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Posts posted by Colts1324

  1. 13 minutes ago, lollygagger8 said:

    I'm glad actually. I'm probably in the minority, but I think Poe is overrated. Ballard wasn't willing to overpay, and that's a good thing. He knows Poe much better than any of us do anyways. 


    Use the money we didn't pay to sign Minter & Brown to ILB. 

    If we get Minter and Brown both at ILB I will be impressed. Replaced our WHOLE Linebacking core in one offseason. And could focus on the D-Line and secondary more in the draft after we draft a pass rusher. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, CheezyColt said:

    Putting a thread titled "Poe Signs" in the Colt's Football section of the forum is a little misleading when he's signed with another team.

    Yeah I got excited only to be let down. But it was a big "decision" so I get what he was doing. Just put it in the wrong section. Lol

  3. That is so dumb. Why would he meet with the dolphins for 9 hours, the jags, the colts, and not sign for a longer contract or take more money. Bennie Logan got just as much money as he did. Chiefs let him go. Maybe something is wrong with his back... idk. At least this means we have more money to sign Zach Brown or  Kevin Minter, and a corner/safety. 

  4. 4 hours ago, COLTS449 said:

    How dumb when Zach Brown's there for the taking. He's good. Bring him in, offer him 4 years, 40 million and he'll sign. He's very underrated. But I also like several ILB's in this draft class from rounds 1-4.. I think we could actually come out with 2 week 1 starting ILB's...


    Zach Cunningham - 2nd

    Jarrad Davis 2nd

    Alex Anzalone 2nd-3rd, possibly 4th even.

    Kendell Beckwith 2nd-3rd-4th

    Raeckwon McMillan 3rd, maybe 4th

    Anthony Walker 3rd-4th

    Jalen Reeves Maybin 4th, maybe 5th.


    Then a couple 5-6 range guys I like...

    Connor Harris

    Elijah Lee


    Cunningham or Davis in the 2nd, (I want Davis) then Anzalone or Beckwith in the 4th would be perfect. Then I'd grab Reeves Maybin too. Let them battle it out with Jackson and Morrison. Lee and Harris could be big time sleepers though. Lee has the ability to be a Kwon Alexander type, Harris is a tackling machine, but I wouldn't take him in the 5th. We'd have to trade back and pick up a 6th or something. Maybe we'll get Davis in the 2nd, and Anzalone and Reeves Maybin in the 4th. Anzalone is a 2nd round talent.


    Davis and Anzalone would both start as they're already better than anyone we have. They could be a force, plus they've played together at Florida so there's that. We need to bring in Hankins or Poe to keep em clean to make plays though. But with Jarrad Davis, Alex Anzalone, Jalen Reeves Maybin, Edwin Jackson, and Antonio Morrison we would be fine. One of E-Jax or Morrison wouldn't make the final 53 if we draft 3 ILB's.




    Zach Brown will get 6.5-7 million a year. 2 or 3 year contract. 10 is insane for him. Good player but not Hightower or Kuechly. He is my number 1 ILB to get now, but I wouldn't want him for that price. Hardly any ILB's are worth that price. I like the upside Minter has, but Brown is a tackling machine. He gets after the quarterback well too for an ILB. 

  5. Agreed. I do not want to draft cook because i think it is a "waste" of a pick when we won't have many chances to pick 15 again for a long time IMO. He is a great player. But we have so many other neees. I think difference making RB's can be found in rounds 2-4. I'm confident we don't draft RB with our first pick.

  6. 5 hours ago, Superman said:


    Just being fair, everyone who has been paying attention the last five years knows the Colts missed some opportunities. We all regret that the roster isn't further along at this point. But you can't change the past, no matter how hard you try, and regardless how far along we probably should be, you don't build a program with sustained success without some patience. Shortcuts don't work.

    Agreed. But in his defense, FA's have helped some teams. They have hurt other teams. The game has also changed a lot in the last 10 years. Players are less loyal than they used to be IMO. Teams trade away allow their star players to hit the market, because of a change in scheme fit, or unable to pay pay them/extend them. It is a hit or miss game. But I don't see anything wrong with trying it. As long as we are smart about it. How "being smart about it" is defined is up for debate. I think you want the core of your team through the draft, but some FA's can also make a big difference. They can sometimes be a little shortcut if you have a star QB that can already lead your team to the playoffs(or close to the playoffs) practically by himself. 

  7. 9 hours ago, throwing BBZ said:


     Poe would probably get about 500 or so snaps. Minter was let go for Karlos Dansby.
     Do you have any Blue face paint left from last season. Go Blue!

