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Posts posted by deedub75

  1. 16 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

    That's great. I have a football signed by Manning and 7 other players from the super bowl year. Vinatieri, Rhodes, Hayden, Sanders, Clark, Diem and June and the others who signed my football.


    Nice!  I also have a hat signed by Luck from his first training camp. 

    • Like 2
  2. 11 hours ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


    That's possible, but remember, Luck only had 4 limited practices in a 2 week span coming off the PUP, when they shut him down.  He was in pain and shoulder inflamed.  It is not out of the realm of possibility they told him to rest at least 3-4 weeks, and then begin flexibility and range of motion exercises before any thought of shoulder strengthening would be attempted.   After his earlier surgery, he was in a sling 3-4 weeks minimum, then began flexibility / ROM exercises.  Maybe they asked for a similar approach to begin the latest rehab.



    Which is an amended position, as when he returned from the Netherlands it was-


    “I feel really good today,” Luck said on Friday, speaking to the media for the first time since going on injured reserve in early November. “I do not think I need another surgery. I believe in the process that I’m in right now. I’ve gotten great help and hope to continue to get better. I plan on being ready for everything, everything official, offseason, NFL schedule. I plan on being ready.”



    Which is curious,  but he also didn't go to Europe...


    “The therapist that I worked with, his resources were over in the Netherlands, the clinic and other help,” Luck says of a reason for heading across the Atlantic for his rehab. “I could not have done what I did there, here, from some of the people involved aspect of it.”


    My suspicion it was more than just a people/clinic/mental aspect as well.



    I hope he gets on a throwing program soon, even privately.  I still believe it will be 2-3 months with no setbacks for him to be physically ready to play at a high level (with the final 3-4 weeks of it in practice with the team).  Mentally, I am not sure at all how he is/will fare.  He seems confident in the press room.  Let's see on the field.


    Very well put. 

  3. 8 hours ago, Trace Pyott said:

    For those guys who didn't quite understand my analogy (I admit it wasn't the best  but I was half asleep) I will re explain what I meant. I was basically saying that if the season was starting tomorrow than luck would be throwing but it isn't, so they are taking all the time possible to get his body built up for the time when it is time to start throwing. I think they probably fear that if they start him too early he might hurt himself again so why not take it down to the very last second but still allowing him enough time to prepare to start game 1 of the season.  Some people might have taken what I was saying as pessimism but I'm thinking luck will be ok they are just being super conservative this time and want him In some of the best shape of his life when he starts throwing again. 


    Reich somewhat eluded to the fact that doctors still have to clear Luck so I don’t know if he’d be throwing now if the season started tomorrow. 


    I do agree that they waiting until the last possible moment to have him start throwing. 

  4. 5 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    We have to trust that Luck will return for the simple fact that Ballard traded down instead of staying at no3 where we would of been able to take Sam Darnold. That alone deserves their trust until Luck returns or doesn't return. If he returns, we can all breathe a sigh of relief and move on, if he still has problems and doesn't return, then it's time to crucify the FO as they would have to be the most incompetent people in the league to be wrong two years in a row and pass up a franchise QB to replace him because of stubbornness. 


    Right now, Ballard and Irsay are risking everything that Luck will return. Ballard could be in danger of losing his job if he passed on Darnold and Luck isn't playing, and Irsay could be the laughingstock of the NFL if he didn't force Ballard to draft a franchise QB, didn't get anything out of Luck's career, and lost the trust of millions of Colts fans and a lot of future money from this incident. A lot is on the line for both of them. Give it til the start of the season before judging, if Luck doesn't return, tear this FO up willingly at that point. They deserve until the start of the season to be judged though.


    I think you’re reading too much into Ballard trading down and not picking a QB in the draft.  The only way I saw Ballard picking a QB at #3 was if Luck or his doctors said he was done.  As long as Luck is rehabbing and things are looking like he will play then there was no need to panick and pick a QB at #3. The team is not likely to win much this year even with a healthy Luck.  Brissett will fill in nicely and if for some reason Luck doesn’t play at all or is completely done then Ballard will be picking pretty high next year and then he would pick a QB but the foundation for the team would already be set.  According to Ballard, he is trying to build a complete team that is not totally reliant on the QB. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, pgt_rob said:

    Man, getting tired of hearing how close Andrew Luck is to throwing footballs. Seems like every week or so there's a snippit about him being close. I hope when he's throwing footballs, there's video proof so we can all watch in amazement. 


    He’s been close since he got back from Europe.   

  6. 22 hours ago, TdungyW/12 said:

    I understand it I’m just stating that lifting while injured period ( for someone as important as Luck ) would have been prohibited .... hence his anorexic look he had just a year ago. I’m sure he has been throwing balls much heavier then a football, I’m sure he has been using resistance bands to replicate a throwing motion .... I’m sure “the way he looks” is the way he feels ..... there’s no way we are being told he will throw coming camp with him never throwing anywhere else. He won’t just pick up a football cold turkey and throw it again after so much time off .... he’s throwing a football we just haven’t been told or shown he is.


    Healing is the key word here. While he was healing from the surgery, I’m pretty sure he was prohibited from doing much of anything. When the doctors cleared him to start throwing then the healing process had to be completed otherwise they wouldn’t have cleared him. Maybe he should have bulked back up before he started throwing again the first time around but who knows?  I think he injured it again and that’s why he was shut down for so long. He is healed yet again and is at least looking the part this time around. 

