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Status Replies posted by HungarianColtsFan

  1. "The Indianapolis Reggie Waynes beat us fair and square" -What a Packers fan said. Hilarious

  2. My "grandfather" passed on Sunday from leukemia, and so I have been gone. Though I am now back and am still in mourning (don't think that I'll ever get over this). But I am left with so many memories of him and his love to me and my family. Taking my mother under his wing in her early college years and still being there for us. I played a hymn for him at the funeral, by flute, and know that he is up there smiling.

  3. Game on Sunday is closing. I still have that Guiness in the fridge!

  4. Indian Summer here in Brownstown, IN.....78 degrees and the soy beans are being picked today. The field is gorgeous!! Octoberfest this weekend, and the leaves are getting prettier by the day. I wish I had a good camera to share nature's beauty!!

  5. An emotional presser again...the second within a year...

  6. Get well Coach! Colts Nation is with You!

  7. Get well Coach! Colts Nation is with You!

  8. Oh my God, it's Monday again! Sick...

  9. Work...work...work...

  10. Decided to end my afternoon with a joke... A football coach was asked his secret of evaluating his new recruits. "Well," he said, "I take 'em out in the woods and make 'em run. The ones that run round the trees, I make into running backs. The ones that run straight into the trees, I turn into linemen."

  11. Accprding to Hungarian Sport TV, NFL and Refs are close to agreement. Info anyone?

  12. The cub Monster has to grow up yet.

  13. So disheartened about football right now.. considering not watching..it's just not fun with all the stops of play while the scab zebras decide which crappy call they want to name their flag.

  14. Back after an extended absence. Some of you know about my 23 year old step-daughter who has battled health problems since the age of two. She passed away on September 13th and I've been in New York with my wife. Good to be back, but still picking up the pieces.

  15. Guiness is ready 'n ice cold. Let me have it!

  16. I have another Guiness in the fridge. C'mon Andrew, I want to have it on a win on Sunday!

  17. I have another Guiness in the fridge. C'mon Andrew, I want to have it on a win on Sunday!

  18. I have another Guiness in the fridge. C'mon Andrew, I want to have it on a win on Sunday!

  19. Business outing to the Capitol tomorrow... I don't want it!

  20. Business English exam for today....eeeeeek gonna be more ugly than last Sunday's game..

  21. Business English exam for today....eeeeeek gonna be more ugly than last Sunday's game..

  22. Paying a prayer in memory of 9/11 victims

  23. I watched game highlights today. We weren't as bad as we looked. There were some good signs, however it was all spoiled by 5 turnovers.

  24. I saw promise today. Definitely not as ugly as it could have been or as some said it would be. My chin is nowhere near down, nor should any of our player's. We have a better idea of what specifically needs improving, now it's time to correct those mistakes and go get 'em next week. Remember, we're still BUILDING the monster, it isn't BUILT yet. In time fellow fans, in time. GO COLTS!

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