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Posts posted by Colts1324

  1. 2 minutes ago, Shive said:

    I don't think he'll start, but he'll probably be in a regular rotation with him, as well as on the field with him & Geathers in sub-packages.

    Yeah. We'll see. I hope they have him work hard this offseason and pre-season at his tackling angles. Curious as to what happens to TJ Green. 

    Could we get a 4th for him? 

  2. 1 hour ago, ProblChld32 said:

    I agree i would be disappointed if we took one earlier than the 4th round

    And really there is no reason to take one after that. We don't have room for a project o-lineman. 


    Clark, Castonzo, Kelly, Schwenske, Good, Haeg, and Mewhort are all making the roster. 


    We will likely take 8 in the regular season. If we put one of those 7 on the practice squad we will lose them. 


    It's either draft a o-lineman in the 1st or 2nd, or none at all. 


    Thats why why I don't want us to draft an offensive lineman. Not a good draft for lineman 

  3. 2 hours ago, Smonroe said:

    You think Houston would actually trade with us?   I'm skeptical.  

    I wouldn't trade with them unless it was WAY extra value for us. Why give them their potential QB of the future?


    Actually if another QB needy team offered a trade for just a little less, I'd trade with them just to make sure Houston doesn't get that player. 


  4. 3 hours ago, a06cc said:

    We need a RB badly. Luck is at his best off play action. Whichever route we go tomorrow I'll be happy with. We have needs all over so nothing including WR would surprise me.

    I agree. Honestly, as much as I like Frank Gore, there are some many better options out there than Gore. Gore is consistent, always stays healthy, and runs hard. But he isn't very "athletic" and can't bust a home run. 


    I'd rather draft Foreman, Gallman, Conner, or pick up Jamaal Charles.



  5. 2 hours ago, ProblChld32 said:

    I dont think Haeg played that bad especially for a rookie being thrown into the fire like he did. I think he is a more than capable starter that just needs to get stronger and gain more experience he has shown promise. 

    People forget about denzelle Good and Brian Schwenske as well. We don't really NEED an offensive lineman IMO. 

  6. 8 hours ago, throwing BBZ said:

    What are you missing?
     Tenn. Jax Texans
    At best we go 3-3 in our division.

    Your crazy. At best we go 6-0, lol. But seriously, at worst we go 3-3. I'm thinking we likely end up going 4-2, 5-1. 


    If you're saying at best we go 3-3, you're saying we are the worst team in the division. That's not even a relevant comment. We were beat up last year and we have Andrew Luck on our roster. I could see saying we're second best. But last? 


    Must suck being a Colts fan for you thinking we are gonna lose all the time. 

  7. On 4/25/2017 at 8:00 PM, Defjamz26 said:

    Wow. Not the responses I expected in this topic. You all need to wake up and stop believes that teams passions in Collins was wrong just because he ended up being clear.


    You don't make an educated guess or trust your instincts on something as serious as a rape charge. That is just really bad business and no one with any idea of how Public Relations work would say otherwise. 


    Unless he somehow clears this up in a day in a half, Conley is on no ones board and will be drafted by no one because that is the RIGHT thing to do. You don't "Bet" on things like this. You only make the decision if you have cold hard FACTS (which would be made available to the public in that instance) that he is 100% not guilty. It's not "he should be knocked down a few rounds" or "I just wouldn't take him in the first", it's that no NFL team should draft him in any round. Period!!!


    Really disappointed by some of the posters in here. I don't care how much this "happens all the time and turns out to be false". You don't play around with stuff like this.

    That's not fair. Conley is a good kid. Just cause someone decides, "hey I hung out with this guy who is poised to be a top pick in the NFL draft, so I might as well ruin his life and try to get a bunch of $..." doesn't mean that he should be punished for it. 


    I would bet $200 he ends up not guilty. Mixon is different. He was seen on video. Foster and Tim Williams are different too. They have made multiple mistakes.


    no reason to say that you are disappointed with the posters on here. Some may truly believe he isn't guilty. Which he likely isn't or he would be in jail by now. 


