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Posts posted by deedub75

  1. 33 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

    Uh, anyone that thinks he should be fired thinks he is a racist


    You are usually a pretty reasonable person on here but that is so untrue. I’m ok with him being fired but that doesn’t mean I think he’s a racist. I simply don’t know and neither do you. For all we know he could have marched with Dr. King; or he very well could have a basement full of confederate flags and swastikas.  None of us know him.  So because been calling games for 40+ years he should get a pass?  If he had only been with the Colts for one year and done this would you feel differently?  If it makes you feel better just say he got fire for being stupid or unprofessional in place of being racist. 

    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

    Bob Lamey has been covering professional sports for 40+ years.   He has known these players,  had interactions with them daily,   for over 40 years.   Not one person has said he was a racist until now.   Odd


    Who's saying he's racist?  He said a racist word and he's suffering the consequences.  So be it.  I am glad that lady had the courage to report what she heard because all too often racist, homophobic, and misogynistic remarks got laughed off and go unreported.  

    • Thanks 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, #12. said:

    Why is that?  Fear of litigation.  If someone who worked under or with Lamey were to bring a discrimination suit, and Lamey were on record with, depending upon how you read it, a racial joke, you would be screwed.  If the Colts had knowledge of it going on in the workplace and did nothing, they would be even more screwed.


    You’d have to ask Irsay that one. It may be in their contracts. If I did the same thing at my job and someone heard it and reported it I would at the very least be suspended and possibly fired. 

  4. 35 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    He's 80 years old. In his day, doing something like that wasn't considered "wrong" necessarily. In his generation, people wouldn't overreact to something like that because it's a joke. We know not to do it today, but it's hard to change everything that was once ok in your life when you're 80 years old. He was wrong 100%, but he deserves some slack.


    You can give him slack if you want. He may deserve yours but I think it is my choice if I don’t want to give him slack. 

    • Like 1
  5. 10 hours ago, The Fish said:

    I'm not sure they are. There's always an angle... The variations can be seen in this thread even. Didn't you know about Phillip Walker. He threw a TD.. in a preseason game even. Luck didn't yesterday. Probably needs benched, ya know?


    There's zero patience in this sport, but this year is more than likely going to require some patience. Luck needs to get rolling again (and him playing a whole game would be the way, we'll get there..) and the program as a whole needs to be defined and put into motion and practiced. Then there's the rebuild that every single person who spent the last 3 years before Ballard showed up, begging for Grigson to be fired (because he sucked and was tanking the franchise) should expect. There's no way to fix the mess he made by missing so often, so badly on draft picks in year 2. It honestly can't be overstated how very Browns Grigson was/is. 


    I’m preaching patience which is why I’m not upset with anything that’s going on right now.  Ballard has made mistakes and he will be the first to admit. It’s going to take time for the results we want. 

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Superman said:


    I disagree. I was pretty upset during preseason last year because I felt the team had no sense of urgency. Players weren't bringing any physicality, the team was flat, the defense was slow. And the coaching staff was treating Tolzien like he was a well established starter, playing him just one series in the first game and only one quarter in the second game. 


    This year, there is a clear sense of urgency from top to bottom. The defense is playing fast and physical, even though they aren't great. They're giving Luck more playing time than Tolzien got last year. Camp was reportedly far more physical and grueling than any Pagano camp ever was. 


    To me, Game 2 was just sloppy. I'm not making or accepting excuses for it, but I don't think it's anything more than that. After listening to Reich talk about the Saturday practice being sloppy because of the brawl, I'm not surprised the game was sloppy. And I'm thinking it's going to be a positive for the team, because the coaches can draw a straight line from that last sloppy practice to the sloppy game, and use both to hold players accountable. I hope they do just that. 


    We'll see if the team winds up looking soft, sluggish, unprepared, etc., in Week 1. But I don't think this preseason is similar to previous years at all. I think the coaching staff has already established a far different tone. 


    I’m not talking about how the preseason is being run. The play in the 2 preseason games looks similar as well as the injuries. 


    Calling game 2 sloppy is an excuse. They played a better team and that should be a wake up call for them. 

  7. 45 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

    If you're expecting greatness this year,   you're gonna be disappointed I'm afraid.    Luck hasn't played in a long time.   New coaches,  new schemes.    It won't happen over night


    I’m with you. I’m not expecting greatness this season. But I’m also not going to make excuse for them. I don’t agree with the OP that Luck looked like crap but he did not look good either. The excuse makers came out big time on this thread. 

