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Posts posted by deedub75

  1. 1 hour ago, krunk said:

    I did. The Bengals had a total of 3 points before that flakey PI call gbefore the half. We were comfortably moving the football and being disciplined. The score was like 16 to 3. If we stay playing that way it's a decisive win. Instead we did the opposite. Cincy did not cause Turay to horse collar, and they didn't cause Geathers to PI amongst other things we did to kill ourselves. Cincy never really stopped the short passes. We did many things to kill the things we did well.


    The Bengals had plenty of penalties as well.  You can't blame penalties for this Colts loss.  Maybe the Bengals had something to do with the way you say the Colts changed the way they played.  The Bengals made adjustments and outplayed the Colts down the stretch.  

    • Like 1
  2. 24 minutes ago, krunk said:

    It was on the way to being an easy win until we shot our ourselves in the foot.


    I never once thought it was going to be an easy win at any time during the game.  I thought we'd win because of Luck's record with 2nd half leads though.  Bengals shot themselves in the foot a few times too but they were able to overcome.  

  3. The O line held up better than I thought they would, at lease initially.  The D line got more pressure than I thought they would but then the Bengals made some adjustments.  There were a lot of positives out there.  I can't even blame Doyle for that fumble.  The defender put his helmet right on the ball.  


    Where are all of the people who said that this should be an easy win with Luck and that the Bengals weren't a good football team?  

  4. 31 minutes ago, Pacergeek said:

    I have a hard time believing, that anybody that does NFL for a living, would question Luck's toughness. Nobody could be this stupid, which is why I think the sources are fake. It's really easy to do. A source told me Peyton Manning is making a comeback


    That has nothing to do with toughness. It could just be a mental hurdle he has to overcome. Think about a baseball player that gets hit in the face with a 95 mph fastball. It takes some time to step back in there to hit without flinching. Some guys never get over it. QBs who have had their knee torn up in the pocket have

    said they were initially nervous with players falling all around their legs. 


    Luck came back after a lacerated kidney. I think he’ll be fine not worrying about taking a hit. 

  5. On 9/2/2018 at 7:32 AM, masterlock said:


    Disagree. Every year, there's a coaching favorite who's hyped, and last year it was McDaniels. Add me to the list of people who never liked the dude. What was there to like? The fact that he fizzled out in Denver with an 8-8 record, with half the team hating/not respecting him? Or was it all the success he had with New England which cannot be separated from the fact that Bill Belichick is the HC and Tom Brady as QB? And as I alluded to earlier, there were plenty of red flags when it came to character. Of course, all these criticisms and concerns were ultimately vindicated when he reneged. The fact that none of this was apparent to Ballard, to me IS concerning. It reflects on his ability to judge character and other important predictors of success.


    Was McDaniels really the #1 coaching prospect in the league?  I’m not exactly sure about that one.  He was definitely the #1 prospect for Ballard for reasons I will never understand. I never liked the guy.  He has done absolutely nothing without Brady and Belichick.  Even his stint as the Rams’ OC was a disaster.  I think he realized that he would suck without B & B which is why he chickened out at the last minute. 

  6. 1 minute ago, crazycolt1 said:

    Ballard said he was trying to make a trade happen with Simon. Kind of self explanatory IMO.


    Who knows when he was trying to make a trade. I would assume it was late in the game. Simon should have been gone after the season or before training camp is what I’m saying. Why wait so close to when he’s due $3M?  He knew he wasn’t a fit. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, throwing BBZ said:


     THINK rebuild.
    Simon played in 9 games last season and had 3 sacks, and lightly for now, re-injured the same neck area. Gee, if we kept him this season he would have been in the way of developing our future players and for how many games this season, and sucking off about $2.5 M in cash we will Need to sign FA in the near future.
     Melvin had a career year in the 10 games he was able to stay on the field last season.
    By most accounts he Chose to leave.
     Hankins was a very good run stuffer but a Huge detriment when it came to pressuring the QB.
    QB's throw often on 1st down when he was usually out there doing nothing to discomfort the QB.  BTW, he is currently Unemployed. Al Woods had a slightly higher PFF grade for last season and playing for about $7M less.


    I'm not upset about Simon being gone.  It just made no sense to keep him as long as they did.  If Simon would have gotten cut earlier, he could have latched on with another team.  Who knows?

  8. 30 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    I like his presser's, don't get me wrong. 


