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Posts posted by deedub75

  1. 2 hours ago, Coltfreak said:

    We left 6 games on the table because of poor coaching and a QB that made some bad decision....   Could have been 9-7 or 10-6 probably with just better coaching.   Which we will now have and Andrew Luck back.   Add in the one great player. Preferable pass rush or MLB along with getting Hooker back, Simon back and Melvin back (hopefully) Geathers gets back to form....   the Oline the way it is will look better (I didn't say good) with scheme change and better play calling.


    So I disagree about the AFC South being beyond reach...


    Yes we are not close to a deep playoff run, but playoff next season are well with in reach


    Water always finds its level. Bad teams find ways to lose games. We could have easily gone 2-14 or 1-15. 


    I didn’t say the division was beyond reach. I said that we are not one player and Andrew Luck away from winning it. We have a rookie HC, OC, and DC. Maybe they will be great or maybe they won’t. We have a lot of holes to fill too.  

  2. 18 minutes ago, Coltfreak said:

    I agree with this....  But to counter this.   We are one great player and Andrew Luck away from winning the AFC south again with the new coaching staff of course 


    We are way more than one great player and Andrew Luck away from winning the AFC South.  That is unless this one great player can play multiple positions on offense and defense.  

  3. 2 hours ago, Cynjin said:


    There must be a way that we can spin this into bad news or at least disappointing news.


    There’s nothing bad about this news. Throwing weighed balls is a rehab thing to build strength. We still won’t know until he gets back to actually slinging a football around without soreness. I would think his initial rehab included weighted balls too. It looks like he’s completely started over with his rehab but maybe taking it slower this time. He keeps saying he’s not going to skip any steps which makes me wonder if he rushed through his first rehab. 

  4. I kinda of see where the OP is coming from. Under Dungy/Polian, the Colts won a lot of regular season games and put up monster offensive numbers.  But more often than not, they were bounced in the first round of the playoffs. This is why I wasn’t happy with the Caldwell hire. Nothing against him personally, I was hoping they’d hire a coach with a different philosophy who’d tweak some things instead of just towing the company line. Polian wasn’t having that though. Everyone knew those teams relied heavily on Peyton playing at a very high level almost every game for them to win and when he did not the team was likely to lose. 


    I think Ballard and Reich will put together an all around good team that isn’t totally reliant on the QB to play at an elite level every game. Ballard is constantly preaching this and Reich is fresh off a Super Bowl run with a backup. QB. 


    I don’t like the Tampa 2 though. 

  5. 23 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    Very encouraging....


    To be clear....    Luck didn't rule out surgery 100 percent.    He ruled out surgery.....    "FOR NOW".


    I'll feel better when Luck is back practicing with the Colts and reports his arm feels as good as it ever has.   I'll feel better when Luck is not missing a day of practice per week as he did in 2016.    I'll feel better when Luck says there will be no surgery --- period--- and doesn't add the words "for now."


    But this interview is a step in the right direction.    Color me pleased.



    I still wonder what he’s throwing though. LOL! You’re right.  He did not totally rule out another surgery.  He said ‘in his mind’ he doesn’t need anther surgery. It’s encouraging that he believes so strongly but I still gotta see it. 

  6. 34 minutes ago, Chrisaaron1023 said:

    I have a dumb question. But I'm curious. Do season ticket holders get any kinds of inecentive\discounts for away games?


    I’ve had them for about 7 years now and I don’t recall ever being offered to buy away game tickets. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


    There really isn't any clear consensus on the treatment of shoulder injures in the overhead athlete, especially those in the event of a failed SLAP (superior labrum anterior posterior) repair. SLAP repair in overhead athletes has had relatively poor results with return to play outcomes I've seen in several reports. However, it was recently concluded in another study that Biceps Tenodesis in an overhead throwing athlete is an acceptable option for a failed SLAP repair.


    But this is up to the patient and his surgeon.  Most of the elite ortho surgeons Ive studied do not perform a biceps tenodesis along with/in lieu of SLAP repair in overhead throwing athletes, contrary to what quite a few here have posted.  I have heard it is common to do so for non athletes, most especially those over 40 years of age. In athletes, a more conservative treatment plan is usually the course, then corrective treatment if the treatment doesn't work.

    I think Andrew should have had an arthroscope in late December to see what correction may be necessary... if any.  He elected not to do that.  So we wait for him to advance through another interval throwing program, and hope for the best.


    Another thing to be aware, biceps tenodesis moves the anchor point on the long head of the biceps tendon from the labrum to the upper part of the arm bone (Humerus). This changes the setup and mechanics of the superior labrum–biceps complex (SLBC). So since there is no arthroscope post SLAP repair to determine possible damage that still needs corrective action, we await Luck to finish his interval throwing program regimen.  If he cannot complete that, I would the consider the SLAP repair a failure, and then that biceps tenodesis people talk about on here may be the corrective action needed to get Luck back into action down the road.  Until then, let's see what happens.  It's Luck's body, he chooses his treatment and recovery based upon all information given him from his physicians. Nobody can force him to an procedure, just inform him and let him decide. Period.



    Well put!  Are you a doctor or did you play one on tv?  

  8. 10 hours ago, a06cc said:

    After him going to Europe to see specialist... Do you think one of them would say “Hey you might want to get your bicep looked at”? Team will issue an update around FA. 


    I don't recall Luck saying he went the Netherlands to see a specialist.  He said he took his therapist to the Netherlands because his therapist had access to a clinic that had "treatments" that were not available in the US.  He didn't specify what those treatments were but said he didn't have any injections.  It was also a mental thing - he just needed to get away.  I still wonder what these mysterious "treatments" were.  


