding 9-10 players from this draft to our regular season roster. Not enough room. 

  25. 5 hours ago, dw49 said:



    Could be a very tricky draft for the Colts if they are up at 15 and the next best 10 prospects are dominated by WR ,TE and QB. It's a possibility as many of the teams drafting ahead of the Colts need pass rush and secondary help. 


    So now you want to trade back but unless there is a QB coveted at 15 the this could be a tall order.

    There will be players that are worthy of a top 15 pick when we are up.


    Two QB's, 1 TE, and 1 RB will be chosen time we pick. Likely two RB's. 


    I see Carolina drafting one of Cook or McCaffery(possible trade back to number 12 with Cleveland?)


    Mitch Trubisky

    Deshaun Watson

    Leonard Fournette

    OJ Howard


    Corey Davis/John Ross/Mike Williams

    Jonathan Allen

    Jamaal Adams

    Malik Hooker

    Marcus Lattimore

    Myles Garrett

    Solomon Thomas



    Some of these guys are likely to be there when we pick:


    Hassan Reddick

    Takarist McKinley

    Derek Barnett

    Gareon Conley(definetely after the allegations)

    Reuben Foster(no longer really want him here)


    all are good picks. Really want Barnett, Conley, or Reddick. If we don't get one of the other guys mentioned. I'd love to trade up with Cincinnati and nab someone like Hooker, Adams, or Lattimore if one of the three fell somehow. 



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