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Posts posted by deedub75

  1. 25 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    If I am not mistaken you have had season tickets for years. I have been to around 50 games in my lifetime myself. I have never been to a pre-season game though. I just had no interest. So yeah, nice sell :thmup:


    I used to go to them. I’ve sold them dirt cheap, given them away to friends, and donated them in past. It’s just not worth going anymore. I hate paying so much for them. 

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, GusFring said:

    So this scan that he just got, is it the first time he got the scan? Why did Ballard seem to suggest its a new area in the ankle that they're focusing on now? 


    Indy docs seem to really be practicing on the 100mil QB. Bring Painter back and use him for practice. 


    They don’t know what’s going on. Luck has a mysterious ailment that moves from his calf to his ankle all while being filmed on an MRI. 

  3. 52 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    Read that mike Chappell article. They think it is similar high ankle sprain. They believe they have figured it out. My question is what took so long?


    When did the high ankle sprain occur?  If all of this happened in March, shouldn’t whatever it is be healed by now?  

    • Thanks 1
  4. 28 minutes ago, Devildog said:

    Irsay is not a doctor.  I bet he meant to say something else.  If Luck has a headache, Irsay would probably say he's dealing with a "small little bone."


    Well, I guess I will have to wait what this "small little bone" is before I make my conclusion.  At this point, I'm not too worried because he's been throwing and his leg is not the one throwing the football. :hat:



    He said small little bone but I bet he left the word spur off because he caught himself before he said it. 


    A friend of mine has bone spurs in the heels of both his feet near where the Achilles attaches to the heel. They aggravate his Achilles and feet.  He’s done physical therapy and his doctor tells him he needs surgery. His surgery involves detaching the Achilles from his heel, shaving down the bone spurs, and reattaching the Achilles to the heel. He needs this in both feet. He keeps putting it off because he is afraid to have it and with the right foot he’d be unable to drive for awhile. 


    My friend is not an elite athlete so he can function as long as he can bear the pain. I hop this is not what Luck is going through. 

    • Like 2
  5. 33 minutes ago, threeflight said:

    I noticed that too.  Thought it was really odd.


    I saw him kind of go through half way practices and he didn't limp, didn't favor the leg, wasn't rubbing it or stretching it.




    He’s a food actor maybe?


  6. 55 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


    X-rays would've revealed that though, right?


    Could have been an incidental finding on the x-rays that they didn't think was an issue at the time.  They mentioned surgery was discussed but I can't imagine what surgery would be discussed for a strained calf unless it was completely torn and he wouldn't be walking at that point.  A bone spur could cause the pain he's describing.  

  7. 24 minutes ago, jameszeigler834 said:

    Im on a concern level yellow right now cause we are only about 5 weeks or so from regular season game one and this calf is still a problem sit him the rest of camp don't take any chances the Warriors pushed Kevin Durant to return too soon and he got a ruptured Achillies tendon for his trouble that happens to luck our season is up in smoke before it even begins sit him let him heal.


    Since it's been lingering so long, I'm a bit concerned now.  Time for Luck to take another trip to the Netherlands.  

  8. 51 minutes ago, DerekDiggler said:

    How many seats do you have?  Don’t sell them before you contact me next yr please   I may be interested 


    I have five seats on two rows.  Three of the seats are on row 3 and the other two are on row 2 directly in front.

  9. 58 minutes ago, coltsleafs said:

    Ya I've upgraded a few times now and at the price level I'm at I can't really get any better seats and I'm hesitant to upgrade to more expensive seats because that opens me up to obviously a much larger loss but maybe that what I need to do.


    That's my issue now.  I upgraded to the club section a few years ago.  I have this year and next year on my contract and I will either sell the rights or move back outside of the club section.  Don't get me wrong - I love being in the club section but if I move one section outside of the club (where I was before) the tickets are almost half the price.  They are hard to sell unless the Steelers, Cowboys or Patriots are coming to town.  

  10. 1 minute ago, IinD said:

    Tickets will never have rca dome prices again unfortunately for those who sell them.

    As an out of state fan it's been way cheaper during the Luck era for me so I'm not complaining.


    It's not even an RCA Dome thing.  It's been difficult to sell my unused tickets for a decent price since Manning left.  Most of the ticket brokers dumped their season tickets and have not come back.  There was at one point 10,000 or so people on the season ticket wait list when I first got on it back in like 2010 or so.  There is virtually no wait list now.  

  11. 1 hour ago, coltsleafs said:

    Just logged onto some ticket sale sites to checkout ticket prices and I am baffled that so many people are willing to sell their tickets for lower than the face value. I've been a season ticket holder since Luck first season and every year the ticket prices being sold keep getting lower and lower. As a fan who lives 12 hours from Indianapolis I don't make it to all the home games so I do try to sell the ones I can't make but people are pricing them so low that it makes it almost impossible to do now. Sorry for the rant I just really don't understand the logic here since the team is clearly on the rise.


    Are you sure you’re not seeing preseason games?  I can’t imagine why someone would be taking a loss on selling tickets already. 

    • Like 3
  12. 4 hours ago, Mr.Debonair said:

    At some point, the end is going to happen. If he comes back, I still say we draft a kicker. Just to have already in the fold and one that can learn under him


    If we draft a kicker, if he's any good where will we stash him?  If he goes to the practice squad, another team will surely take him.  Badgley was pretty good but we all knew that he was going to be cut.  

  13. 22 hours ago, Chloe6124 said:

    I understand fans being hyped after the stretch we had. But in reality except maybe the cowboys we played nobody. It gave everyone a sense we were better then what we were.  Reality after the game yesterday all the rookies and no name players caught up to us when we finally played a great team. This will be a huge learning experience moving forward.


    I agree but I look more at the QBs and offenses we played against. Outside of Brady, we really faced no great QB during the regular season.  We lost to Philly but Wentz was not very good this season at all. They played better without him. We didn’t have to play any prolific offenses either. 


    I’m encouraged that we seem to have a good foundation.  I just hope Ballard doesn’t come down with a case of the Grigson syndrome. 

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