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Posts posted by Colts1324

  1. 18 minutes ago, shastamasta said:


    Jones basically pays for the draft class...so they have $30M left to spend? They could easily bring in Brown and Hankins and still carry over a ton of cap space for next season.

    Not a "ton" but a good 12-15 million. Not a lot in today's NFL. But enough to sign one or two mid tier free agents next year! 

  2. 38 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


    Surely Woods isn't Ballard's solution for NT. Kind of goes against the whole "competition at every position" philosophy since it would be between him and David Parry.

    I think Woods was to replace Kerr and eventually Perry(I think if he is guilty of all of those convictions he will be released) in the rotation. I think we sign Hankins or swing a trade for Richardson. 

  3. 1 hour ago, richard pallo said:

    Just from what I have seen from CB so far I think he would do it.  He was supposed to be the best kicker to come out in a decade.  That's why they went after him. He would have a lot of suitors IMO.  Playing behind Adam for a year could really be a plus for him and us. 

    Yeah. I think a lot of people would bring him in to compete. Even teams with decent kickers. He is 19 and could kick for the next 20 years. Don't be surprised if he has a great year next year wherever he ends up. 

  4. 1 hour ago, egg said:


    have thought about AV's replacement, but don't know who it might be. I do know, and many others know, that the Colts have a very long tradition of fielding great kickers (and punters).

    Yes we do. But we just signed Jeff Locke, and average punter, and if AV retires, we could very well get an average kicker. We have always had a good kicking unit and it has been a strength. With the extra points being further out. Kickers are even more important. 

  5. 1 hour ago, 21isSuperman said:

    I haven't heard or read a single comment or report or anything on anyone associated with the Colts - fan, coach, management - wanting Roberto Aguayo

    I haven't seen anything about it. I was curious how everyone else felt about it. Some agree. Some don't. That's fine. I like debating. 

  6. 1 hour ago, richard pallo said:

    Just from what I have seen from CB so far I think he would do it.  He was supposed to be the best kicker to come out in a decade.  That's why they went after him. He would have a lot of suitors IMO.  Playing behind Adam for a year could really be a plus for him and us. 

    Exactly. I don't see what the problem would be with it. He obviously has the talent like shipp said. He needs to work on his mental focus. He is 19 years old. It would be hard to kick(arguably the position with the most pressure on one given play) with 60,000 + people in the stands and hundreds of thousands watching. 

  7. 18 minutes ago, buccolts said:

    Actually, I thought it was just a bit silly.

    NOW, I'm starting to think it's actually stupid.


    Well, if we'll always need a kicker, and Aguayo is the last one, yes, I'm concerned now.

    Okay. Obviously he isn't the last one. He would get picked up if he didn't make it through the bucs camp. Teams likely sign them to one year contracts if it's is late after training camp. If he had a good year, we could pick him up as he would be a FA. Just agree to disagree.

  8. 30 minutes ago, UKColt13 said:

    Aguayo isn't all that. TB were stupid enough to draft a K in the 2nd. Just because he went there doesn't mean he's the best. Best K available in the 7th round of the draft after AV retires would do fine. But that could be 10 years from now for all we know.

    I'm not saying he is a top 3 kicker. But he has potential. He is young. If he gets cut this offseason. Signs a 1 year contract for a team in need of a kicker at some point next season, I would be happy to give him a shot. Better than using a draft pick. 

  9. 10 hours ago, buccolts said:

    I never thought of it before, and likely never will again.

    So, you're alone, so far.

    You act like it's stupid. Gets us a kicker for the next 10 years. If Adam retires, we need a kicker. There is not any good kickers out there that will be available. People that don't think ahead of time are the ones that don't go places in life. haha 

  10. Is it just me or is everyone else hoping if AV retires next year(I think he could play 3 more) that we pick up Robert Aguayo? He played bad his rookie year. But I think it was just him trying to adjust to the different atmosphere and all of the pressure. He is talented. He was drafted in the SECOND round in today's NFL. Rumors are he could very well be released by the Bucs. 

  11. 18 minutes ago, Smonroe said:


    Everyone was hurt the year he had 75.  

    That doesn't take away from anything that he did. That is how a lot of players break out and become stars/great players. Not everyone starts off as a starter. I like this signing. He isn't anything fancy, but more reliable than Dorsett until Dorsett proves otherwise. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, ProblChld32 said:


    They extended a first round tender to Brown, the team that signs him will need to give up their 1st. Brown is too small anyways and in my opinion is overrated. I wouldn't waste my time on Sherman either he excels in an off zone scheme that has impeccable safety play. He wouldn't do well in our Defense. Pass on both

    I agree if it means giving up a 1st, but you wouldn't be stoked giving up a 3rd for Sherman? He is making 11 million a year which is actually low for corners in their second contracts nowadays. 