    The transcript can be found here:




    To me, reading it is not as convincing as hearing it.  These 2 questions stand out to me:


    Could you have received the same treatment over here in the United States?

    “The therapist that I worked with, his resources were over in the Netherlands and clinic and other help. So that’s why – in one specific place. So no, I could not have done what I did there here from some of the people involved aspect of it.”


    What was the treatment? What did you do there that you couldn’t do here?

    “It had a lot to do with him (the trainer). The Colts have been really, really supportive.”

  9. 5 minutes ago, indy1888 said:

    JMV indicated this morning that Glazer may be appearing on his show this afternoon so maybe we will get some more information.  If another procedure is needed, i would expect that it wont be announced until after season ticket renewals are done.   I'm to the point now where if he plays that great, if he doesn't play oh well.  This is a team game, he has already missed over a year anyway and there is no guarantee even if he comes back that he will be as good as what he was. Take the guys who are healthy and move forward. If there is no faith in Jacoby then draft another QB at some point in this years draft and lets go.


    No, not ticketgate!

  10. 2 hours ago, Superman said:


    What about him? I mean, either he's back or he's not. If he is, awesome. If not, they'll have to find a new QB. 


    Ballard gave a pretty straightforward update less than a week ago. I don't know what else anyone can say about it right now, or why it would matter. They said he'd be ready last season, and he wasn't. Just gotta wait at this point.


    They should put Luck on a 24 hour webcam like that zoo did a couple years ago waiting for tat giraffe to give birth. 

  11. 1 hour ago, krunk said:

    To me it is weird Ballard is not in any of Reichs hiring pictures. And Ballards statement on the hire is just a general sort of netral statement.


    I agree. That picture with Irsay and Reich makes it look like this was an Irsay hire. It could be that Ballard was the odd man out and there was no one else to take the picture. :D


  12. 23 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

    Whether or not press conferences are your thing that was a pretty darn important one considering the circumstances.  The media could have easily ridiculed us over this but because of the way he handled it he salvaged some respect and enabled their scrutiny to fall primarily on McDaniels. 


    As far as Luck...I heard that as well so I guess I'm in that 1%.  I also keep hearing Ballard say repeatedly that it's not about one guy.


    Ballard can say it’s not about one person until he turns blue as Blue. Right now we all know it is all about Luck. But it’s Ballard’s job to not make it about one person so I guess he’s right. :P

  13. 14 minutes ago, BlueRedZone said:

    So I guess please let us know where Luck is in his schedule and where he should be?


    Would they like him throwing a football?  Sure. But he’s working on his throwing motion and mechanics to be a better quarterback. Since were a few months away from training camp. Why rush and mess up the progress?  This all seams normal and was not done the first time around.  I think that’s what your “99%” heard. 


    He was supposed to play last season so he’s well behind schedule. And I’m not advocating that he start throwing before he’s ready to. I think they rushed Luck too fast after the surgery. I just think in Ballard’s anger with McDaniels made him go a bit Irsay with his comments about Luck and the so-called rivalry. That sounds like what Irsay would say.  

  14. 39 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

    I agree.  I think he has done some good things and showed some admirable qualities.  He also thought hiring Josh McDaniels (with his checkered head coaching resume and cheating background) was a good idea and very easily could have lead this franchise down an unfortunate path had fate not intervened. (Thank God!)  So I have some questions about his character assessment skills.  I'm still in his corner but he has a lot of work to do. And right now is his proving ground.  Thus far, he is off to a rocky start to this off season and that's just being honest. Beautifully handled press conference though.  But then again...he really needed to nail it for damage control.


    He is really good at press conferences - if press conferences are your thing. They are not my thing though. His overconfidence in Luck's health is great but if Luck is not back under center soon that overconfidence is going to come back and bite him. 99% of the fans who heard Ballard talk about Luck probably think that Luck is still on schedule. The other 1% heard Ballard say tha Luck hasn’t even picked up a football. 

  15. 35 minutes ago, threeflight said:

    Bringing in Manning as an apprentice coach would be an all time home run imo. It would invigorate the fan base to no end. Let him learn for a year under a veteran coach and then give him the reigns.  


    Peyton is one of the smartest football men I have ever come across.  If most of the 32 *s we see now as coach can make it to the NFL, I am 99% certain that Manning can not just be a coach, but a damn good one. 


    I am not saying he should be the coach.  I am saying it is an idea, and certainly a better one than what is being thrown there now.


    What I am saying is if the best we can do is Leslie Frazier, it is time to take a time out and wait until you REALLY get the man you want, rather than settling.


    Why would you bring in an inexperienced Manning to do anything in this organization?  You have a new GM and a new coach.  If you bring Manning into the front office now you will undermine Ballard.  If you bring Manning in as an apprentice coach then you undermine whoever the new coach is.  In either scenario, both GM and coach would realize that they are just placeholders for Manning and would be constantly looking over their shoulders. Why introduce that friction?


    Only way I see Manning come here is to replace someone but not come in as some sort of assistant or apprentice.

  16. 1 hour ago, Sumo63 said:

    Just stop, there is no "rivalry".  Pats own us.  Next to them we've been like a little boy playing make-believe in his daddy's suit.  Win.  Hell, put together a coaching staff and field a QB you havent gotten killed, THEN talk rivalry......Sorry fellow fans, I know this is gonna be unpopular, but until we field a competitive squad, this rah rah stuff is embarrassing.......fire away.......


    If you’re gonna make that shirt, you have to put the win/loss record for the so called rivalry. 

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