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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. The bottom line is getting Nicks or Gordon will cost a 2nd most likely! Not worth it!


    You rather wait until the end of the season and gamble on a 2nd round WR who may not pan out or use it on a proven WR who we know will give us what we need.

  2. Let me get this straight

    Colts trading a high pick for Nicks or Gordon makes our team better how?

    Same goes for signing a veteran like Branch




    Luck was getting killed behind a trash line and ok corp of WR's.  Now he's gonna get killed behind a trash line, and a crap set of WR's.  

  3. As I already said, the weed stuff was expected coming into the league. It isn't new. Even with his 2 game suspension to start the season, he's still on pace for over 1,200 yards.

    The odds are better for Gordon to stay clean and be successful (since he's already been successful) than for an unknown rookie to have the same success.


    I know, just wishful thinking.

  4.  yes and certainly no one wants one of their favorite players to be wearing a dunce cap or an image of another favorite son being depicted as a young gloat . . . but I am glad the mods have left it open . . . and good to see the fans did not get too out of line . . .it shows character to be able to take something that is not flattering and not get so offended that one would want to close a thread outright . . .   


    IDC who it is, it's a cartoon.  As long as it isn't explicit or degrading.

  5. If we could get Gordon I woulf be extatic. Imagine him with a good qb and as the number 1 target. I think he is definitely a 1200 yard reciever if he wants to be.

    I dont like the idea of giving up this years second for him though. But he is only 22



    The way I look at it is, we either hope Reggie is coming back, hope we draft or sign a stud WR, or trade a 2nd for Gordon.

    The guaranteed one is trading the pick for Gordon.

  6. I've been a Colts fan since '03.  Pretty young compared to some guys on here.  For the time I have been a fan of this team, he has done nothing but go all out for his team, whether with his money or mouth.  He put up with Polian's "Pay our own" agenda and gave people contracts that ended up biting us in the ***, when he felt the team was heading in the wrong direction, he cut off the old flesh and replaced it with Pags and Luck, and when the media was attacking him and dooming our team this weak, he was right with us and the players taking things head-on.  


    Put it this way, if I was going to war and needed a general who would make the tough decisions for the better of the TEAM and do whatever it takes to win, and I had to pick from the NFL owners, Irsay would be my first pick #nobias

  7. I think he also hit peytons arm or the ball enough that someone (angerer I think) was able to get an easy pick.


    Yup, that one was self-explanatory.  Hope he keeps this level of play up.

  8. #13- y'all don't have to admit, but walden was effective today. I seen a couple I plays where his edge setting allowed angerer to crash down and get a tackle. One specific play, he didn't even attack the hole, he stood his man straight up in the air and angerer came down and made the play. Hats off!

  9. The Redskins did not have a good team last year either - 22nd in points allowed which was worse then the Colts who were at 21. This year the bottom has fallen out of the Redskins with 27 allowed in points and yards.


    True but:


    - Redkins had the #1 rushing attack in the league.  Everyone knows what a good rushing attack will do for a QB.  Now the option has been figured out, RG3 has struggled as of late.


    - Moss, Garcon, and others proved to be viable weapons while Luck had Wayne, inconsistent Hilton (at the time), etc.


    - Defense was good IMO because they performed when needed.  May not have been all game, but they could step up.  


    - RG3 wasn't asked to do much and people heralded him.  Now when he is given similar circumstances that Luck still plays with (no blocking, running game sucks, etc.) and has to throw the ball over 25 times and shows that he's not ready, it's time to blame the team, not him.  But when luck was running for his life, people were quick to point out his INT's and say "He makes bad decisions at times" (WHAT QB DOESN'T?")  Point blank, RG3 has a long way to go.  He still needs to improve on reading coverages, looking off defenders, and some more.  RG3 is good and can be good, but I think he bit off a bit more than he can chew.  

