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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. Well fi you believe Kravitz it sounds like the Colts are still waiting on the other end to figure out if they want to do the deal or not.  That could be why.  The other side might not be ready to make it known yet rather it be a player or team.



    They are sure being tight lipped about it.  Irsay should write music.

  2. The nba does have a salary cap. Most teams go over it but few by much. The difference in payroll is minimal in the nba compared to say the Yankees and Pirates. The deal with the NBA is it only takes a couple great players with max contracts to get together and then put role players around them to win it all. Also in the NBA rookies can have a huge immediate impact. You can get a guy in the first rd that starts and be a big contributor to add to a team that has big contracts and stars. The deal with the NBA is superstars are willing to get together and go where the market is big because they know endorsements will more than make up for what they give up in salary. Lets be real...the Heat's salaries aren't much different than the Pacers as a team...its just some teams have learned to market their cities to players to make up for salary....but SA has done quite well over the years. Orlando made it to the championship...OKC....its just that the top teams stay at the top...more so than the NFL.



    That's what I'm saying.  A small market team has that small window to make it to the championship.  They have the first 3 years of the star's rookie contract and then the 4 years after they match the offer.  After that, they better hope that star doesn't jet and most of the time they do.  It's every rare the star even signs an extension.  But no, the salaries of the Heat and Pacers are VERY different, the Pacers JUST got up into the cap because of the Hibbert contract.  The Heat have been over the cap ever since the big 3 came on.


    And TBH, SA has done so well because they have been blessed with the best GM, one of the best coaches in history, a superstar in TD, and great allstars in Gino and TP.  OKC got lucky with Durant and Westbrook.


    And the NBA is built so that the "good" teams stay at the top.  Most of the time, the good teams are the ones that spend the most money.  It's only a few team that are good and don't spend much money, but like I said, they are fortunate to have a good foundation.


    See the NFL cancelled that all out with the Hard Cap.  It's all on the player if they get endorsements or not.  Like Polamalu, he plays in freaking Pittsburgh and had an endorsement with Head and Shoulders (or was it Old Spice?).  It doesn't matter what city you play in.  Also, the NFL has a very good system with TV deals where it doesn't really which city/team you play with, you will get some type of exposure.  In the NBA, it's the complete opposite.  Big market teams get all the TV shine, all of the endorsements, etc.  Only way you can get money in a small market is if the team is good, and we all know that will only last for so long.  Trust me, OKC will soon feel the heat of the Luxury Tax and will have to let either Westbrook or Durant go.  The first victim was James HArden.  If it was a big market team in that situation, they would have resigned Harden and went into the luxury tax with no worry.

  3. I was kinda hoping the Pacers moved Granger to get a player to put them over the top but alas I don't see it happening. I think George is legit but they still don't have the fire power to beat the Heat. They will make a good series of it but they don't have enough scoring. 14mil a season and his knees are an issue...I see him like Tracy Mcgrady after his injuries....I just wish there would have been something worth getting in moving him....now we have what we have.

    You guys could have beaten them last year if y'all point guards didn't stop giving d west and hibbert the ball down low.

  4. The heat are like the Patriots of the NBA. They get one time all-stars to basically play for free...Allen, Lewis. Its kinda rediculous. The NBA has some minor loopholes but MLB where the Yankess, Red Sox, Angels, and Dodgers buy everyone is way worse.

    A few loopholes? Please, if you're not a fan of a big market team, you better hope like hell your team has a good coach and gm or you'll never come to close to an NBA title, maybe every decade or so before the rookie you signed jets for a big market. But baseball is worse but surprisingly in the last 30 years they've had more different champions than the nba by far. I think baseball had 25 different champions while the NBA has only had 9.

  5. I agree it's not like the NBA where small markets get ripped off

    EXACTLY! Ever since the hard cap came into play, the cowboys haven't won anything since. Nowadays, in the nfl, you try to make a dream team and you're setting yourself up for cap hell. In the NBA, you become champions for the next 10 years (heat)

  6. I know this is off topic but I love the way the nfl has set up the free agency financially. With all the rules in place, it's basically fair game. You don't see big market teams buying players left and right, small market teams not being able to sign people. None of that, just well managed teams spending money well and mismanaged teams doing what they usually do.

  7. Because Bethea is a free agent after this year and will be at that magical 30 mark. He also had 0 ints and 0 ff last year. That isn't a lot of production out of a guy that is counts 5.75 million on your cap. SS is the hitter...FS is the ball hawk. He just doesn't force very many turnovers. He had 100 tackles last year but I saw him take a lot of bad angles and miss quite a few. It wasn't just Zibs back there. Safety is a position that I think you try to stay on the under side of 30 for because of all the hits. Drafting a replacement will be important I think.

    Wasn't bethel playing strong safety last year?

  8. On the Bethea talk:  If you think getting rid of Bethea is wise then you need to really look around the league at other FS's and then look at Bethea, you won't find many that are as good as him.  Heck, him moving back to FS will definitely do wonders, seeing as that's his original position.  And I know I have him as my avi, but I'm not speaking with bias.  If we get rid of him, you want to replace him with Reed?  Reed has been healthy for the most part but I guarantee you with no Ngata and Suggs holding up those big bad OL, Reed will see more contact and at his age I don't think that is a good thing.


    Now to Landry:  He is now my favorite player on this team.  I think he is going to bring that swagger that I have long lusted for this team's defense.  He's going to bring that nasty and physical mentality to this team.  Look for him to be our locker room leader, him and redding.  I hope he can stay healthy.  But usually the high impact players are the ones that get hurt the most.

  9. They don't show the breakdown of the salary portion yet...I'd give it a couple weeks to get the exact numbers.


    So I'm not sure about his cap hit....but as long as this hit doesn't happen with Cherilus at RT I'll be happy.....





    This hit made me cringe.  I literally yelled into the TV cursing Fleener.  Like how did he expect the lineman to go around him and cut that man off?  He even sped the defender up by pushing him. smh

  10. I wouldn't call that "set". But it's a good start. Moala is good for depth, Francois still has a lot to prove with only 33 career tackles, McKinney is a depth guy, Chapman has never played a down in the NFL, Nevis has struggled, Redding is great but injury prone and on the wrong side of 30. I'm still hoping to draft a D-lineman in April.



    If these dudes can hold blocks and take up space, they won't need to get any tackles.

  11. Dline is set for now:


    We are big and strong up front. Looks good to me. Not mad about the money because we have to offer SOMETHING to get players we want. Low ball and we'll lose out. This defense is looking good on paper. Now lets see what pags can do.

    And to be honest, we're going to go offense with our first pick. We still have a hole at the guard position and could use a big receiver. Any defensive player we draft is going to sit.

  12. Thinking a defensive lineman is bad because of his stats is kind of wrong.  Defensive line are there to occupy blockers and free up lanes for LB's to run through, they are the offensive lineman of the defensive and think of the LB's as the running backs   If a defensive lineman has a lot of tackles it is either because he is a beast or he is over pursuing.  It's not there many beasts in the league.

  13. In the NFL, they say that the right system can turn a no-name into a pro-bowler, I feel this is the case.  I think with Pagano's exotic blitzes and man coverage, Toler is going to be able to focus on what he excels at.  I guess we didn't go after a known CB because we feel Davis is good enough to be a #1 CB, which is true.  We basically filled out our CB's and we can still draft someone like Rhodes in the draft.

  14. Can't really trust anything coming out of the Eagles camp nowadays anyway.  If he doesn't sign with us and signs with another team that will play him at NT, then we know that was the reason why he left Philly.

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