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Posts posted by deedub75

  1. 1 minute ago, mahagga73 said:

    Not long is my guess. Based on past history. It's one thing to praise a rebuild, another to sit through multiple losing season's. ST holders are definitely not going to get their value next year, or maybe 2 or 3. Last year you could get seats for nothing.  


    It makes sense now why they seemed to be pushing season ticket sales harder this year. They moved that townhall way up before the draft compared to last year when they had it and they got Luck to record that interview so they could show just how great things were. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Shadow_Creek said:

    i agree with you and just to add on..this is what grigs should have been doing instead of signing old aging players on there way out. we wouldn't be in a second rebuild mode.


    Winning early made Grigson think he magically rebuilt the team in 1 season. He ignored the fact that the division was terrible and that’s where most of their wins came from. Ballard won’t have that problem since the division is much improved. He can build the team the correct way. The only problem is how long the fanbase will live with a rebuild. 

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  3. 53 minutes ago, Freenyfan102 said:

    His approach to Free Agency is Crap and Producing nothing but crap. Where there online that protect Andrew luck. Where at least a cover line backer or the Corner we need or at least a good DE nope nowhere to be found


    His approach to free agency and the draft is that we are in the midst of a full rebuild.  He doesn’t have to say it but his actions say it for him.  This will make a lot of fans unhappy that we are rebuilding again in such a short period of time. Half of our 22 starters will be rookies. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, mahagga73 said:

    Curious. The Colts are basically saying that they are rebuilding through the draft , not getting any better through FA thus far.  I think a lot of people may be forgetting that this is going to be two more years wasted of Luck prime at least baring a miracle. Everyone in our division is getting better.  Was thinking of buying an extra ST but think I'll pass . 


    No, don’t do that. Everyone on this board expects the Colts to win next year with a team full of rookies. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, NannyMcafee said:

    I just want some offensive line signings of above average talent. Hell I'd even take avg at this point. We have a franchise QB. I believe that if Ballard had any fear of not having Andrew for this season we would be more involved in FA. But having a franchise QB, takes a lot of pressure off. 


    Also if you have a coach that can bring the best out in his players, there is really no reason not to mainly draft your players. He wants loyalty to the team, and that's through home grown guys as he puts it. I'm completely on board with this line of thinking. 


    We have watched Grigson sign some players in FA, and 90% of them plain sucked on our team. 


    I want ant to see us go back to drafting our team. We went to 2 SBs with that way of doing things. 


    Having Frank bring back the no huddle offense, and speeding up the game will help the oline by leaps and bounds. The Colts FO, might not think we are that far off, on the oline, with a quick paced game. We will see. 


    Ballard could also think that there’s a 50-50 chance that Luck may not play or may not be 100% if he does play so why bother spending on high priced free agents. 

  6. 27 minutes ago, strt182 said:

    as Ballard himself said. Any good GM is ALWAYS looking to build on their team so always BUILDING the team would be a better statement. 


    Ballard’s building on a faulty foundation though. 

  7. 23 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

    There wont be a long rebuild......we don't need a rebuild on offense..

    ..You dont get more than a couple of years to be below .500 before everybody gets fired


    What offense do we have?  We have a QB who hasn’t played since January 2017 and still not ready. We have what 2 receivers under contract.  We don’t know what we have at RB. The OL is a big question mark?  

  8. 12 minutes ago, shastamasta said:

    I am still not even convinced that Luck is going to play. If that is the case, then it is going to be a long rebuild.


    Even with Luck it will still be a long rebuild. The people who think we will automatically be a contender with Luck must think the other teams in the division are just gonna lay down. 

  9. 11 hours ago, King! said:

    Nearly $75 million in cap space and your franchise QB is locked up through 2021.

    Now would be the time to spend the cash on talent. Luck turns 30 in 2019. Things aren't like they were in 2012 when Luck was a rookie and we were going through a rebuild.



    Don't you think it’s a bit risky to go out and sign a bunch of high priced free agents while not knowing who your starting QB will be for the season?  If Luck was 100% right now and the team wasn’t so devoid of talent right now, I could almost see spending the money to fill a glaring need or 2.  Right now there has to be some doubt about Luck that has to be considered when making these FA and draft decisions. 

  10. I think Ballard's approach is what we needed during the 2012 rebuild and maybe we'd be a juggernaut by now.  There's no need to go out and overpay free agents right now because the team is far from competing.  We need to build through the draft and we're looking at this year's draft and maybe next year's draft to build a good team.  And that's if we can find impact players in those drafts.  


    Ballard's action, or inaction, is telling me that we are in full rebuild mode.  It could also mean that though they hope Luck will be back for the season, they may not expect him to be at 100% for the entire season.  Many of you say that the organization is not lying about Luck's status to sell season tickets.  I don't think they are lying either but I do believe they changed their marketing strategy taking Luck's status into account.  

  11. 3 hours ago, shastamasta said:

    IF Ballard was actually looking at QBs...I think he would keep that as close to the vest as possible...for so many reasons. And Ballard gets a pretty tight ship...as we have seen...so it's doubtful something leaks.


    That being said, it's definitely good to hear that they didn't have any formal conversations at the Combine with all of the QBs there. There are still Pro Days though...and the Colts can have access at those under the guise of looking at other players.


    I agree. This report from Holder means nothing. They have plenty of time to interview QBs before the draft so there was no reason to interview them. If they would have interviewed them then it would leak out and open the door for more speculation. 

  12. 44 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    With me I have to see them play Good to Great at least 2 years in a row before I am buying them. Anyone can have 1 lucky long Playoff run, we had one in 2014 without a Running Game and a Bad Defense. At least with Luck we had 3 11 win seasons in a row showing we weren't a 1 year fluke. The Jets made 2 AFC Title Games in a row with Mark Sanchez than fell off the map. I think a lot of people are ready to crown the Jags, to those people I say hold your horses. I think their Defense is Great but as of now I don't see it as an all-time Great Defense. What the Jets had in 2009 and 2010 was just as Great. The Broncos had a better Defense in 2015 as well. Bortles is an Average QB at best too. He had 1 Great game that was vs the Steelers in the Divisional Round. Lets see how he and the Jags handle the pressure of being Good now. They wont be under the radar anymore where teams will overlook them.


    Colts overachieved for 3 seasons and went virtually unchallenged in the division before that came back to reality. And I wouldn’t call a team that has a hot streak in the playoffs lucky. If the Jags streak was lucky then the 2014 Colts season was lucky too. They faced a Bengals team that hasn’t won a playoff game in forever and the Colts had already shut them out. They also faced a Peyton Manning who had seriously declined in the 2nd half of the season. The Jags did something last season that the Colts have done in a long time. They beat the Steelers (twice) and played the Pats close. That’s not a fluke. Their defense played well and they had a running game, which is something the Colts have had, well, in forever. I’m not ready to crown the Jags, even though they are wearing the AFC South crown now. 

  13. 22 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

    Regardless, you are still over looking at how good the Jags defense was last season. You do not lead the league in as many categories as they did and the ones they didn't lead the league in they were second.

    They also lead the league in rushing.

    I wonder if the Bills and Steelers think they are over rated?


    Colts fans tend to overvalue how good the Colts are and undervalue how good the others teams in the division are. 


    I thinks it’s a bit misguided to say the Colts automatically win with Andrew. The Jags defense was very young and now they have a good year under their belt to build upon. They also were missing their best receiver. 


    If I could bet on the Colts having a better record than the Jags I think I’d keep my money right now. 

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