    That's why I said Hightower is more valuable than Poe. But I think if we bring Poe in and pay him 9+ million a year, I'm confident he will be out there 80% of the snaps. 

  8. 46 minutes ago, chrisfarley said:

    Ballard has already said he is NOT going to pay someone huge Free Agency Lottery winnings money (my term) and have them thrown into our locker room and force a fit, and then have consternation amongst players which puts the new acquisition on an island and doesn't do anyone in the organization any good and for long-term sake, just creates a poisonous and vitriolic situation.  (I am para-phrasing but hope I am conveying what he said satisfactorily).

    I couldn't agree more with the approach...... but at the same time, I understand that father-time will eventually catch up to Luck.....  But there's time.  I'd rather have him win one Super Bowl later on , than zero coming close 2 or 3 times.

    But nothing is guaranteed. I think once Brady and Big Ben retire. Both franchises won't be as hard to beat. So if we want to compete in the next 3 years. We need to move fast. But smart at the same time. I might complain sometimes, but I'll trust Ballard. He knows a lot more than I do. Lol 


    the whole point of this thread was not t start an argument or complain, as I like what he is doing, but to see if anyone else envisioned his plan for this team. I know he wants to creat competition. Just surprised he has been targeted to be interested in so many people. But I love it. FA and the draft are two of my favorite things to watch. 

  9. 58 minutes ago, COLTS449 said:


    I believe in building through the draft, but IMO, with our situation we should have went all out each of the last few years to fill the holes we have all over the D and OL. Then after bringing in some star caliber FA's to get things rolling then start building through the draft.

    Agreed. Grigson had a lot of money to spend. I only wish I could see what our team looked like with a good GM at the top of the helm since 2012. 

  10. 7 minutes ago, chad72 said:


    To me, getting to the playoffs can be done with a few star players. However, once you are in the playoffs, that is when coaching separates the cream of the crop, IMO.

    I agree. But we only have 2 "star" players. Mewhort, Kelly, Castanzo(some games), Davis, and Geathers are our above average players. We are lacking 2 stars on defense. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, chad72 said:


    That has been the narrative perpetrated by the Steelers winning their last 5 in 2005 and the Giants as a wild card winning their last few games in 2007 & 2011. However, the other wild card stories of the Ravens losing 4 out of their last 5 in 2012, Colts losing 4 out of their last 7 in 2006 are all discarded since they don't fit the narrative.


    Most important is that you get "hot in the playoffs". It is 0-0 when it starts and if you are a wild card, you need the D to travel well on the road as most of those wild card teams showed, and a few favorable match ups along the way (like we didn't have to play the Chargers in 2006, Steelers didn't have to play Patriots in 2005 or 2008 etc.). Just have to be a complete team to win it different ways, whether staying balanced on offense or gutting out a FG game on the road.

    Yeah. But like you said you have to have a complete team. Whether you are hot or not. If you aren't talented enough and don't have a great game plan you aren't going to beat New England and get out of the AFC. I hate it but the AFC runs through NE. I'm pretty sure we all can agree to that.

  12. 18 minutes ago, our_dbs_rock said:


    I doubt performance plays a huge role.  Wasn't there a player a few years back that was a free agent from New England that was signed by another team, then released mid season and picked up by New England.  And New England still received a comp pick based on the contract that player received from the other team?

    Really? I am curious if that really happen. Only New England gets that lucky or can be that smart. One of the two. That's actually kind of funny lol. 

  13. 1 hour ago, chad72 said:


    Yep. All the teams that we talk about getting hot started 6-2 or better (go back as far as 2003 for SB champs), had a mid-season slump, corrected themselves in time for the playoffs showing everyone why they were good earlier. So, technically they didn't suddenly get good, they were good for the most part and showed it when it mattered most. 


    That is why I don't believe in "momentum" and "got hot" terms thrown around by pundits on TV and fans alike.

    Exactly. I do kind of believe in momentum though. If you have won 4 or 5 games going into the playoffs it does make some difference. But you still have to have the team to compete. I don't know if you have ever played basketball or football in high school or college, but that feeling when you are on fire or just made a big hit does get you going pretty good. 

  14. 13 hours ago, LockeDown said:

    I would beg to differ with the cool your jets squad.  The best team almost never wins the SB.  It's the team that plays the best or the hot team.  ( yes I think Falcons and Seahawks were better than the Pats) Our offense is ahead of our defense.  If they ramp it up another notch this year, the new defense should begin gelling toward the playoffs, assuming they gel.  At that point, you never know.  Injuries happen,   There is no way I believe Ballard is on a 2 year plan. I bet he wouldn't admit it anyway.  He knows 2 great FAs wouldn't get the job done with a lack of cohesive talent at the other positions.  So, he is distributing good talent and depth across the board.  Draft 3-4 really  good players and make our run.  Oh yeah, The Pats were the best team with Moss and they lost.  Colts  had their best team the year before we actually won.  You can't say it's been 2-3 years now, we will win this year.  Doesn't work that way.

