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Posts posted by Colts1324

  1. 36 minutes ago, LockeDown said:

    I would beg to differ with the cool your jets squad.  The best team almost never wins the SB.  It's the team that plays the best or the hot team.  ( yes I think Falcons and Seahawks were better than the Pats) Our offense is ahead of our defense.  If they ramp it up another notch this year, the new defense should begin gelling toward the playoffs, assuming they gel.  At that point, you never know.  Injuries happen,   There is no way I believe Ballard is on a 2 year plan. I bet he wouldn't admit it anyway.  He knows 2 great FAs wouldn't get the job done with a lack of cohesive talent at the other positions.  So, he is distributing good talent and depth across the board.  Draft 3-4 really  good players and make our run.  Oh yeah, The Pats were the best team with Moss and they lost.  Colts  had their best team the year before we actually won.  You can't say it's been 2-3 years now, we will win this year.  Doesn't work that way.

    Agreed. Although I think the Pats will have possibly the best roster if they resign Hightower in the league(definitely the AFC), they are bound to get beat in the playoffs. Brady might slow down. You never know. But we can't rely on that. We have to get better, as a coaching staff and as a team, and I believe we are getting better, and luck will finally be healthy. I think this season is going to be a surprise to many people. I see two teams from the AFC south making the playoffs, both of them being 10-6 or better. 

  2. 1 hour ago, IinD said:

    We got screwed and lost the first quarter of Lucks career because Grigs (and Pags as well, but that's a different topic) screwed the roster.


    We had a chance before Luck got paid, but his drafts have put us here.


    This team isn't beating the top afc/nfc teams with a couple guys.


    Need to draft a lot of guys.

    Can't wait until you guys realize how good Luck is. He has TY Hilton, and other weapons. We may have the best O-line yet. I'm skeptical about the defense as I wish he would have nabbed real playmakers but we still have a shot at Poe. Minter. And a top CB or pass rusher in the draft. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, COLTS449 said:


    Decent backup, but we should have signed Lang and let our own guys be backups.

    Well Lang cost 11 million. So I'm kind of glad we passed on that. I wanted him badly too but I feel like obviously he has a plan. Or Ballard would not allow it to happen. He knows protecting Luck is the number one priority. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, NorthernBlue said:

    All these players will be , as Supe said, stop gap players. Players that will start for the next 1-2 years while any draft picks we get this year, next year (and even some guys from last year) all develop and take over. Evidently, when most of the deals end/near the end.

    That's why I said it would do harm to sign bigger free agents to 3 year deals. When there contracts end, that is when we can start extending our own. But I like his signings. Wish we would have went after Hightower harder, but Minter is still a solid player. 

  5. 39 minutes ago, Superman said:


    No one he's signed is a foundational player. Stop gaps, all of them, a couple with the potential to be pretty good starters for a year or two, a couple of project level players. The only guy we've officially considered who would be even close to a building block would be Poe, and he evidently wants a short term deal. 


    So, yes, the plan is still to build through the draft. And that won't be done in one year.

    I agree with the fact that they are all stop gap players. I like what he is doing. I'm just surprised he is as active as he is from what he said during his press conference. But not complaining. I love it!!!  

  6. I like what Ballard is doing. I'm glad he is signing several free agents to improve the roster. He has signed 4 already at just OLB/DE. I think he gets a NT, corner or safety, and OT. But I'm surprised(even though I'm happy about it), he is rumored to be interested in so many free agents. 

  7. 8 minutes ago, Coltsfanforlife12 said:

    I'm going to have to disagree with you there... McPhee had been in the league 4-5 years had 64 tackles (double hunts) and 17 sacks to hunts 1.5... this dude is primed for the last round of roster cuts.

    I think he will make the team. We signed him to a two year deal and I bet about 2 million a year. He is better depth than some of the guys we had playing DE last year. He is long and with some coaching up, hopefully can become a good back up to Anderson. 

  8. 36 minutes ago, weslo1812 said:

    My point in bringing up Wilfork wasn't to try and discredit Hightower, yes he's a very solid player. My point was trying to get at the importance of having a solid NT and that really without it, it can be very hard for you ILBers to be able to do thier job. 

    Okay. Yeah I agree. I just believe Hightower would give our defense that playmaker we are lacking. Poe would give us that big NT we are missing as well. I'd be more than happy with Poe and if we can snatch brown or minter with him that'd be great. 

  9. 10 minutes ago, Coltfreak said:

    Someone else posted in another thread that we could possibly sign Hankins and Logan for less than Poe.   If so that would be a great idea IMO.  Need that depth 

    Yeah. I posted about that in another thread as well.  I'm worried that something is wrong with Poe or he is wanting 13-14 million a year. I don't see why Jax or Indy wouldn't have signed him yet. He is the best NT available but it isn't like his presence has a JJ Watt affect. 

  10. 10 minutes ago, MTC said:

    I would rather have Zach Brown, but Kevin Minter is solid. 

    Very surprised Zach Brown isn't being sough after so far. He is like 1B for me at ILB this offseason. He is better at stopping the run, but just not as athletic or good in coverage as Hightower. Minter is only going into his 5th season. This could be his best season yet. I'd be happy with any of the three. But surprised we haven't attempted to grab Brown. 

