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Indianapolis Colts Fan Forum


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Status Replies posted by HungarianColtsFan

  1. I'm gonna shoot a movie with the title "The President's speech". An academy award on horizont?

  2. WOW! This is our one month anniversary Denene! Thank you for putting up with me...I love you and our wonderful family!

  3. Earlier today, I was sent a new Digital Video Recorder from Dish TV since my old one died. UPS drops of the package, I put the old DVR in the box, place the free mailing label on it, & then I notice the label is a Fed EX label. Does that make any sense? UPS drops it off, but I must send the DVR back thru Fed EX?

  4. Just found out BA is the Cardinals new HC. Am I late?

  5. Lmaoo, David Letterman just said Indianapolis is the home of the Indianapolis Colts and the Denver Colts.

  6. Gry days on radar...106 days untill draft. I really wonder what Grigson has for the offseason!

  7. Phin fans still think Davis sucks even though he was doing his best Revis impersonation for the past 3 weeks. Denial about their trade...

  8. Gry days on radar...106 days untill draft. I really wonder what Grigson has for the offseason!

  9. Whats everyones take on this: Will Mcafee be back as a Colt next season?

  10. Phin fans still think Davis sucks even though he was doing his best Revis impersonation for the past 3 weeks. Denial about their trade...

  11. A reminder. NO LINKS IN CHAT except to colts.com. No discussion about streaming links whatsoever in chat. NO INFLAMMATORY POSTING. thank you for your cooperation

  12. heard a funny one today.... 3 guys walk into a bar, named Ben, Jay and Eli .....to watch the play offs :)

  13. heard a funny one today.... 3 guys walk into a bar, named Ben, Jay and Eli .....to watch the play offs :)

  14. heard a funny one today.... 3 guys walk into a bar, named Ben, Jay and Eli .....to watch the play offs :)

  15. heard a funny one today.... 3 guys walk into a bar, named Ben, Jay and Eli .....to watch the play offs :)

  16. heard a funny one today.... 3 guys walk into a bar, named Ben, Jay and Eli .....to watch the play offs :)

  17. Save the best for last?? Go Colts!!!

  18. Save the best for last?? Go Colts!!!

  19. formerly "ahf321"

  20. I wish a very happy, peacful Christmass to all Colts' fans around the world! I hope You all are on Santa's blue list!

  21. I start my finals tomorrow. Geometry and Engineering

  22. I start my finals tomorrow. Geometry and Engineering

  23. I start my finals tomorrow. Geometry and Engineering

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