    Good analysis. I do agree. The giants got hot right before the playoffs when they won both of their super bowls. But they still had a good defense. And a franchise QB. Manning was on fire one of those years in the playoffs when the Giants won it all.  Flacco was unstoppable in the playoffs when the Ravens won the Superbowl. But they had a top defense. The Colts need to be able to stop Pittsburg, Oakland, and NE once every 3 times at least to win in the playoffs. That is being generous. We would still have to score 30-35 points to beat any of those teams. I think we are capable. But it is more than just getting hot. The teams that have won the super bowls with 8-8 to 10-6 records usually had a top 5 defense and above average QB play. Some teams take longer to gel as a team(mainly offensively) and I think that is more the case. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Myles said:

    I think there is a middle ground here. 

    Building through the draft is important, but Grigson screwed us.  We can build a good team for 2-3 years down the line. 

    Free agent signings are vital for every team.  however you can't go "Redskin" with them.  


    I like what Ballard has been doing.   Getting young guys for little money.   Building depth if nothing else, and the Colts need depth.     I do think he needs to sign one pro bowl caliber free agent though.

    Exactly. I like what Ballard is doing by making everybody compete for their job. But we do need pro bowl players to take a big step up on defense. If we draft a top corner or pass rusher. That will help. But Poe, Jefferson, Campbell, and Hightower should have been our top priorities IMO. 

  16. 28 minutes ago, Coltfreak said:

    I am pretty sure that right now we have just under 20 million left to sign any new FA's. Assuming Hunt and Schwenke average @ 2 million each 

    I'd be disappointed if we gave Hunt any more than 3 million for 2 years. Schwenske is probably a little under 2 as well. Both are backups and that is kind of expensive for depth. 

  17. 21 hours ago, bababooey said:

    Mingo deal is now official, side note Chud was the HC in Cleveland when he was drafted in 2013.

    I didn't even think about that. It sounds like Ballard really listens to the coaches and is the opposite when it comes to Grigson. Pagano has stated he thinks our young offensive line will make big improvements next year. And when Ballard first came in, he said he wants to improve the offensive lines. That we need to win in between the trenches. Pagano must have convinced him that our 2nd year players will hold up. Cause I don't trust anybody in the draft to do better than what we have honestly. Other than the tackle from Wisconsin. 

  18. I think if the coaches believe Clark is ready to develop, I'll trust Joe Philbin to develop them. The cowboys had all young guys on their offensive line except Doug Free and look where they are at. But at the same time, they better be right. We can't afford to have a shaky offensive line again and risk Luck's health anymore than we already have. 

  19. 6 hours ago, Bluefire4 said:

    But we don't know the situation or if Ballard has reached out to Hightower. All I've heard is that many believe Hightower wants to return to New England. Maybe that's why we aren't talking to him.


    And I bet we had a set price for Alshon and walked away when that price was exceeded. We don't really need him anyway and with all the other needs that move would have been stupid imo.

    Yeah. Maybe. Im not trying to be a critic. I think our offense will be top 5 in the NFL next year. And I thought so at first on Ashlon too. But I mean if you think about it we have Hilton. He is one of the games best receivers, but when he gets doubled Moncrief has never been able to take advantage of it. Dorsett may or may not improve this year. Our tight ends aren't super fast or explosive. Swoope is big and Doyle is always there. Gore is not a flashy running back and is not gonna give us a 60 or 70 yard TD like a young back could break maybe 2 or 3 times a year. So we don't have a ton of "playmakers" on our team. Ashlon could have took our offense to a whole different ball game. 

  20. 37 minutes ago, Bluefire4 said:

    You talk so confidently I really wish you were our GM so you can see how it is actually like.


    You wanted Gilmore when he would have never came here with the best team in the league giving him 13 million. You wanted Nick Perry when it was obvious he wanted to re-sign with the Packers.


    This is not Madden!

    I think that is what I have realized more and more over the last few years. FA's would rather go somewhere else a lot of the time. You can't pay them 5 or 10 million more than the other person, and that may be the only way to lure an elite talent to Indy without having made the playoffs the last two years. But I do think he should have went after Hightower and Jeffery more. 

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