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Susie Q

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Susie Q last won the day on January 9 2012

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  1. Watching CNN and feel so bad for NO getting hit again from Isaac. Those poor people don't deserve this again. If we have any Colts Fans there please stay safe and evacuate if told to do so. material items can be replaced people can't be.God be with all those involved.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NewColtsFan


      Remember, TV is a visual medium.... people want to see what's going on. Anyone can sit inside a studio and tell you about it. People in TV want to SHOW you what's happening. But, at some point, reporters need to be extra careful. You can be outside during a Hurricane and get yourself KILLED. Debris and downed power lines and such don't care if you're a reporter. They'll kill you just as quick as they'll kill anyone else. But TV people really are sincer...

    3. southwest1


      NCF, yes TV is indeed a visual medium. But, that's the problem: Real investigative reporting in this country is dead or at least on life support because journalism is a popularity contest now consumed with not losing access to governors, mayors, senators, and the Chief of fire & police. You can't critique, criticize, or use critical thinking anymore. If you do, you lose access & get fired. What about the story? Not kissing butt.

    4. southwest1


      MCF, I agree 100% safety in the midst of a natural disaster is truly essential & warranted. Being in the heart of a calamity in the forefront, doesn't mean you need to put yourself in danger, volatile situations, & bodily harm. Great reporters still create a vivid storyline & tapestry without being exposed to the elements. Use imagery, description, and the power of the written word to transport me into another person's experience=real journalism.

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