  7. 1 hour ago, ColtsBlueFL said:

    Here is the quote from Frank Reich in late February about Luck throwing at the OTA's-


    “You know what? I’m hopeful that maybe that could happen,” Reich said, via Zak Keefer of the Indianapolis Star. “I’m hopeful, yeah. I know it sounds odd, but I’m not demanding an answer on that. I’m not, ‘Hey, someone tell me, is he ready?’ I hope he’s there, but we’ll go on if he’s not. I’m optimistic, and I’m hopeful, but honestly that’s not the forefront question on my mind every day coming to work.”


    Now we get this-


    Andrew Luck hopes to be 100 percent ready to go by the start of training camp. (Late July)


    We learned last year about hope, it is not a guarantee by any stretch.


    Here are the latest Frank Reich statements-


    Can't cut things short. There’s no reason to cut things short. It’s a day-by-day process and evaluation and (we’re) just staying trusting in that.  I’m completely comfortable with him throwing when he’s ready, when the doctors say he’s ready,’’ Reich said. “He’s totally engaged in every aspect of what we’re doing mentally. The physical part for a guy like him, you’ve got to work at it, but I’m not worried about that."


    So, there are doctors still involved here and they apparently haven't given the green light... and the team won't cut things short. So we still have some doubt about the timeline. That's why it is being talked about again.


    I'm really not sure they addressed the root cause of the labrum tear (at least initially), just fixed the labrum.  I respond with my thoughts here to Superman-




    I remain cautiously optimistic.  But I was last year too and was let down.  I hope it doesn't happen again.


    I can’t imagine what steps he possibly skipped last year unless he was doing things on his own outside of his prescribed rehab. The doctors felt he was healed enough last year to clear him to start throwing and he was being closely monitored when he did start throwing. Something must have happened if doctors are not clearing him. 

  8. 1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:


    I think if you think nothing has changed...   that things today are the same as they were a month ago....    then you're kidding yourself.


    Look...   Luck might still be ready week one vs Cincinnati.   Or he might not.   But he appears to be behind the schedule that Reich publicly spoke of roughly a month ago.   Again...   Doesn't mean Luck can't go on to have a very good year.    But this appears to be a small step back.   Not something you'd want to happen.


    But at least it should be in our radar...  that things seem to have changed.



    I thought they indicated that he’d be throwing ‘soon’ when he returned from the Netherlands. Either they are just being overly cautious or something happened. 

    • Like 1
  9. On 5/23/2018 at 12:59 AM, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    IMO, this offseason is a lot different than last. Luck looks 100% healthy and built like a Train. Last offseason he didn't look right at all, skinny, etc.. I have very little doubt he wont be ready for Week 1. We will see once he starts throwing how he feels but I think he will be fine. Irsay was just trying to be optimistic last offseason which most owners are when it comes to a franchise player that is injured. I know the NFL is a business but IMO Irsay didn't have to lie to sell tickets, so why would he? We were going to sell out every game regardless anyway which we did whether or not we announced Luck was out for the season in August or October.


    I just find it hard to believe that being/looking in better shape has any bearing on the potential for shoulder pain once he starts throwing. Tim Tebow is a physical specimen and can’t throw a football. Let’s just hope Luck has developed a new throwing motion that allows him to throw like he used to with no pain and not throw like Tebow. 

    • Like 2
  10. 13 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


    The first 5-6 games will be run heavy for sure. I wouldn't be surprised if it's week 8 before we even see a pass longer than 20 yards. And it's not just a health thing, Luck's learning a new scheme just like everyone else, and developing the chemistry with WRs & TEs & mastering the new offensive playbook will take time.


    Are you saying that they would not call a pass play longer than 20 yards? I don’t think you can trust any QB to not go off script during live game action. 

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, DaColts85 said:

    In TC is when he is "targeted" to start throwing a regular regimen? That is not terrible.


    Ballard didn’t really say regular regiment. He said the target date to start throwing was training camp. If he hasn’t thrown any by then I suspect his throwing regiment would be similar to what he did when he started throwing during last season - a scripted set and number of throughs with a couple of days with test and rehab in between. He would ramp up from there hoping that there’s no soreness like last time. 

    • Like 1
  12. On 5/5/2018 at 2:13 PM, 4192480 said:

    8-8 is a very optimistic record we have to many question marks.

    1. Andrew Lucks health.

    2. No PROVEN running back.

    3. Wide receivers we, only have one PROVEN receiver.

    4. Tightends I think we’re fine.

    5. Offensive line we only have 2 PROVEN starters and maybe starting 2 rookie guards and still don’t know who our right tackle is.

    6. D- tackles don’t know who we have that are going to fit the up the field penetration scheme.  Maybe Ridgeway.

    7. D- ends no PROVEN one. A lot of potential, but no standout PROVEN one.

    8. Linebackers maybe starting at least 2 rookies.

    9. Safety’s health concerns here.

    10. Corners no standout PROVEN talent here.


    IF everything falls into place 8-8 would be a good record.  But until then we have to many UNPROVENS.


    I agree with you. Everything needs to fall into place. That means no injuries to any key players. We are going to be fielding a lot of rookies and that means none of them can play like rookies. Luck needs to come back 100% with no rust even though it’s May and he has yet to throw a football.  It can happen I guess. 

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