  11. 2 hours ago, Flash7 said:

    1. Broncos immediately improved and then went on to the SuperBowl, losing to Seattle, then won it in year 3. My point is, due to the signing of the top FA players, the Broncos were consistently Super Bowl contenders. If FA is used correctly, you can "win Free Agency"  and can win Super Bowls -- they are not mutually exclusive.


    2. The Patriots are known for taking away what the other team does best. They sign the best corners in the league, like Talib, Revis, or this year, Gilmore to take away the teams best receiver. Without a premier corner, their system doesn't work as well. Revis was a crucial clog in that system.

    Agreed. Said that exact same thing in another thread. I'm kind of disappointed we didn't get Poe, BUT if we sign one of Hankins or Logan for a lot cheaper. That would be good with me. You could argue Hankins has a lot of potential to be better than Poe. I want Poe. But it's possible the colts and Jaguars both did a medical exam and believe his back could be a problem. I'm very surprised either team didn't reach a deal with him. 

  12. 12 minutes ago, TKnight24 said:

    11 game win streak against Tennessee, I'm taking the Colts every time until Tennessee shows otherwise 


    Houston is the team to beat. If they get Watson in this draft, the AFC South could be well in their control for at least the next 2 seasons. Still have Watt coming back and the draft to add even more defensive talent. And possibly a #2 across from D. Hopkins. Like a DeDe Westbrook or someone

    Watson is not going to come in and lead them over the Colts. Not a chance. 

  13. Agreed. That's why I have wanted Ballard to sign some big free agents. Because we could possibly have a very hard time finding a QB after Luck and be stuck in rebuild mode for years. I expect Luck to bring Indy a few more Super Bowls. 

  14. 8 hours ago, Tmoney said:

    Has nothing to do with Edwin Jackson. He's undersized and not good is coverage. He was our best ILB last year but that's not saying much. If he is our starter I'm not expecting anything by average play, by no means am I saying he sucks or is bad, but he is what he is an average player. 

    Robert Mathis was considered undersized. He is a potential HOFer. I think Jackson could develop to be pretty good. Maybe not. But I like his potential. 

  15. 35 minutes ago, BlueCollarColts said:

    I'd also rather get Brown for a lot cheaper than get Hightower at the price he reportedly wants. Didn't even realize he wants to be paid like one of the best ILB's in the game until I read into it tonight.

    I think the drop off from Hightower to Brown isn't that significant when it comes to stopping the run or getting after the quarterback. But Hightower is a better defender. I would be very happy with Brown as well. Really unsure of as to why we aren't going after either one of them right now. 

  16. 1 hour ago, weslo1812 said:

    We have extremely slim to no chance at getting him, and I'm not even sure we've ever really been interested. I'd also don't know I'd say he's more valuable than Poe at NT. Which guy really allows the other to be able to do his job? You have Poe and Hightower in the same team, Hightower is gonna have a hard time really being effective if Poe is first doing his job up front. Look who Hightower had at NT in front of him for a number of years, this guy named Wilfork.

    Well Wilfork has been with the Texans the last two years. And Wilfork's last year with the Patriots was one of his worst. I think a good NT definitely makes an ILB look a lot better. But Hightower has shown he is a playmaker who can stop the run, cover, and blitz well. 

  17. 41 minutes ago, Tmoney said:

    Can't be satisfied with Edwin Jackson. We've already improved our edge an ILB like Foster or Reddick next to hypothetically signing Zach Brown/Kevin Minter makes our front 7 ready to win rn. Build the secondary in this deep class round 2 and 3 corner and a safety or 2 corners. Wouldve been nice to have Poe, hopefully we go after another nice NT that's a big need. Reddick also has the ability to rush the passer on 3rd down at a high level. 

    Good teams like the Seahawks, Patriots, and Steelers have been so good the last several years(Patriots and Steelers for a longer period of time) because they have had and allowed undrafted free agents or late draft picks break out. Edwin Jackson was raw and he became our signal caller as a rookie who was not expected to have any playing time. I think he played pretty solid. He's a physical, hard-hitting linebacker that we have been missing. I wouldn't be upset if he was our No. 2 or No. 3 as I think the coaches know if he is good enough.  But don't be surprised if he is out there starting next year. 

  18. 55 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

    Thanks for this.  If we don't get Poe, Hankins or Logan would be solid acquisitions in my opinion.


    I'm disappointed that Ballard did  not get one of the better free agent right guards.  I was hoping we could nab someone like Ronald Leary until I saw he has already signed with the Broncos.  Not much left now.  Maybe DJ Fluker...he is a good run blocker but sub-par in pass protection though.  Disappointing pickings left for OL free agents...unfortunately.  I was really hoping we could add that missing veteran piece on the right side to help solidify our line.  I'm not too high about drafting another rookie and rolling the dice again.

    Yeah I don't get that either. Reports were he wanted to possibly upgrade the RG and RT both through FA. The draft doesn't have very many guards or tackles that are ready to start. Surprised he didn't sign one of the guards or tackles to a 1 year deal like Warmack, Fluker, or Lang to a contract like Detroit gave him. 

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