  10. I heard a sportscaster say on the radio yesterday that RG had said he didn't need the preseason and that he was just focused on being ready for week 1. I have botched the exact quote but I think he may have gotten ahead of himself a bit. Every young player needs the off-season and especially the preseason to develop. I think that along with still recovering from the injury are his biggest issues not an inherent lack of talent or ability. We saw what he could do last year so it is premature to think he can't get back to that form. Also, I think if we are honest, his team really stinks this year and that falls on Shanny. I have not looked at their draft or FA but the team is pretty bad so I think that has to be taken into consideration as well. I mean look at Luck. He is winning while barely throwing the ball at all this year because his team has improved since last year. He is relying on his run and defense because he can. RG can rely on neither AND he is not healthy or in synch with his O.

    I understand what you're saying, but I have to come in and stick up for luck because last year when Andrew had the crap team, he was always snubbed for top spots to player Wilson and rg3 who had better teams. Now this year, the media wants to forgive rg3 for having a crap team when they didn't do that for luck?

    Nope, no sympathy over here. The entire offseason he stayed in the camera and talked a good game, even throwing his coach under the bus at one point. Now it's time for him to back it up.

  11. Agree with everything.


    That's how I took it from the start too.  I thought it was more of a shot at Polian than Peyton

    Exactly.  I think this was just a 'reason' for people to talk bad about Irsay.



    So far the results are 11-5 and one and done. Suppose they are one and done again this year ? Will that be well rounded , or more of the same ?

    See, expectations are different.  With PM, we were expected to make it to at least the AFCCG.  With this team, making the playoffs is our expectation.  So no let downs.  And most of the time, with PM, we lost to teams we were expected to beat.



    If he would have said "i really wish we could have won more championships with Peyton at the helm" None of this is being talked about. I think that's all he was trying to say, but the way he said it made it unclear to those looking to blow the situation out of proportion


    Yup, basically this.  "When keeping it real goes wrong."

  12. The thing is Irsay speaks of the missed oppurtunities and all that other stuff, but then he says he wanted to change the philosophy and have a balanced team.  Question, if this was suppose to be a knock on Peyton Manning, HOW IN THE HECK IS PEYTON MANNING GOING TO GIVE THE COLTS A BALANCED TEAM?  In other words, who JOB is it to give us a balanced team?  BILL POLIAN.  


    I just don't get it.  People still believe Irsay is knocking Peyton when he's throwing a coming home party for him this week, spoke highly of him at the departure conference, spoke highly of him in interviews ever since then, vowed to honor, and now he dogs him?


    I think you guys (and the media) are looking into this way too much.  It's no doubt that PM saved football in Indiana and a lot whole more,  but Irsay is not stupid enough to dog Peyton, maybe Polian, but not Peyton.  He kept mentioning rings and balanced teams.  He even brought up Brady and said he never had consistent numbers but have 3 rings.  That's another claim for a balanced team, not a knock on Peyton.  Why would he speak of Brady's supposed inconsistent numbers if he's trying to knock Peyton?  Isn't that PRAISING Peyton?


    If he was so against a "QB-driven" team like some has said, why would he bring up Brady, why would he draft Luck?  He brought up Brady to prove that the Pats surrounded him with talent on both sides during those SB runs.  He drafted Luck because he is trying to do the same thing.


    I don't know.  I just don't see it.  I think the time he said the stuff is what is blowing this out of proportion.  Irsay fell into a trap.  I'm going to stop talking about it soon though because I think this was just fuel for some people to bash Irsay again.  Ever since Irsay released Peyton, some of you have never forgiven him and some just up and left the forum.

  13. He shouldn't be saying anything, is the point here. 


    Just shut up, Jim. Shooosh. 


    Yeah......he's doing great damage control by trash talking about pickin' passes from Manning as a means of honoring him. Rich boy needs to shut up, period. Shoooosh


    Yeah, Jim Irsay talks himself into trouble a lot. 

  14. Well...that knee injury is what is slowing him up now. It could just be he was stiff coming off the bench or just unsure of the routes since he was new but he didn't have that same speed getting in and out of his break. Probably why SF let him go since they had need at WR and still cut him. That said if he can just get a sliver of opening for Brady and continues catching balls....he will keep a spot on that team. Its one thing to drop tough balls if you got to fight off defenders or dive or catch long balls but if your dropping simple slant routes...like some of those rookies....that is just uncalled for.

    I agree, speed was never his game though. So he'll do just fine in New England.

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