  8. 40 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

    This coaching staff has nothing to do with Pagano's coaching staff just like Pagano's had nothing to do with Dungy/Cauldwell's staff.

    Most all pre-season games are played the same by all teams. That is self explanatory.

    You want to bring up history? Tell me how the Colts played in pre-season during the Manning years.


    I did not say Pagano’s coaching staff had anything to do with this coaching staff. I only said the results look similar and history can repeat itself no matter how many regimes a team goes through. Colts had Manning during the Manning years so you answered your own question on that one. He was so good that he only needed a couple of series throughout all of the preseason games to get ready. 

  9. 11 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

    What you don't seem to realize is this team has no history. This is Frank's first season right along with all the coaches. So there is no history established.


    How many regimes have the Browns been through?  Jets?  Bills?  The Colts' past history does not predict the future.  However, this preseason is looking eerily similar to the past few preseasons.  I'm hoping this new regime can break from the old.  Like I said before, I'm not going to make excuses for this team.  They don't look very good at all and there are question marks at almost every position and these questions aren't going to be answered by Saturday.  So far there's been nothing to say they are going to be terrible but there's also been nothing to say that they are going to be great either.  

  10. 2 minutes ago, 1959Colts said:


    You make a very good point.

    Reich has said he would use "vanilla play calling" during the preseason.

    Based on the offense's struggles so far, I will be very interested to see how much different (and innovative) the play calling will be in the first few regular season games.


    Most, if not all, teams use vanilla play calling during the preseason.  They want to hold their cards until the regular season.  However, we still have not seen Luck throw it more than 20 yard.  I hope this is by design but even so it's still unusual to see a QB not throw at least one long ball in 2 preseason games.  So it's difficult to get a true reading on your team if the the opposing defense in 2 preseason games knows that they only have to guard 20 yards down the field.  Play action isn't going to work and you really can't evaluate your run game.  

  11. 1 minute ago, crazycolt1 said:

    It amazes me how you can make those comments based on 2 pre-season games. If you can't see that the coaches are looking at things that have nothing to do with winning football games I don't know what to tell you. We haven't even seen the starting lineups of the offense or the defense. We haven't seen a game plan put in place either. We have been looking at bubble players.

    I am not saying we are going to be great or be bad but till I see regular season game action I am not predicting how good or bad we will be. 


    My point is that the same things are said every year and even with a new coaching staff and new players the same things are being said.  The team has a history of playing in the first few regular season games the same way they played in the preseason.  The coaches and players aren't making excuses and I'm certainly not going to make excuses for them.  I don't think they even know who all of the starters are going to be 2 games in and that's a problem and I also don't believe they figured that out after last night.  We're relying on a bunch of unproven players hoping that Luck is going to ride in to the rescue.  

  12. The excuses made for this team are amazing.  We could look back at the forum every year since Manning left and see a lot of the same excuses for this team's performance.  This team seems fundamentally flawed year after year.  The team has not looked good plain and simple.  This is year 2 of Ballard and think in 3 years he should be able to turn this team around.  This may not be our year but I'm not upset about it.  

  13. Yes you will. Best bet is to buy the seats where you want to sit and then buy a cheap nosebleed seat for your infant. I did this for some time. I had 3 season tickets in a good area and then I bought 1 season ticket in the nosebleeds for my infant and he just sat in my lap.  I did this until I was able to relocate and combine my seats. 


    It’s crazy that they charge. We went to the Colts/Saints Super Bowl and we were considering taking a 1 year old and they said it would be no charge for him. We found a sitter instead. 

  14. 14 hours ago, Superman said:

    It's too early to say, honestly. If his soreness persists, or gets worse, that will be a problem. I don't think he's out of the woods until a) he's able to withstand some contact and b) really has to let it rip in a game situation, with no governor. If a problem arises earlier than that, even worse.


    If it's just general soreness from rehabbing an injured body part -- or even just from throwing a football a hundred times a day -- then it's probably nothing to worry about.


    But I'm definitely not freaking out because a couple people are talking about pain and soreness. 


    I would also like to see how he reacts when there's actually a real threat of him being hit.  Will he be able to throw the ball effectively at different arm angles or will the bad throwing motion return when a DE is bearing down on him?

    • Like 1
  15. 14 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I would be shocked if he wasn't sore. He hasn't thrown like that in a long time. Nothing to worry about, he will start on opening day like I have been saying since April. 


    It's hard to say.  I would think that he had been throwing quite a bit leading up to camp especially with receivers at Stanford.  Hopefully it's just soreness and not pain.

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