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Posts posted by smittywerb


    If Ray keeps doing bat crazy stuff like this, he is going to make Anna Burns Welker look like a sympathetic figure. Tread lightly Mr. Lewis...Tread lightly
    "By the way, if anyone is bored, please go to Ray Lewis' Wikipedia page. 6 kids 4 wives. Acquitted for murder. Paid a family off. Yay. What a hall of fame player! A true role model!"




    If Ray keeps doing bat crazy stuff like this, he is going to make Anna Burns Welker look like a sympathetic figure. Tread lightly Mr. Lewis...Tread lightly
    "By the way, if anyone is bored, please go to Ray Lewis' Wikipedia page. 6 kids 4 wives. Acquitted for murder. Paid a family off. Yay. What a hall of fame player! A true role model!"




    Yeah, I was in a debate with my friend (he's a ravens fan) because he was crapping on Hernandez when Ray went through his own crap.  The suit he wore that night dissappeared, evidence pointed towards him being involved in the fight that led to the murders AND DNA of the victims were found in his limo, and the list goes on.  What's funny is Ray didn't  become clear of the charges until he turned on his friends, funny isn't it.  To top it off, he paid the families off.


    Do I think he actually killed those guys?  No, but I do believe he was involved in the fight that led to the murders and in the court of law that is enough to get you a murder charge.


    As I said before, he's grown to be a great man and leader, but he needs to shut his mouth on this one and tread lightly before people begin to remember that murder trial.

  2. I feel like this team is being built in the models of the Ravens/Pats/Steelers.  Very smashmouth hard-hitting team that plays hard on both sides of the ball.  Not too many big names but guys who will come in and get the job done.


    So when "experts" look at our team on paper, they don't see enough "names" to say this team is good.  But once the Monster comes together and let out onto the NFL, they will then see what Pags and company have been building.


    EDIT:  I know you guys will throw a fit over the Pats, but I'm talking the old Pats when they had Bruschi, Seau, Harrison, Milloy, and others.

  3. So is this the end for Tebow?  If Belichick and McDaniels, the guy who drafted Tebow in Denver, can't find a way to use you on the team, is your NFL career over?


    McDaniels drafting Tebow was the beginning of his end in Denver.  He was right with Thomas but that 2nd 1st round pick off'ed him.

  4. Battlefield is pretty darn good.  It is sure as heck better than anything COD produces.  When it came to FPS I was more of a Halo guy.  Though Borderlands is pretty awesome and Destiny has me excited for next gen.


    I love Borderlands also but got bored of it, I have 2 but don't play it anymore.

    And yeah, BF3 is awesome.  Especially when you have a squad of people to play with that actually knows the meaning of "support".

  5. I thought he would be a really good player.  I was convinced he was going to be one of the safest picks in the draft.


    Beleive me bro, EVERYONE was saying he was the safest pick of the draft and most NFL ready player.  I can't believe what he's going through.

  6. NBA 2K has been better, but even then there just is not enough room to add to the gameplay. There is only so much gameplay you can add to sports game because the sport is the sport. I use to be an avid sports gamer with NFL 2K, Madden, and NBA 2K, but once EA really screwed the pooch with the transfer to the 360 I really got fed up with sports games.

    The same thing happened to COD as well for me. Was a huge COD fan and COD4 is probably still one of my favorite games of the past generation, but once they started popping those things out on an yearly basis with little improvement I realized they had become the sports game of FPS and quit buying those as we well.

    You should try out battlefield. Online multiplayer is amazing.


    Sports game in general just are not worth it anymore. Rarely do they feel more than an expensive roster update.


    Only sports game I play every year is the NBA2k series.  I can personally those guys improve, add, and change things every year.  I've been left satisfied going on 6 years now.

  8. Man, Aaron Curry has fallen!  I remember this dude was being heralded as the next great LB since Pat Will.  I'm guessing injuries are his problem because dude was a monster at WF.  I hope we can pick him up and he finds himself again. 

  9. I played it yesterday at the midnight launch but I decided not to grab it.  Even though it is an improvement on 13, I just feel that it wasn't enough to warrant 60$ (at the moment).  


    The Colts on there are a dangerous team!  The offensive line is meh but the defensive line is nasty.  I had Redding-Franklin-RJF and Franklin was doing damage!  Landry is a monster when it comes to tackling and Bethea is a ball hawk.  Not mention Toler and Davis are good too.  The linebacker position is lacking though.  It seems if the opposing RB was able to break through the line, the LB's couldn't stop the running back initially and what should have been a 5 yard run is either close or is a first down run.  Regardless, the defense is nasty.


    The offense is explosive.  The WR core is everything you need and Bradshaw is good!  The line is an improvement but it still needs help.


    The modes are the same boring modes.  The gameplay is nice!  

    But as I've said, it just feels like a roster update to me with a better gameplay.  I'll eventually get it, but I rather pass and save my money for AC4 and GTAV and Sleeping Dogs and NBA2k14.

  10. Odds are if Manning was on one of those Ravens teams they wouldn't have had all the other players on those teams that they did have.  It wouldn't have been as simple as take Manning and his contract and move him to the Ravens, if you did that the Ravens would have had to give up some pretty good players to make room for him. 


    Oh yeah of course, I was just speaking hypothetically.  I agree.  But that's the thing, if you give Manning just a B ranked defense, maybe even C+, he'll get you there.  

  11. I know a lot of people responded to my Manning comment.  To put it as simple as possible, if you were to put Manning on one of those Ravens teams, Manning would have won his ring a lot sooner than later.  If it weren't for the Broncos D laying a dud, Manning might have been going to another SB.  I'm not a Manning apologist, but dude never really had defense to play with (except for the 06 playoff team).  Manning WAS the defense essentially.  

  12. Manning got a lock of flack for not being clutch and often being one and done in the playoffs.



    Many people, including us Colts fans, know why.  Manning really never had a complete team.  Most of his teams were 1-dimensional.  Can't blame the man for that.  Joe Flacco for most of his career has been blessed with a stout defense.  Once Newsome gave him tools in Rice, Boldin, Smith, Pitta, and a good line, all he had to do was put the ball where it needed to be.

  13. Mark should be on the list, But how Joe Flacco is not AT THE TOP of the list is ridiculous......A guy that had a great 4 game stretch who would not have even won the superbowl had his defense not made a goal line stand......And lets be honest, the dude has been an average QB (and will continue to be) prior to that 4 game stretch, I dont remember someones "stock" rising so massively ( from a stand point of his average numbers) ever in my now going on 18 years of watching football with a person who has been in the league for as many years as he has


    I have to agree.  I think Flacco's defense put him in a lot of situations most QB's dream of.  I'm not doubting him, but I feel this year is the year for me to either become a non-believer or a believer of him.  He has lost a lot of key pieces on both sides of the ball.  If he performs this season, I have nothing more to say about him. 

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