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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. That may have been because they didn't trust Harrison shotgun snapping in the rain a lot.



    Yeah, that sounds about right.  We really turned the game around when we started operating out of the Shotgun and ran the No-Huddle.  Also, I think Luck needs to stop forcing throws and learn to either throw it away or run.  Things started to open up when the defense had to cover the receivers AND Luck.

  2. I put this game on the entire offense and staff.

    We went 3 and out too many times. I commend our defense for keeping the game close enough for our offense to come alive. I like how we stuck to the run but I don't like how Andrew was under center a lot. We barely ran the no huddle while Carolina was sticking to it.

  3. Some posters are calling out Colts' organization on Luck's known (shoulder) and recently revealed (fractured ribs) injury and since Manning injury rightly do so, as we all are anxius about our franchise QB.

    I'm rather a fence sitter, as I don't know how serious his injuries are and have no idea on the timeline of healing such injuries. I only hope coaching staff and the FO know what they are doing and they're not threatening Andrew's career as a pro athlete. And yes, I'd be mad if they were risking an injury affecting #12's performance significantly in the future.

    This issue was already a pain in our rear, now it is getting worse. Luck isn't having his best season ever, and his injury(ies) must play a significant (but not exclusive) role in it. Let's hope this season pans out well (as we don't have any influence on it).

    IMHO benching Luck would indicate that we are giving up the season.



    If we continue to play Luck and he can't play anymore, we might as well give up on the season.  I'd say sit him and let's hope MH can keep us in the lead in our division by time Luck is good to go.

  4. id say it's not ALL their fault. The offense is a train wreck and they are being asked to do way too much as a result but the defense has some clear issues. The secondary has been a mash unit all year and add in the zone defense they still won't get out of no matter how clear it is these guys aren't built for that and you have a bad secondary. The pass rush outside of Mathis is none existent. Heck even today you have the Saints pinned on the three needing a stop to get the ball back and they give up a 50 yard pass. Make no mistake, while Its not all their fault they aren't blameless,


    Yeah I agree, but their job would be a lot of easier if they didn't have to spend so much time on the field.  My verdict on the defensive backs isn't out yet due to the non-existent pass rush.  It's hard for any team defend the pass if they don't have a pass rush.  

  5. Injuries happen you can't put that on the GM or coach.  Rather they should have drafted a WR in the first round or not is a different story.



    Not blaming the injury on management, I'm saying barely using a 1st round pick only for it to end up gone for 4-6 weeks is failure.  No matter the position.  Bad luck, but he should've been used more before the injury.

  6. "He was playing next to maybe the best QB of all time. No one was probably expecting the Colts to run much lol. Especially with Marvin and Reggie on the outside."


    It doesn't seem you've done much because nothing in this statement is true at all. For staters Reggie was a Junior in college.


    I don't think we were going back that far in the argument, but suit yourself.  You are correct.

  7. No offense, but you're making up your own definition. Any GM will tell you that RB is as close to plug in and play as you can get.


    meh, I guess I am making up my own interpretation off what I see.  

  8. I'm just curious if you know anything about the '99 team because it seems you don't.


    The year we went 13-3 and PM threw for 4100?  I mean, I was 7 that year but I've done my research.

  9. Rogers reminds me of cris carter and people were saying the same stuff about him too back in the day. I think buddy ryan (eagle days) cut him, because he was being a pain in the %%% and generally being lazy and to this day cris himself credits ryan for changing him and his career. Now if only rogers can become another carter.


    Yeah, I think it will work.  It seems like it is.

  10. Personally, if i had to do it again, i would've taken josh gordon, instead of T-RICH. But i can understand the situation at the time with ballard and bradshaw getting injured. It seemed pratical and we had no idea that wayne would fall. That's why i'm high on rogers, because he is a plug and play guy. Rogers was a 5 star recruit while gordon was a 3 star. If we can manage to motivate rogers to even play 75 percent, he'll be better than josh. I'm convinced of that. And this is coming from a guy that really likes josh gordon also.


    Yeah, if Rogers blossoms into what we think he should be, then it'll make trading for T-Rich feel better. lol  Right now, I feel like we could have used our 1st rounder better.