    Nobody is expecting him to fix it in one season like his predecessor did, but maintaining it when you're picking 25 and below is not that easy.  QB, LT, #1WR, and (probably) top 5 C are 4 first round draft picks he won't have to spend for a couple of years.  He has his franchise QB, so he could trade his high pick for more good picks. 


    Where would he be if he had to stay put at #3 and draft Sam Darnold this year?


    If the intent is to not win for a while to maintain high round draft picks, that's fine, but I doubt he's going to be open enough to say that in pressers.  He'll probably just say typical GM speak.



    Don't give too much credit to his predecessor.  He had a perfect storm of good Luck (pun intended) in 2012.  Plus, the division was much worse back then.  Grigson did have much less to work with money wise though.  

  9. 41 minutes ago, dgambill said:

    100% believe that was an Irsay thing...it was a throw in line...some red meat for Colts fans. It was a meaningless statement...and a true professional like Ballard it just seemed way too cheesy. It looked like he was almost embarrassed to say it.


    He should have checked the record between this "rivalry" before he said that statement.  LOL!

  10. 9 minutes ago, Nate! said:



    With you.  Colts are favored, but I gotta scratch my head as to why.  Bengals upgraded their offensive line massively.  That was their big down fall last year, and they have it fixed.  Wouldn’t surprise me to see Bengals to Juno out to a comfortable lead, Colts rally, but it end up being too little, too late.  


    In regards to question of the thread,  can’t see the Colts D defending either unless they get hurt in the game.  


    Both teams are somewhat evenly matched and it's a home game for the Colts.  I'm assuming that's why the Colts are favored.

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  11. 14 minutes ago, dgambill said:

    I don’t see what everyone else sees in Mixon....he was awful last year. Dalton is the definition of an avg qb. Good but not great. We aren’t playing the Patriots or the 85 Bears here. If you are worried about Cincy then who do you think we can actually beat on our schedule? Even if we lose what’s the big deal. We are a young growing team.  Like a REALLY young team. Nobody expects us to win the SB or even vie for a playoff spot. We are just trying to take baby steps here and slowly get better...but to stress out over Cincy...if this is going to be a weekly thing then it’s going to be a long year. I can think of literally 26-28 teams and combinations of top players I would be more worried about then who we are facing week 1.


    I don't anyone's stressing about playing Cincy.  I think it's more of the uncertainty of what we have more than worry about the opponent.  

  12. 4 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I don't think it's automatic but you do realize we are 3 point favorites and have the better QB in this game + we are at home. While not automatic because nothing is, we have the slightly better team IMO and should win a close game.


    It's a home game for the Colts so the 3 point favorite means the game is basically a toss up.  If this game were played in Cincy, they'd be a 3 point favorite.  I think the teams are evenly matched.  I would give a slight edge to the Bengals due to their defensive line.  Also, Luck is still a work in progress.  We don't have 2014 Luck just yet.  

  13. I wouldn't go as far as the OP did but I wouldn't say the Ballard has been impressive.  It's still to early to judge him.  I'm not too concerned with Ballard - Yet.  Hell, Grigson was crowned way to early and we see how that turned out.  If the team doesn't show improvement this season and be contending next season then judge him at that time.  Some would say the this is the least talented team Luck has had around him.  I wish Ballard's first order of business would have been to get rid of Pagano and install his on coach but I guess Irsay didn't want that to happen. 

  14. 2 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    I would see if we can trade for Shane Ray at this point if he's willing to sign a new contract. We can't buy or draft a d-line. Maybe we can trade for one lol. I'm just going through the motions at this point with this draft class. Getting worse by the day. Just wish the season would start.


    That’s a novel idea. Since we seem to be cursed with injuries to free agents and draft picks, let's trade and see what happens. 

  15. 1 minute ago, superrep1967 said:

    Avoiding the bigs hits he’s still getting hit to much preseason or not. What do you mean he’s avoiding the bigs hits he got hit hard last night after running with the ball  He needs to stop doing that. He could have messed shoulder up again. But I know why he’s doing it though receivers aren’t getting open. 


    I agree. He needs to take fewer hits. He’s run a lot this preseason which does bother me. Is he running so much because the o line is not good, his receivers aren’t getting good separation, or lack of the deep throws?

  16. I hope they are just saving the long passes for the regular season. Luck isn’t even looking down field when the protection breaks down and there’s no place to dump it off. It’s really good to see him running smartly and avoiding the big hits. He looked really sharp!


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