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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. Gould have traded a first for him instead of TR


    That was the original plan but I think Cleveland wanted our 1st and 3rd for Gordon.  We settled for T-Rich.  Patience, it will be worth it once we build our line.  RBs aren't plug-and-plays like other positions.  Well, unless you have B-Sanders or AP.

  2. Makes no sense.  People on here talk about John Unitas, Bert Jones, Edgerran James, Marvin Harrison.  None of them are currently on the Colts. Should they stop talking about them?  Manning is to the Colts as Jones and Unitas were.


    Difference is, they aren't active.  They aren't players of an opposing team.  Once Peyton retires, then it will be ok.

  3. He was on the field for 7 snaps and made some pretty big impact type of plays (which i've discussed with you previously). He also threw a big block  for andrew on that long scramble run. The flashes of major potential are there...no question. He usually does/or did take plays off (plays not directly involving him) in the past, but that big block showed me, maybe the coaching turned him around. He should split time with  'L.B.' next game. I want to get him in open space, because he seems so much stronger than DHB.


    Hopefully the coaches begin to work him in.  All the good things we are seeing, you can bet Pags is seeing also.  Only a few more games of Darrius Hand of Brick.

  4. I have had enough of Pagano.  Our success last year was ALL because of Arians.

    Let Chuck go somewhere else to learn how to be an NFL head coach.

    Geez, the man is nothing more than the players' friend and head cheerleader.




    Yeah, or how about the easy schedule given to us by the league.  You're not going give him any credit for this year?


    No to Romeo, let's see how this staff does with a healthy defense.  Last time we had a healthy D, we shut down Denver, San Fran, and went toe to toe with the Seahawks.

  5. He has to earn his way up.  I know people will cry and scream DHB is no better, which is true, but he earned his spot in the coaches eyes.  Right now, Da'Rick is the 4th WR on the depth chart.  If he continues to show flashes and prove to the coaches he deserve to move up, I have no doubt in my that Pags will do so.  Remember, we have to teach Da'Rick to earn his time and improve his maturity.  Making him work for his spot instead of giving it to him is better.  His report says he quits on plays and doing this will knock that out of him.


    His time will come.  Just have to be patient.

  6. we hit on 3 FA picks and we shoulod be good... my choices are Mack, Maclin and Byrd.


    OL, OL, OL.



    Grigson need to target big name guys instead of small name guys. There is a reason why guys like Heyward-Bey and Walden were small name players. They need to get people that will make an impact on the team, not people that are a hit-or-miss. They have the money, so why not be aggressive?


    We targeted Vasquez & Levtrie last offseason.  Both were considered #1 & #2 when it came to OL in FA.  They both denied us.  Can't say Grigs isn't trying.  Also was a rumor and confirmed by some we went after Avril.  We kind of settled for the guys we got.


    I think walden has actually been a pleasant surprise


    Yup, he's doing exactly what Pags brought him here to do.  A bit overpriced but I love what he does for the defense.  Hard hat guy for sure.


    it's hard to build through the draft when you panic and trade 1st round picks for average at best players.


    Yeah, because Vontae was definitely not worth the 2nd we gave away.  Many people thought we overpaid for him also.

  7. Drawing that pass interference was more than DHB did today. Rogers looks like a beast and easily had his man beat. Can't wait until Luck gains confidence in him.


    Yeah, I don't know what the coaches are thinking.  I guess he has to pay his dues like everyone else.  Right now he is considered the 4th WR on the depth chart and he has to work his way up.  I have no problem with that.  I just hope he works his way up quickly.  The more he works his way up, the more it will do for his maturity.  Make him work for it, that way he won't slack on the field because he knows how hard it was to get there and how easy it will be to lose it.  People like to rag on Chuck, but he knows what he's doing with Da'Rick.

  8. That is a lot put on the shoulders of a rookie. It takes time for receivers to develop.....generally, even the ones drafted very high. He may show flashes, but I doubt he would be ready to carry an offense.


    At this point, flashes would do a whole lot more than having DHB out there.  I'm not expecting him to become Randy Moss in the playoffs, but if he becomes at least a potential threat then that would be enough.

  9. Man, i was giddy on that play to rogers! He would've scored on his first touch, if not for the penalty! He blew by that dude in a flash and rogers is HUGE.I think he's a keeper.


    Yeah, I wasn't on the Rogers train, but after dude fought his way from the PS, I'm a believer now.  His talent was never in question, but his attitude was.  Battling from the PS shows he has grown as a person and should be given a shot.  Especially with DHB getting benched, I think Irsay has seen enough.

  10. Granted, Luck has been holding the ball, but I think it's because of the receivers not getting open fast enough for the stinking line.  Getting open was something Wayne was exceptional at and that is why Luck looked so much better before he went down.  Hilton needs to step up, Fleener needs to stay consistent with how he has been doing, and hopefully from the one play we've seen of Rogers, he can blossom into what we think he could be.

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