  11. Yes, they should be able to put up stats....in reasonable circumstances. Hell, Joe Addai looked good his rookie year splitting reps with with Rhodes. But caring a team to the playoffs is quite a different story. Like I said, RB is a plug in and play position if there ever was one.


    We basically agree, we just have our own little tweaks regarding the definition of "plug and play".  Here's mine:


    In the NFL, there are positions where if a player is skilled, no matter the situation, he can come in and provide an immediate impact to the team.  There are not many of these positions and can be counted on one hand; QB, CB, WR, LT, MLB.  The important part of my interpretation is that the player has to have some skill.  I'm not saying a bum can come in and put up stats.


    Now, any other positions than the ones I named I believe are not plug and play, meaning, it does not matter how skilled the player is, if the situation around him isn't good or doesn't fit him, he will suffer.  Unless you are once in a lifetime player, you will not survive at this position without some help.  Most RB's will not be able to run behind a crap line, even if he's considered good (ex. CJ2k, Ray Rice, etc.).  If the OLB's are playing on a team where the DL is not containing blocks, they will not be able to crash and stop ball carriers from reaching the next level.  However, a good QB can drastically change the outlook of a team.  We've seen it with our own QB.  Even with RG3.  And tbh, it shows up in the college game.  Most college QBs are now being groomed to become day one starters.  The project QB no longer exists.  A WR can come in and put up outstanding numbers.  How many times have we've seen good WR's bail out crap QBs or throws?  AJ Green?  Josh Gordon?  TO?  Calvin Johnson?


    Now, ask yourself, how many times have we seen good RBs bail out crap lines?  Not often.  Certain positions feed off of other positions in order to flourish, unless you have a very talented player in that spot.  Most OLBs need a good line to run free, most pass rushers need good corners to hold recievers so they can get sacks.

  12. Never said a RB can come to a team and carry them to the playoffs. Just that they are a plug in and play position.

    Manning wasnt Manning in his second year. And when a team picks a RB that high, yes, teams expect you to run. Edge ran for 1500 his first year...I'm sure teams picked up on it.


    He still threw for 4100 yds and 26 TDs.  


    It's a known fact that RB's benefited from playing with Colts.  Behind that line, playing with Peyton, and great WR's, not to add the numerous nickel packages a RB would face.  Heck, even Addai cracked 1000yds his first 2 seasons and he isn't half the RB Edge was/is.


    And that's what I take plug and play as.  A player or position where the person can just come in (in any situation) and put up good stats.

  13. Plug in and play is exactly what running backs are. It is generally considered the easiest position transition from college to the pros. Hell, Edge missed practically all of training camp and came in and ran for over 100 his first pro game.

    And I don't think their is any proof of the Colts trying to trade for Gordon.


    How many RB's you know have came to a team with crap lines and have carried their teams to the playoffs?  The list is very short.  Now place a RB behind a good line and you can guarantee he'll produce.  


    And Edge isn't a good example.  He was playing next to maybe the best QB of all time.  No one was probably expecting the Colts to run much lol.  Especially with Marvin and Reggie on the outside.


    I guess T-Rich has to go through his hate like DB and Addai did.


    As far as Gordon, no proof, just rumors.

  14. Myth & Richardson excuse 517 ... He has run the ball plenty of times when the box was not stacked.  And if we never throw the ball when he is in how is he supposedly the vastly superior pass blocker??  Can't have both.


    Sorry for not being specific but:


    1. "He has run the ball plenty of times when the box was not stacked."  This is true, but I think using the word "plenty" is over-exaggerating it.   And even if the box isn't stacked the defense still attacks as if it is a running play, and most of the time they are right.


    2. "And if we never throw the ball when he is in how is he supposedly the vastly superior pass blocker??  Can't have both."  Once again, I should have been specific.  I was being sarcastic.  What I meant by never is that most of the time when Trent is in, he's running.  The OC has gotten better with mixing it up, but before you pretty much knew we were running when Trent hit the field.


    Please make note that I do believe that DB is playing better than T-Rich at the moment.

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