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Posts posted by smittywerb


    I just feel in general developers and publishers are pushing games out way to much.  Assassins Creed is now following into that cycle with their new all ready announced when AC3 just came out. Though I will be a hypocrite because I am a sucker for anything that has to deal with pirates.



    AC3 was beautiful game.  I don't get the hate for it.


    He had:

    Kaepernick being more athletic

    Even on arm talent

    Luck on pocket presence

    Kaepernick on game management

    Even on clutch factor



    I agree on athleticism, that's not Luck's game.


    Arm talent, yeah.  But if accuracy was a factor then Luck would clearly have him beat.


    Pocket presence obviously goes to Luck.


    Game management, really?  KP?  KP had the priviledge of playing with a top notch defense that helped him with managing the game. People do not realize how easy it is for a QB to manage the game when his defense plays lights out.


    Clutch factor, I guess he is basing this off of the SB comeback because Luck has way more 4th quarter comebacks than KP.


    Nothing against KP, but if Luck had that 49ers team, they wouldn't have lost the SB.

  3. I think it's funny how people say Rodgers is doing so well despite a poor running game and bad offensive line when that characterizes a lot of Peyton's career and, from what I recall, Peyton didn't get the credit Rodgers is getting now



    Well, during that time, Brady was the love-crush and people were trying to find reasons why he was better than Peyton.

  4. That was NOT the way it was written.....you may be correct on "as a first round pick."  He is not a flop in terms of his career.  I personally do not care for Brown, but do NOT consider him a FLOP....too harsh.  8818 above's baseball analogy is pretty good.  There have been some home run hitters through the years who were hit or miss...Lets see what 2013 brings us with a new OL and new offense!!   :coltslogo:  :coltslogo:  :coltslogo:



    Yeah, I mean he is not totally a flop or worthless.  But compare him to where he was picked and the people we didn't pick at that spot, yeah he is a flop.  That's why I added the "as a first round pick" part.


    But coming out of college, they said his strength was that he excelled at running in space.  So let's hope with a bigger and better line, he can get to that next level and we can see what he really has to give us, otherwise, dude needs to go.

  5. Nothing to see here.  Pags gave Arians full trust with the offense and he's doing the same thing with Pep.  I'm pretty sure Pags knows what's going on, otherwise he wouldn't have wanted the guy.  But I'm also pretty sure Pags doesn't know the ins and outs of his system.  Like many have said, Pags is defensive-minded.  It's like asking a mechanic to recite Faraday's Law.  The mechanic will probably know it deals with physics but won't be able to speak about it in detail.


    Seems like this dude is just picking for a story during a dull moment in the NFL off-season.

  6. The term "Indian"is just a reminder of the stupidity of the early settlers.


    Amen!  History is so screwed and stupid, once you get into it, you can't help but to think "How did stuff actually happen?".


    This is complete stupid and ignorant because of a small group of people are offend. If i was Washington Redskins owner i was would threaten to move to another state if the DC board was trying to force their new name on my team. RGIII is right everybody getting offended and people are force to change so it wont offend somebody I sometimes think of this country as a bunch of wimps at time. Grow a pair and freaking deal with it. If you don't like the name of the team because it offends you. DON'T LOOK AT IT OR DONT WATCH IT. FREAKING >.



    It's good to have your opinion, but to just call this stupid is disrespectful to the Native Americans (and whoever else) fighting this battle.  It is their heritage/culture and if they feel offended then they have all the right to use the means that America has given to try and get the name changed.  TBH, Native Americans don't have the cleanest history ya know?  Call it bitterness, pettyness, or whatever, but you have to respect it.  


    What if it was flipped?  What if Britain drove the Irish to the brink of extinction, and then created a soccer team called the British Kilts or something of Irish heritage.  I don't think that would be taken too well.

  7. I hate what's going on because none of the players we picked up are known names that have been discussed by nfl analyst and other forums.  I wished this team would have just spent all of its money on a handful of high profile players and should have taken known players in the draft instead of using their own judgments based off of tapes, interviews, and personal workouts.  After all the moves we have made, we will still suck because none of the players we have picked up will be any good.


    *Takes off hater shades*

  8. I agree with the video, I gave us a B- to B, but what I don't like about these analyst discussions is that none of them discuss how we have brought in so many players to ADDRESS the needs we had.  It's like, they speak on the draft and then say we still have holes.  For example, in the NFLN vid, the dude speaks on we still need a CB but doesn't mention how we re-signed Butler and signed Toler.  Not saying picking a CB would have been bad, but saying "need" and not "use" are two different things. 


    It's like they don't realize the impact our FA had on our approach to this year's draft.


    Just my two sense.  

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