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Posts posted by Colts1324

  1. 2 hours ago, Defjamz26 said:

    Fixed that for you. Green is a good athlete. Nothing more, nothing less. 

    Lol he is still a good player. You can be raw and make mistakes, but still be a good player. I'm not ready to give up on him. If we trade him, that's fine. But he is still worthy of a roster spot 

  2. 3 hours ago, CR91 said:

    Jackson has a better chance to start then Morrison imo

    Yeah. I fully expect Jackson to start over Morrison. Morrison is too slow. I wouldn't be surprised to see Walker deep into the rotation by our bye week either. 

  3. I honestly believe the most important person to resign in that group is Mewhort. I wouldn't be surprised if one of them got an extension before the start of the new year. We could up their pay this upcoming season and save us money in the future. We aren't going to use that all of that 16-18 million anyways. 


    Moncrief IMO will be let go UNLESS he produces a season over 1,000 yards 7+ TD's. Ballard has already went after Ashlon Jeffery. He will be a FA again next offseason. If Jeffery has a good season, I wouldn't be surprised if we go hard after him again. 


    What I hope is, Mewhort, Moncrief, and Davis all play great and we resign all 3. 


    But my guess is one of the 3 will not be here this time next year.

  4. 9 hours ago, aaron11 said:

    Lot of optimism in here.  He would be really close to getting cut if it were up to me


    His saving grace is he has the skill set to play special teams


    As a safety hes too much of a project for me, dont think hes worth the trouble

    Well he is a competitor. He fired up that Clemson secondary two years ago. I think he will be fine. He is a good player and I expect him to be much improved. But he will still have a hard time playing a lot at safety. 

  5. On 4/29/2017 at 11:21 AM, waka waka said:

    let him develop he was thrusted into a starting role...don't put ungodly expectations on rookie. I think he can be a good player hes still under contract on a cheap contract. I expect him to look a lot better this year.

    Yeah I don't see him as a bust or anything of that nature. They said he was a project when we drafted him. He has already had more playing time than we intended. I would like to see Geathers and Green rotate at linebacker. But Geathers would obviously be on the field at all times. Green will get a lot of playing time, whether it is at FS, SS, or Corner.  

  6. On 4/30/2017 at 1:21 PM, King Colt said:

    The Bears, Browns, Chiefs and Texans now have rookie QBs. Who do those teams have to teach the new kids the skills to make them starters? If you say Smith on KC will tutor I would say no way he will tutor a rookie to take his job when he is only 32. On this issue how is Trubisky going to learn anything in Chicago when he needs it the most?

    Mike Glennon can help him. Not the best QB, but Glennon was never put in the best position to succeed. I think Mahomes had Andy Reid, the QB Whisperer in his ear. He will be just fine. Now Watson and Kizer on the other hand, won't have the easiest of times. 

  7. 8 minutes ago, Majin Vegeta said:

    Who cares it's a LS haha 

    Lol well I think it is more of a shocker because he has been such a good LS, but also such a good teammate and close friend to AV and the rest of the team. He has helped our community tremendously as well. But yeah, it's not like we cut Vontae Davis or Moncrief. Lol 

  8. 1 hour ago, Bluefire4 said:

    They must really like Josh Ferguson if he is still on the roster. I don't see it. Would have never expected Overton to be gone before Ferguson was.


    I also never would have expected Overton and Mcafee to be off the roster before Vinatieri retired. 


    Just goes to show that anything can happen in the offseason. I was shocked when Nate Irving was cut last year. I wonder if there is any more shocking cuts coming up. Maybe Adam isn't even safe...

    Adam won't be cut. I would bet 100 dollars on that. He has consistently put up good numbers. I would like a kicker with a little bit more of a leg tho. That could kick it from 55+ if needed too. 

  9. 3 hours ago, csmopar said:

    my guess is Ballard's commitment to lowering the age of the roster.  Honestly, I see Adam V going next year, whether he retires or is released remains to be seen

    I think if we wanted to release him, we would let him go out on his own terms. I seriously doubt he would want to sign with another team, if they even wanted to sign him in the first place. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Superman said:

    I wasn't expecting Overton to be cut. But Pagano said something in his pre-draft interview with Bob Lamey that caught my ear. Jeff Locke, the new punter they signed, is a lefty punter. Pagano said that would be something new for the division, which is true. (The Pats also have a lefty punter. When the Colts played them in the AFCCG, they brought in a lefty that week for practice.) 


    I would imagine that Locke likes a certain kind of long snapper. Maybe Overton couldn't spin the ball the way Locke needs it. Pure speculation on my part, by the way.


    As for AV, the holder is more important than the snapper. Not that the snapper isn't important, but he already had a huge adjustment once McAfee left. The snapper is minor, in comparison. 

    Yuuup. Exactly what I put. 

    I agree on the second part as well. It is easy to find a good long snapper for field goals, as a lot of pro guards and centers have done it throughout high school and college. A good holder is very important because the ball needs to be lined up perfect so the kicker doesn't kick the laces or wrong part of the ball, causing an inaccurate attempt. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, 21isSuperman said:

    In one offseason, our feared 4th down army loses 2/3 of its members

    Yeah. It won't hurt us tremendously, but we will notice a different. I just hope the mistakes(high balls from the long snapper and not perfect holds), come at a time early in the season/game where it wont hurt us too much. 

  12. 14 hours ago, SilentHill said:

    Atlanta made the SB with a bunch of youngins.


    I expect to at least take this division title.

    Exactly. These defensive players are coming out and coming to play. A lot of them are projected to be prospects and to take a year or two to develop into a solid/good starter, but they aren't taking near as long. I think Hooker and Wilson are going to help tremendously. 

  13. On 4/29/2017 at 5:10 PM, Shafty138 said:

    Devontae Fields, Jack Tocho, Connor Harris, Hunter Dimmick, Isaac Rochell, Storm Norton, Chad Kelly, Elijah Hood, Cole Hikutini, Pharaoh Brown, Jalen Robinette, ( I know he has to serve ) , Channing Stribling

    Yeah. I want Devonte Fields the most. I can't believe he went I drafted. He could be a starter in this league in two years. 

  14. 2 hours ago, lennymoore24 said:

    I find it odd that so many "experts" think the Colts are still a year or two off from returning to the playoffs.  They talk about our lack of talent and too many holes and it will take awhile to come together.  But I fully expect the Colts to win the division next season, and here is why:

    1) The Colts, statistically, have the weakest schedule in the NFL.  I know that can all change because some teams with bad records will get better.  But their schedule is not by any means real hard.

    2) The Colts could have easily been 10-6 last year if they had pulled out the games against the Texans, for one.  And considering the Colts were playing with an epically  bad defense, they guys they have drafted and signed cannot be possibly do better than they did last year.  I feel like the players they have signed and drafted should add at least 2 more wins next season.  The offense is pretty good.

    So I really don't get it.  We were almost there with a terribly faulted team last year.  I expect the defense to make a move from like 30th to 20th, which is still not good enough, but good enough to win the division in my opinion.

    DISCLAIMER:  I am aware everything is specuation.  We don't know anything yet how things will turn out.  But that is the whole point of forums.  We speculate about things.   Don't need someone to say "We need to wait till we see these guys play....".  Yeah, we all know that!

    I agree. We will be just fine. Top 3 seed and will beat some contenders next year. Maybe we will finally beat Pittsburg? Lol 



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