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Posts posted by deedub75

  1. 2 hours ago, 1959Colts said:

    Here is my theory that the Colts HC decision will play out between three candidates. 




    Patricia (indirectly)


    The article by Rapoport says the Colts are down to McDaniels or Vrabel.

    He mentions McDaniels is in the mix for the Giants as is Patricia.

    The Lions seem to prefer Patricia but Vrabel is their other option.


    If the Colts want Vrabel he could sign with us at any time, so if Vrabel is the man they want it's possible he signs soon...


    However, if the Colts prefer McDaniels we have to wait, and then the Giants may compete with us.


    So assuming the Giants first choice ends up being McDaniels (over Patricia)...

    Once NE is done playing, it would come down to McDaniels to either Indy or NY


    If McDaniels then chooses NY

    Detroit then would be able to get Patricia and the Colts end up with Vrabel.


    I’m not saying this will happen but what if the Patriots win the Super Bowl and Belichick calls it quits. The Colts have been waiting for the Patriots playoff run to end so they can sign McDaniels and he then gets promoted to HC. That would be something. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Smonroe said:

    I give him two years.  That's about the average lifespan for a Bears coach.


    Besides how they feel about Luck, any candidate has to appreciate the patience and faith that Irsay has in his management.


    Great things happen to teams after John Fox is fired.......

  3. 2 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


    Everything I've read thus far suggests the job is McDaniels' if he wants it, and that it was between the Colts and Bears for him. With the Bears job filled, it's hard to imagine the Colts going with someone else now.


    Maybe the Bears didn't want to wait for the Pats to win the Super Bowl to hire McDaniels.

  4. 8 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

    Pagano and Caldwell were good coaches....Pagano won more than he lost.

    No one is a mirror image of anyone else. That's simple-minded

    Everyone's record against premier teams is bad because they are....well...premier teams...


    You'll want the next coach gone by October. That's the way we are


    They were both mediocre coaches which is why they were both just fired. Pagano’s teams were never even competitive against the Patriots and Steelers. If the new coach turns out to be mediocre then in 4 years he should be gone too. 

  5. 46 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

    3 playoff berths with a young team in 2012, 2013, 2014.

    2017. Vince Lombardi could not have done better with our injuries and remaining personell.


    But, as I know you remember, when Andrew Luck played, we won and made the playoffs.

    We're moving on from a winning coach, is the point. It can get worse. Ask the Bears since Lovie Smith left.


    Wins and losses matter




    Lombardi could have done just as well or better playing in the AFC South with Luck as his QB.  Chuck was a mediocre coach with a really good QB in a bad division. His record outside of the division left a lot to be desired. His record against the two premier teams in the AFC was abysmal. The only difference between him and Caldwell is that he showed emotion on the field while Caldwell didn’t. Their coaching careers are almost mirror images of each other and they are now both unemployed. 


    I am glad he’s gone and I can’t make a single argument for keeping him.  I don’t have any ill will towards him but I’m glad he’s gone. 

  6. 1 minute ago, oldunclemark said:

    Not true....Our teams always played hard and a lot of games this year were close hen we were outmanned personell-wise


    I don’t think they really played harder than any other team. They may have played hard but they didn’t play very well. 

  7. 1 hour ago, JColts72 said:

    Oh yeah there is no physical therapist in the US of A. Dude is grasping at straws for magic solutions. Maybe Jim is right about it being mental.


    He took his therapist from the US with him to the Netherlands saying that they had access to ‘things’ at a clinic there that weren’t available here. He wouldn’t elaborate on what those ‘things’ were. 

  8. 15 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

    I am not the one who is looking or doubting anyone.

    A persons medical conditions and who or where they get treatment is their personal business.

    He don't have to give anyone a warm and fuzzy feeling does he?


    That was the point of the presser.  I’m just saying that I personally didn’t hear or see anything that led me to believe that he’s any closer to playing.


    Some people got great vibes from the presser and that’s great and I’m not disagreeing with them or saying they are wrong. It just didn’t do that for me. 

  9. 1 minute ago, The Fish said:

    "Things" that were only available in the netherlands... with no details. Yeah, that's going to be construed as roids or stem cell therapy by a great many.

    If he didn't want to talk about that, he should have.. not talked about it. 


    I really don't care to be honest, but I'll agree that he left some question there.


    That's what I'm saying.  It left more questions for me than answers at this point.  But I wasn't expecting much from this presser anyway.  

  10. 1 minute ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    You didn't but you are implying he's lying by saying - people lie all the time why cant you grasp that. I could give a rats behind actually what Andrew says. Mainly because he could get on TV and say he's 100% and some people will still say he's lying so it doesn't matter. People can believe what they want. When he starts next September I will be here saying I told the people so that say he is done. But hey Irsay just wants to sell tickets right?


    You brought up the word lying.  I never said he was lying.  I said he was playing loosely with the truth which is what they all do.  Andrew does it.  Chuck does.  Ballard does it.  All sports figures at that level do it.  They want to control the narrative.  I never said or implied that he was done either.  

  11. Just now, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Why is it hard for you to grasp if he hated it here in Indy he would just say so. Hey he didn't retire lmao 


    Where did I say he hated it here?  I just think he's creating more speculation for the fanbase.  If he was just going to the Netherlands to work with a trainer who could only do the training and rehab in the Netherlands or if he just wanted to get away and not be a distraction, he or the Colts could have put out a statement saying just that.  


    I hope he's fine but this presser didn't really give me the warm and fuzzy that he is.  

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