  13. 22 minutes ago, jshipp23 said:

    Even if it means a real shot at the Super Bowl? We need a good draft and to avoid catastrophic injuries, but I dont think we a sooo far away like some do..I think we keep investing in defense, sign Zach Brown already, and have a good defensive draft we are right there.Falcons were 8-8 2 yrs ago and gave away the Super Bowl..I think we have a championship caliber qb and offense, if we create a 15-20 ranked defense with fa and draft we r in the conversation...This 2 or 3 yrs away b.s.is nonsense..Most rosters turn over in 4 or 5 years in nfl anyways, this ain't baseball..If u got an elite QB you always should go all in bet on black and hope to catch lightening in a bottle..Luck ain't getting younger, give him a chance with a decent defense and he'll get it done if he doesnt have to score 35 to win and risk life and limb to make a play to win...Give him a defense a running game and chance to play with a LEAD...

    I agree with your statement that Luck isn't getting any younger and we would be hard to beat with the league! Luck wouldn't have to force things and we would be able to use play action even more. But I think the corners in the draft can start and be good their first year. Look at Jalen Ramsey. He was rated very well his first year. I think we will surprise some people if we get a top corner and an ILB in the draft(or Zach Brown). 

  14. 45 minutes ago, jshipp23 said:

    He is being shopped around now..


    3 minutes ago, Luck 4 president said:

    I don't see either of these guys being let go for less than a first. The only reason the patriots and Seahawks are open to this is because they know with an extra 1st round pick they can replace Sherman and Butler with one of the talented corners in this draft. 

    I agree. Why would we give up something to let them get someone that is projected to be a star for a lesser salary and 3-7 years younger. If we gave up a second, I'd be okay with that. Not a first. 

  15. 8 minutes ago, jshipp23 said:

    I think Brown can be had for a 2nd and he is a top 5 cb right now...Sherman possibly could be had for a 3rd or 4th.. New England isn't gonna pay Brown after signing Gilmore and they need picks as they've traded away most of their picks this year..With Brown and Davis we would have the top secondary in the league and give our linebackers time to sack the qb...

    Seattle will not even think about getting rid of Sherman for a 3rd or 4th. I think if he was available a team would give up a 1st or second for him. Like the packers, Jets, Bills, or someone now in need of a corner like us. He isn't the best fit in our system but for a 3rd round pick, I'd be happy to have a winner at corner. He's physical and we need that. But we won't get him. Nor Butler IMO. 

  16. 35 minutes ago, MFT5 said:

    remember butler being a subpar corner & blossomomg here ... if Mingo at ILB puts it together he's a star 

    Don't forget Miami also demonted Davis to their number 3 corner corner and we traded for him. He became arguably a top 5 corner for 2 or 3 years. The last 2 years he hasn't had great seasons but he has still been above average. I think Mingo will contribute well in our defense for a backup but won't be a star. 

  17. 18 hours ago, BCoop said:


    This isn't how supply and demand works at all.


    I agree with the end of your post though. Exercising patience is never the easy route to take, although it's typically the right one.

    Well as supply goes up, the price goes up. The cap space keeps raising so they players are asking for more money. Ballard doesn't want to waste it on a few players. I think he should sign at least one top player. But I see what he is doing. 

  18. 15 hours ago, Finball said:


    I don't think they will. Alford will make just under 10M the next few years and Trufant will get monster contract extension soon and will make 8M this year.

    I don't think Seattle would trade him to Atlanta because that would give them another weapon to beat Seattle with. I'd imagine they would trade him to an AFC team or someone who isn't a top team in the NFC.

  19. 21 hours ago, Finball said:




    Seattle plays a ton of cover 3 and they use pattern-matching in their zone, so Sherman covers his guy like man to man in most deep routes.


    I very much agree though that having safety like Earl Thomas makes his life easier. And I agree that trading a big price for 29yr old corners isn't something that should be high on Colts to-do list.

    Yeah they do play a lot of cover 3. But when they go to man. Sherman generally covers the No. 2 receiver while the No. 1 receiver is covered by the second best corner with a safety doubling him overtop. Sherman only plays one side of the field most of the time as well. 

  20. 9 minutes ago, Everyone said:

    He's doing his job, said he wouldn't throw big money in FA and want's to build through the draft. Can't please everyone in this "I want it now" world.

    Well this world has become all about supply and demand. People want the money to play. If you supply them the money, you'll have a lot of demand. Hard to get top players unless you are willing to pay up. But the smartest long term approach is doing what he is doing(for the most part). It just sucks as a fan! 

  21. Wow that is a lot more than I thought.

    Someone reported we only had 20 million left without consideration of the draft. We have 37.5 now which is quite a bit of money. Can actually still sign Brown and Minter if we want. And TJ McDonald or Jahiri Evans(veteran guard to compete with the young bloods). 

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