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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. He's an unrestricted FA. Apparently is asking for ridiculous money and taking his chances on some team getting desperate at some point in training camp (due to injuries, etc).



    Probably looking for a cashout before he says goodbye

  2. Out of likes.....I agree with this ^^^^^


    For me I do not need to see one video of someone beaten....we can find that on anybody.  The best defense is TEAM Defense with swarm to the ball gang tackling.....love it!

    That video was a horrible example.

  3. Erik Walden SMFH


    This a horrible example. Where is the 2nd level? EVERYONE bit on the running back. Walden actually did what he was suppose to do and that was take out the lead blocker. I won't fault the cb that much because he a we to worry about but where is the safety crashing down and wrapping up for an open field tackle.

    You expected walden to take on the blocker AND find the ball carrier AND make the tackle?

  4. Interesting point....I was thinking the same thing.....Kruger having ONE good year and Avril switching back to LB after years as a DE....


    In this forum.....ya cannot please everyone.  Quite frankly, that is what makes it so much fun :)

    Don't get me wrong, I wanted Kruger but not at that price. And Avril would have been like resigning freeney. I think one our front office saw the going price for Kruger and had a change of heart on Avril, I think they wanted to get a player who they knew could come in and do what they asked. They figured the most inexpensive move would be to have Mathis replace freeney and sign a support/run guy opposite of him, which does make since.

    Problem is people never heard of the guy and his stats aren't necessarily what you call "productive". But his production does not show up on the stat sheet and if a defensive genius like pags feels he can use him then I'm all for it.

  5. man, you completely missed his point, but we get your point though. Walden sat behind Mathews and hawk. His stats as a reserve are actually pretty good since obviously the Big Plays are going to be given to the big money playmakers and not the backups. the backups get the run plays and the scrap plays to give the starters a break. i definantly wouldnt judge him on his reserve numbers. And you really need to take the time and do some research on Walden, read his college stat info and watch some videos of him. Im pretty excited about him. I had no idea who he was until Grigson Picked him up but now i look and see Grigsons draft and his F/A so far and i see what he sees in Walden. I wouldve paid him that too. Walden is solid. However i see some serious competiion in Training Camp for the LOLB spot.


    Dude, you guys are actually on the same side of the argument. lol

  6. baltimore didnt get beat by it hence the reason their super bowl champs. one play, he should have stayed home and instead bit the fake and got beat by Kap, poor discipline. hopefully he fixes that. 


    Baltimore was able to contain it for one half.  The second half was another story.  The SB came down to bad playcalling on a potential game-winning drive.

  7. The way you stop the false accusations of rape is this:

    If the man goes free because he was wrongfully accused and its proved he's innocent, then the accuser should do the time the other person did. So in this case, banks did 10 years, then the woman should be getting ready to do 10 years.

  8. Concussions big time.....really a question as to whether he should play.  I meant it above....the kid could play baseball.....I hope he rethinks.  Skins have RG3, Cousins, Grossman and White...why would he try to come back with them?  By the way....he WAS fun to watch at WVA!!!



    I was a BIG FAN of WV when Slaton and him were back there running the show!  But concussion would make sense, he always seemed small to me.  

  9. I agree.  It looks like some of the bigger ones (other than Cherilus) are structured to the Colts advantage.  Let us not get in salary cap purgatory again......Amen :)


    That's what EVERYONE was saying but everyone panicked.  I don't how many times people were saying the deals were structured to not harm us. 

  10. If we could restructure a contract of 2 we could get enough to get Andre Smith maybe..?



    Not gonna happen.  Bengals still have tons of money left and they are focused on keeping their own, that's why they didn't make a big splash this FA even though they had the most cap space.  If Andre was to test the market, Bengals definitely have the money to resign him at any price and will resign him.

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