    Now if he is guilty, I'm sure the scouts have an idea about it. If that's the case, obviously I'm not saying don't draft a rapist. I hope he serves his time. And I apologize. But I personally believe he is innocent. 

  8. 10 minutes ago, Superman said:


    We should have gone 11-5 last year. That doesn't mean the roster isn't lacking in various ways.

    Exactly. Being able to go 11-5 with a roster like that should make you realize that our team should be able to win 12 games this year and challenge the top teams. The only team that I think is clearly ahead of everyone else is the Pats. Every other team I'm confident we can beat. 

  9. 16 minutes ago, Superman said:


    Sure there is. Statistically, you can expect a regression to the mean, given the relatively small sample size. Especially for a player that, when targeted more consistently in college, almost never dropped the ball.



    I'd like to see charting that supports this conclusion.



    You're moving the goal posts. There's quite a difference between "complete lack of productivity" and "solid productivity." Yardage is a measure of productivity. Dorsett actually had a higher catch rate and a far higher yards/target and yards/catch than Moncrief.



    I'm obviously not asking for perfection. I'm simply asking for common sense adjustments that would promote greater productivity, make better use of the weapons we have, and minimize the weaknesses of the offensive line. I've been asking for those adjustments since 2012. Our passing offense is flawed, and until it's adjusted, we won't get premium production and efficiency out of our QB or our receivers.


    If Luck has a wide open receiver in the middle of the field, directly in front of him, on 3rd and 2, in the shadow of his own goal post, and doesn't trust that receiver enough to throw him the ball, then that receiver shouldn't be on the field. Another coaching issue... but I don't believe that Luck simply doesn't trust Dorsett, not when you watch him throw lobs to Dorsett 60 yards down the field.


    If you watch that play, though, it was designed to scheme Hilton open, and it worked, except he fell down. But even before he fell down, the defense bailed out and basically surrendered the first down across the middle, leaving Dorsett wide open right away. Not only was he wide open, he had no one near him, no one over the top, and had an angle to turn that short catch into a HUGE gain before a defender would even be able to engage him. This is the stuff a QB's dreams are made of. Luck simply missed him.


    There are other examples of Luck missing Dorsett, getting pressured before Dorsett's long developing route is even complete, or the play calling sending Dorsett right into the teeth of the defense. And not just Dorsett; it hampers all of our receivers. And I'm not trying to make Dorsett out to be a victim. His drops last year hurt; he needs to tighten up his route running (though it's not as bad as some make it out to be); he seemed to fall down at times last year (Denver game?)... But he's not the problem with the offense.


    And really, my point is not even to defend Dorsett, and I'm certainly not taking shots at Aiken. My point is that, until the offense is adjusted, I don't think it matters who we have at WR3, the offense isn't going to make good use of that player, by design.


    Sorry for these long replies. This is my biggest pet peeve with this team, and you've gotten me started...

    I somewhat agree with your post.


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're practically saying our WR3 is a decoy to get Hilton open? 


    I do believe we ran Dorsett(WR3) deep a lot to get a safety to go with him overtop. But the problem is. Hilton was running 15-20 yard routes that took to long to develop. So the safety or slot corner had time to react and see where the ball was going to go. 


    I think our plans got all screwed up when Moncrief got injured after week 2. We didn't have a "big" receiver. Dorsett could get bumped off coverage and Rogers was too raw to consistently count on to run the routes that Moncrief was designed to run. 


    So, no I don't think our initial intentions were designed to only get Hilton open, but he was partly the only one that could get open consistently. So we gameplanned around him. I don't think Luck ever looked at someone wide open, and decided not to throw to him. But he may have though, "Dorsett/Allen is open, but I know Hilton is getting ready to break off his route and be wide open for a 30 yard gain instead of a 7 yard gain underneath." 


    A lot of times Hilton did end up wide open, but sometimes he fell like in that case, or he never end up getting open. 


    I think with a healthy Moncrief, Aiken, and Dorsett hopefully a little more developed, we will be able to run the offense how Chud anticipated. 

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