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Susie Q

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Susie Q last won the day on January 9 2012

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  1. Well it was on the news last night that the Explosion on the southside of Indy is now a Criminal Homiside Investigation. That is so sad that 2 innocent people lost their lives and many their homes are destroyed. I just hope they find those responsible and they are brought to justice.

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    2. southwest1


      " SW1, to clarify, people often do leave their cats for a few days (I am one that does) as long as they have sufficient food, water and extra litter box, they're okay for a few days" No argument there Gramz, but when I still had a house cat; I always had a neighbor or friend check in on her if I had to be gone for a few days. That's just how I roll I guess. Whatever works for people...I'm in no position to judge. I'm certainly no saint myself...

    3. southwest1


      Yes MAC & MCF, the word "casino" make me think of a mob/extortion connection myself or insurance fraud. "I've got an offer you can't refuse." Something shady goin' on there. That's for sure...

    4. MAC


      SW - or even if it's "just" gambling addiction. Desperation of some kind.

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