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Posts posted by deedub75

  1. I can really tell how well Ballard did in this presser just based of the comments here. It just depends on what you define as great. He said things and threw out red meat to the fan base while totally glossing over the fact the the team is in shambles. 


    We just wasted 5 weeks on a coach who pulled out after it was announced that he was taking the job. Andrew Luck is working on his mechanics but has yet to even pick up a football?  Sometimes the first hire is not the best choice?  Didn’t you offer McDaniels the job because you thought he was the best?  We’re going to take our time finding a new coach?

  2. 7 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

    True...but you have to see deeper.  That quote by Ballard signifies a shift in his mindset.  He came in thinking he could cooperate with New England and undo the ill will that has intensified as a result of Deflategate which was associated with the previous regime.  However while coddling the snake that is the Patriots organization...he got bit bad. Now he sees them for what they are and will make it his business to try and crush them.  No more playing nice the Colts front office is out for blood and will set out to construct a team that can challenge and defy New England on the grid iron once again.  Things just got personal for him.  Hence his quote which I absolutely LOVE!   I welcome that and feel like he has now become a true Colts GM after my own heart. 


    He comes off as a bit gullible to me. Everyone has known what the Patriots have been about at least since spygate. Keep your enemies close I guess but he got burned. Hopefully, he learns from this because some people get burned and then they trust no one, which is not good either. People are angry at the Patriots and I don’t know why. They convinced an employee who was under contract with them to stay. The anger should be squarely on McDaniels but I’m not angry at all because I didn’t want him as a coach and he did us a favor. 


    Ballard can say whatever he wants. I’m not easily impressed by words. He could be a bumbling fool at a presser for all I care as long as I see results on the field. 


  3. Just now, Barry Sears said:

    I believe it's on McDaniels.  He comes here for two interviews, begins picking his assistant coaches, we sign 3 of them.  Then he agrees to the deal and that he will be here for a press conference.


    None of us were in the room during those interviews or listening on any pone calls, but Chris Ballard had to believe with all that lead up to this about-face, that McD was coming to Indy.


    We can only speculate, because we don't know the facts of the whole situation.


    It's just a shame that we wasted 5 weeks and the chance to hire other candidates waiting on this Benedict Arnold.


    With any other candidate, I think I go with your thought. But this was Josh McDaniels. This is the same guy who entertained the 49ers job last year and even began calling coaches to try to put a staff together before he withdrew his name. This is the same guy who has been scared to take a HC job over the last few years because he was looking for the ‘perfect’ readymade team to coach because he was scared to fail again. This is he the same guy who has worked for years for an unscrupulous Patriots organization. His own boss even pulled the same stunt wit the Jets. 


    All of these reasons are enough to make him not worth even pursuing much less trusting him enough to announce that he was hired before he signed on the dotted line. 

  4. 13 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


    Part of interviewing someone is understanding their intentions. At the very least, Ballard failed to successfully get a good read on the situation. Other teams wanted nothing to do with McDaniels, because of his history.


    Chris Ballard and our Colts were hoodwinked, and Ballard made all the decisions that led to the Colts falling for it. 


    I think Ballard knew, or should have known, that McDaniels wasn’t 100% sure he wanted the job which is why Ballard had a short list of candidates ready to interview. I think Ballard ignored the warning signs and instead of backing out of the deal, he instead tried to convince McDaniels to take the job and it didn’t work. 

  5. 1 minute ago, csmopar said:


    And who do you suggest? Keep in mind, whoever becomes our coach will essentially be coating himself in blood and jumping into shark infested waters with the sharks being not only the media but fans themselves. WHO would want to take this job now?


    In that case, Peyton needs to stay far, far away while he’s still beloved by the fans.


    I know that there are only 32 coaching jobs but whoever takes this job will have to be ok with being hired out of desperation. It’s like being picked last in a pick up basketball game. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, snkdy said:

    Not getting the narrative that McDaniel's unprofessionalism is proof that Luck's shoulder is worse than reported. McDaniels must have asked about the shoulder prior to agreeing with the team.


    Well, many on here said that there’s no way he takes the job unless he knew Luck would be ok which I don’t think anyone really knows with 100% certainty. Since he’s backed out some are just connecting dots. 

  7. Just now, snkdy said:


    I think the most likely outcome is that we get a HC that is willing to keep the staff McDaniels selected.


    I don’t think he has a choice. He may want to run a different scheme than what McDaniels’ handpicked coaches know how to run. Most coaches will want to bring in their own guys. I expect a lot of turnover with assistant over the next couple of years unfortunately. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    Kraft did that deal with the Jets because the NFL leaned in him to do so.   


    It's documented in the latest ESPN 30 for 30.     Worth a look.


    Even if there is zero paperwork, this wouldn't be hard to prove there was an understanding...    we have signed contracts with a bunch of assistants...   it wouldn't be hard to have them tell the NFL that they spoke with JM and joined the Colts to be on the staff with Josh McDaniels.    


    I dont think this is a hard case to prove by any reasonable doubt.


    I think the only question is how much we get and not whether we get anything at all.




    Again, how is that the fault of the Patriots?  They retained a guy who was already under contract with them. He flirted with another team and came back and the Patriots decided to sweeten the deal of someone already under their employ. 


    This is all on McDaniels and how he’d be punished if anything. 

  9. 13 minutes ago, snkdy said:

    Seems like we'll be keeping the assistants McDaniels hand-picked, which is admirable but puts us further behind the eight-ball. Not sure how many potential HCs would be okay with not selecting their staff. But perhaps a candidate will convince the team otherwise. I feel bad for those families.


    Irsay already owes enough people money who are not coaching for him. 

  10. Relief from what - convincing one of their own coaches who is under contract to stay with the team and not take another job?  Even if he did sign a contract with the Colts could the Patriots blamed for tampering?  Someone would have to prove that the Patriots tampered with him after he signed the contract. 


    As much as I hate the Patriots, do you really think they planned this?  And even if they did, good luck proving it. I think they learned from deflategate about emails, texts, cell phones. For all we know, they could have been trying to convince him to stay the entire time and made a last ditched effort at the 11th hour. 

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