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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. Love the way the article begins, "Santana Moss intimated that he'd like to see Robert Griffin III act a bit more like Tom Brady ... at the podium, that is."


    As I was saying in the other thread, Brady may have his emotional times and bad throws but he always takes accountability for it. That is what makes his teammates love him. Even with the rings and league MVPs, he is still his own toughest critic and understands what being a leader is all about. I have no doubt that RG will learn from this.


    Yeah, Tom Brady reminds of that guy you work with who complains and yells all the time, but without him the job wouldn't get done.

  2. Nope, wrong, not catchable, no interference, that's the rule:

    “(a) Incidental contact by a defender’s hands, arms, or body when both players are competing for the ball, or neither player is looking for the ball. If there is any question whether contact is incidental, the ruling shall be no interference.

    (b) Inadvertent tangling of feet when both players are playing the ball or neither player is playing the ball.

    © Contact that would normally be considered pass interference, but the pass is clearly uncatchable by the involved players.

    (d) Laying a hand on a receiver that does not restrict the receiver in an attempt to make a play on the ball.

    (e) Contact by a defender who has gained position on a receiver in an attempt to catch the ball.

    That pass was clearly uncatchable from the get-go, Gronk was in the back of the end zone when he ran into Kuechly (and yes, he did make initial contact by bumping straight into Kuechly on that play, but that's a discussion for another day), the pass was thrown in the front of the end zone when it was intercepted, 5 feet away from where the 2 tangled up (severely underthrown, in other words) as you yourself attested to, it was the right call (or non-call, depending on how you wanna look at it).


  3. I don't know if you've read about this alleged harassment, but it sounds like it went pretty fast and there is no indication that she was flirting. 


    But, are you saying that if she had been flirting with Incognito; then she is partially to blame? 



    Yeah, I know of the situation and that's what I was saying.  Just trying to relate it to this situation.

  4. I have just cleaned up this thread and am amazed at how many of you want to point your finger at Martin.


    After reading about Incognito's alledged sexual harassment of a female worker at a golf outing, I really hope that I will not have to read posts blaming her and saying that she should have understood that the testosterone ridden NFL locker room mentality spills over to a charity golf outing. 


    Because if I do, I will probably be the first moderator who has ever had to ban herself. 



    That's a different situation.  It would be similar though if details came out that the female worker partook in the flirting (or whatever was going on) and didn't notify Incognito that it she was uncomfortable with him flirting with her.. 


    I think what is also fueling this story is that it is Incognito.  He has a record and people quick to say "He's up to his old tricks again."


    I was with Martin, but after more details came out (the rookie's stolen car, backing out of agreements, partaking in harsh hazing of rookies, etc.), I'm getting the feeling that this story is deeper than just bullying.

  5. Don't want Martin.  If he can't stand up to Incognito, imagine what opposing defensive lineman are going to say and do to him.  Being on the line is a nasty business.  No, he didn't have to get physical with Incognito, but yes he should have approached him and let it be known he did not like what was going on (that's IF there was a problem to begin with).

  6. If you read ESPN's Colts blog, both Luck and Fleener have come out in defense of Martin, and Vinatieri made a comment about how behaviour like. Incognito's is not tolerated by the Indy locker room. Incognito is never coming to Indy based on personality conflict alone.

    Also hes bad at run blocking too.


    Never knew him to be bad at run blocking.

    But didn't see that, then yeah that's the nip in the bud.  

  7. Incognito is known as one of the dirtiest players in the league. Hes won the award for it a few times, and every other time come in second only to Suh. He was on the Colts do not want list according to both Polian and Dungy as well, so its unlikely theres even interest there.


    A lot of people consider Laron dirty but he's here.  And I don't really trust Dungy's and Polian's word.

    And you say Suh is dirty as if you would not welcome him with open arms to our team.  He may be dirty to opposing teams but his teammates and fans probably love him.

  8. I think a lot of their players dealt with it because he is basically the alpha male in that locker room, he's been there longer than the coaching staff and most if not all of the players. A joke is always funny if it's not being played on you. Sure Martin may have some blame in this but think about frats and even high school ball. Do you really want to be the one that tattled because you felt like you were being treated unfairly? That's the way I see it. He may have laughed along with everyone else but scared and hurting people do that too to hide the fact. I just think that when a player has a nervous breakdown it shows build-up and things went too far.

    Funny thing about this situation is this 100% true also. I can't disagree. This whole incident can go both ways and it's showing. We will only know the truth or at least get close to it when Martin and incognito come out with their sides.

  9. Players always defend their guys, and their perception won't necessarily match the public's of the situation. I'm not buying the backtracking and 'brother' thing but that's just me.

    That is true, but from what it seems like, there was no problem with incognitos *ness and it was taken as a joke. I feel like if the eagles players let their feelings be known about Riley cooper, then the dolphins players would do the same to incognito. But they are doing the opposite.

    I'm with the players, if you had a problem with incognito, bring it to him and ask him to stop. You don't have to prove your a 'man'. Just say "hey, I don't like this and could you stop." If he doesn't stop, then I would have done what Martin did and bring it to the coaches and bosses. But he didn't. Heck even at Walmart on those wacky assessments, they tell you to bring any complaints about employees to the management.

    I agree and respect you pov, I just think Martin skipped a couple of steps in this situation. That's if he really has a problem.

  10. Doesn't have to add beef if he keeps doing what Reggie taught him, and that it's no need to take those big hits, gets what you can and get down. He has been doing a great job at that so far

    That is true also. But imagine if he was able to add some strength to his speed...is yac would go through the roof!

  11. This is either a good cover-up or the truth.

    To be honest, I'm leaning towards these details more. It seems more realistic than the 'bullying' angle.

    And it seems like the brotherhood angle is winning this fight. If this info is correct, then I have no I'll towards incognito, even with the racial slurs. I've heard things like this happening and not only in football. My friend is in the army and he told they throw racial slurs at each other all the time, but it's in a joking manner, kind of like incognito. It seems that the locker room is siding with incognito

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