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Everything posted by DougDew

  1. I think the Colts need some sort of elite playmaker in the passing game...offense or defense. It seems that Harrison is an elite WR, and Bowers is an elite Move TE (these guys are college players, so there is risk of course). It seems Harrison would be gone by our pick, so I think he's starting to leave our conversation room, frankly. As far as Bowers, I would not pass on Bowers thinking that Woods, Tree, Granson, Mallory will develop. Besides, we need 4 TEs anyway...they can compete for three spots. As elite as Harrison and Bowers are at their positions, what I would be highest on is an elite Edge. Move Paye to the other side and have Dayo inside as often as possible. Skip the vet FA additions Ballard has relied on each year. But I don't know if there is a college edge that is elite at EDGE the way MH and BB are elite at their positions. Of the possible three choices, if we had to settle for Bowers as WF suggests it will fall (at this point), I'd be happy.
  2. FWIW, WF has the Colts picking 13 and taking Brock Bowers, TE, UGA.
  3. And Vrabel is crying. And TENs GM who made the trade got fired. LOL.
  4. Probably just mediocre personnel elevated by good QB play during the Luck and Rivers seasons. Siranni did poorly his first year with Philly, then got better talent on offense, and had some good rookie DBs; and there, you now have a great coach LOL.
  5. Are you looking for credit from me? I didn't know that. Ok, I give you credit. So you agree that when people say nice things about how Stroud and Levis are playing, they are saying them in the same way they said Brady played well, or Rivers played well (with SD), or Ben.....and its not the same thing as rooting for them? Or some sort of secret hate for AR? Having said that, I like to watch good QB play no matter what team it is....which means great passing....so I do hope that each one of them does well when I watch them (not necessarily when they play the Colts), because that's what makes the NFL show fun to watch. Watching incompetent passing is like sitting through a bad movie. (Unless you have a real running offense like Nebraska vs Oklahoma back in the day, then watching the blocking schemes is fun too)
  6. In my 10 years and 20K posts here, there have been and still are plenty of posters on this site that get all foamy when comments don't fall in the positive line they demand. Some even lurk the site and wait to pounce on an opportunity. Your post is kind of all over the place. The bolded equates people rating other QBs as rooting for them, yet your italics say you don't. So when folks used to say that Brady played well, even the times when he beat Manning, do you think people were rooting for Brady? How is that different than people commenting that Stroud and Levis have played well for the most part? You kind of imply that everybody else is saying nice things about other players because they secretly favor them over AR, but that you cut it down the middle. That's funny.
  7. If you don't show your 100% loyalty to the home tribe by assuming the best, then you might be shunned as a negative hater. Simply saying neutral things may be viewed as negative.....because neutral is neither black or white and comments where there are a lot of unknowns are supposed to be biased to the positive. As much as I want AR to succeed as a passer who escapes/extends more than runs, I realize that he got hurt three times on three rather routine tackles....almost as if his body hasn't played very much football, where his body might have told him years ago that success might be different if the opponent is not so physically inferior to the typical HS and college player. That's my concern. Shoulder surgery...yeah sure. But what happens if he hits the ground hard again on some other part of his body. Some big kids just aren't built to take the punishment of their own body weight hitting the ground, let alone another body on top of that. Your own 255 pounds can bang up a joint pretty well. Most of the time, fragile bodies are weeded out of the game of football before they even become a college starter. It seems that Bryce Young can handle the piling up of routine punishment, even against bodies that weigh more than him. That's good for him. I'm concerned about AR's ability to do that.
  8. Too late. You tried to say that people who thought he had a great game we’re making stuff up Why do you label people who thought he played well in two games as “Levis Lovers” if it’s not to exaggerate what that say and who they are…….. to then argue it AR. The legend. Its will grow every week he doesn’t play.
  9. I can’t figure out what more there is to say about AR since about week 7. We all know what he did and what he didn’t do. At this point this seems like an NFL General thread and not much to do with Colts Football. JMO.
  10. Nah, folks who said Levis played great his first two games weren't making stuff up. OTOH.... AR: The more he's absent, the more he becomes a legend in some peoples minds.
  11. 13 offensive points followed by 10 offensive points. 😂
  12. Bernard Raimann. Consistent anchor of an improved oline. LT is the most important position. Honorable Mention goes to Ryan Kelly, who has played outstandingly to anchor the interior. The other oline positions? Meh, who cares.
  13. Oh sure, nobody is keeping score here. Well, maybe a few do. Honestly, when I first heard it I thought it was made up. Just the fact that he was the one that basically originated it on SM...I mean, was there a hidden camera in the restaurant that captured him putting mayo in his coffee and the manager posted on SM? Just a little thought would have made people suspicious, IMO. But it got so much attention in an adverse way, weirdly, I let the overwhelming opinion sort of sway mine. My mistake.
  14. What's interesting in this dynamic is how some just throw out the results of an administered test, yet would use a weird thing like putting mayo in coffee as a sign of a personality flaw limiting the ability to be an NFL QB. I've read plenty of people defending Stroud for failing a test that everybody else seemed to have passed. Not one defending Levis for putting mayo in his coffee. Decidedly unbalanced, IMO. Interesting.
  15. I never had a problem with what he said behind the mic. Or any of the QBs. People are entitled to have different personalities. I just think some used it to pick on Levis, and when choose to pick on somebody for weird reasons, there is usually another reason they are picking on someone. JMO.
  16. Golly, that's a lot of diagnosis for just putting mayo in coffee. LOL (which may even have simply been a joke)
  17. Is it CAR's scheme/receivers, or the Colts great Corner play? Seems like the corner play is an outlier compared to most games. Pass rushers were only Average. Disappointing. Raimann and Ogletree continue to play well, consistently.
  18. Why do people assume that JT can run outside to the boundary and then make a sharp cut upfield effectively, even if its just beyond the tackles? He never ran those plays in three years in college and now three years in the NFL. I'm not saying that he can't, but there must be reasons why three different coaches are not calling these kinds of plays for him.
  19. Yes. It will tend to look a lot like last season as far how defenses play. A better oline and more functional QB...when he rolls out....but I don't see any easy or clear wins the rest of the way. Even with the second easiest remaining schedule in the NFL.
  20. The banana peel thing was a joke designed to punk SM types. Al Michaels said so is the Mayo thing. But the point is that some folks just went stupid over it thinking it was true...used it as support for not wanting him. Its a wonder why something so pointless was treated like it was important.
  21. Yeah, he "puts mayo in his coffee". Does that seem like a real reason to not like him?
  22. KC favors speed and elusiveness and Ballard has favored height. Downs looks more like a KC WR than the typical WR Ballard has drafted.
  23. I'll give Young credit, the little dude can hold up well to the numerous sacks and hits he's taken.
  24. Honest questions: What trashing has AR received? How have people been laughing at him or blatantly making fun of him? Has anything been said that is in the same category as wanting to pass on Levis because he puts mayo in his coffee? Do you think that really seems like a reason why some of those people didn't like him, or could it be hiding an agenda?
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