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Posts posted by deedub75

  1. 23 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    I'm not sure what the fuss about over one play.


    And here's the story on the play.     The ball was NOT supposed to be snapped.     And there was some confusion and it accidentally was snapped.     And when the players were coming off the field you can read Pagano's lips saying.......


    "Who told you to snap the ball?"


    The team was trying to draw the Pats offsides.      There's nothing wrong with that.      It just went all to Hell and looked bad doing it.     We have a tremendous ST coach and Pags took responsiblity for the play.     That's what HC's do.


    Not sure why you can't get over it,  or why you think it's some sort of proof of Pagano's unfitness to coach,  but you do.     It only happened a few years ago.     Time to move on.....






    I don’t think that play would draw a Pop Warner team offsides much less Patriots. 

  2. On 11/12/2017 at 4:55 PM, JCPatriot said:


    So if we do not include player execution or player composure among the things that reflect upon the head coach, then can you tell me what, specifically, he did well today.  You say that he coached a good game.  Can you give me some specific examples of the things that he did well today?


    You have to remember that the bar is set very low for Chuck.  As long as he doesn't screw up with an errant timeout or lack of a timeout, a bad challenge, or a bad trick play he coached a great game.  


    I don't place all of the blame on him though but I think we all know what we are going to get with him.  If Irsay and Ballard don't see Chuck getting another extension then they need to let him walk.  

  3. 7 hours ago, colt18 said:


    I can post articles from those sites proving my point as well.



    In fact, I'd like to see these numerous articles that praise Pagano and call him a commodity. 


    Ha! There were also articles praising the Trent Richardson trade and condemning the Browns for getting too little for him. Articles don’t mean much. 

  4. On 11/14/2017 at 8:54 AM, Colt.45 said:

    There's a mild possibility it'll happen especially if the defense keeps improving. It's possible they switch up just the offensive coordinator and keep the head coach. It may not be what most fans like but it's something I can see happening because of Irsay's antecedents.

    If he feels there are no better options around, he will stick with Pagano like he did this season. Last season, one of the guys who went to Buffalo, LA Rams, and San Fran should have replaced Pagano but Jim Irsay took his sweet time. Who is there floating around with the credentials of a Sean McVay?



    Look at the remaining schedule. The defense will continue to improve. 

  5. 4 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    We are releasing him, in part,because he's having surgery.


    Who has surgery when they're NOT injured?


    So, in fact he WAS/IS injured...



    After the initial injury he had the option of rest and letting it heal or having surgery. Being in a contract year, I can understand why why he opted to rest and let it heal. He probably wasn’t 100% when he did take the field and probation tweaked it. 

  6. 9 minutes ago, Flash7 said:

    RE: Vontae Davis - In the grand scheme of things, it appears that the team is ready to move on, hence having 8 corner backs on the team.. He was not playing well and was demoted. He is saying the demotion was due to injury, but really it's just an injured ego, from the looks of it.


    RE: Andrew Luck - It's somewhat reassuring hearing Ballard say the things that he is saying. However, if the Doctors did say that there was something seriously wrong with Andrew's shoulder, Ballard would say the same exact things that he is saying now. He has to always place a positive spin on things because the Colts and the NFL are a business.




    We're not going to get 100% transparency.  I'm sure there are a lot of ifs and buts in regards to Luck's shoulder issues but we're not going to hear about any of that.  If the doctors tell Ballard that rest and rehab is all that Luck needs then that's all we're going to be told.  In the same breath the doctors could have said but if more rest and rehab doesn't work he would have to go under the knife again, we wouldn't know about it until we get a tweet from Irsay AFTER Luck had another surgery.  


    What Ballard says doesn't really 100% dispel any rumors about Luck but it also doesn't mean doom and gloom either.  

  7. Just now, Roger said:

    That means nothing.  Colts track record in this whole saga is pretty poor.


    I kind of agree with you.  I didn't really get excited and wasn't expecting much when JMV said he was coming on today. I expected him to pretty much reiterate what he's already said in the past.  I don't think he's lying at all but I doubt if we're getting 100% of the truth either.  But that's what GMs and coaches do.  They like to control the narrative.


    When there's this much smoke around the organization there has to be some fire.  

  8. 3 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


    That's definitely possible, but according to JMV, the Colts reached out to them about Ballard being on the show today, not the other way around.


    JMV has been basically saying that someone in the organization needs to say something the last 2 weeks. He offered his show as a platform and I’m guessing they took him up on his offer. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    But they're not just saying "good chance"...


    They're saying no one is telling them there is ANY chance of not playing.    They are not leaving any room for interpretation.   They are speaking in absolutes.


    And I think that's important.



    And that definitely could have changed since they last said something.  We won't know until he Luck comes back to play, Luck announces his retirement, or the Colts pick a QB in the first round of the draft.  

  10. 2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

    So here is what Donahue is actually saying.......


    That Chris Ballard is lying.   Ballard just said NO DOCTOR is telling him this is potentially career threatening.    


    Luck says he he expects to come back better than ever.    Is he lying too?


    It's way WAY too early to reach any conclusion on Luck.    


    Neither Ballard or Luck are going to publicly say that there's a good chance that Luck will never play again.  They are going to be positive and exhaust every option.  We wouldn't know anyway until a retirement announcement is made.  

  11. 9 hours ago, Nadine said:


    Too much of a leap to say that Irsay is putting this out there as a way to control public perception about him.


    All this talk that Irsay is 'privately furious and feels he was mislead' is not based on anything that he put out there.  It's based on........well, nothing, there's no source.


    But yet you are arguing that because the doctors are still there.....MEANS he's not as 'misled as he wants the public to think he was'


    You cannot say that because, it's not based on any evidence that he wants the public to believe he's clueless.


    Circular reasoning


    JMV said his sources have told that the rumors about Irsay being furious and feeling misled are all true. 

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