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Susie Q

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Susie Q last won the day on January 9 2012

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  1. Well the 500 is getting ready to start and since we're so close it's not live here. I'm pulling for Tony Kanan because he has never won and he was Dan Wheldon's best friend and like to see him bring it home for Dan. GO TK it's your year.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gramz


      unless you have a pool.......... which we don't so I'm indoors today

    3. southwest1


      Why does the driver who wins the INDY 500 traditionally pour milk over his head as opposed to wine or champaign anyway? I never have understood the reason for that. Any thoughts on this one? Hmmm...I'm at a loss for words myself.

    4. MIColtsFan


      one of the drivers a long time ago, asked for buttermilk after he won.. the picture of this took on a life of it's own and the drinking of milk for the victor became a tradition.. in the 50's? I remember one year there was some flack about non milk drinkers and a whole bunch of hoopla was created, I think it was the late 80's, but the tradition lives on and it's a fun one

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