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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. 16 hours ago, akcolt said:

    Marvin was 6' 185lbs and had 8 double digit TD seasons including 2 15 TD yrs. I think TY is the man and have always said he's right there in terms of top 10 but let's not sell 88 short 


    Oh no, Marvin is a HOFer and I don't TY will ever be able to reach his level.  He could be the closest thing to Marvin however.  But his height will keep him from ever reaching that level.  But TY will get better.  People have to realize he's only been in the league for 4 years prior to this year.


    In 4 years, if we're already comparing him to the top 10 WRs in the game, that is very good!

  2. 50 minutes ago, IndyTrav said:


    And thats fair. But it is funny that a lot of fans think we have this amazing QB, and WR Corp, but when arguing individually TY doesn't have anyone taking any heat off of him, or Luck throwing him the ball, or him being a target monster....3 weeks ago Crief was the 2nd coming of Dez, and Dorsett was a future stud, but now TY has no one to help him? Which is it?.....And no TY does not have great stats, which aren't the end all be all by any means, but he's never had more than 82rec, never had more than 1350yds, and never had more than 7tds....to put that in perspective, last year 17 guys had more than 83rec, 6 guys had more than 1350yds, and 25 guys had more than 7 TDs.... 


    I'm not one of those guys who thinks Moncrief and Dorsett are any of those things you said.  I think Dorsett could definitely be a problem IN THE FUTURE but Moncreif can be solid.  


    And we can't just look at stats because like you said, it's more than just stats.  But let's look at his stats.  I'm not even going to debate some of the people you've mentioned like Sanders and Maclin because with TY being drafted in 2012 and others in years before him, his stats are already on par with a good number of those mentioned WRs.  But let's compare him to the BEST WR, Antonio Brown.  With 6 years in the league, Brown has put up 550 recs 7400 yds vs TY's 4 years 301 recs 4700 yds.  Pretty good I would say myself.  Yes, he has yet to break 90+ recs, but that's not his game.  I'm pretty sure he will develop into WR who can do that.  Even compared to Dez who many consider a top 5 WR, his stats look good also.


    But let's put this in perspective.  TY has done this with his 2 of his best WR teammates being a on the tail end of his career Reggie Wayne & over the hill Andre Johnson and a non-existent running game. 


    GIVE THE DUDE PROPS!  And he's doing this at 5'9 180lbs.

  3. 1 hour ago, IndyTrav said:

    I think we all agree TY is great, and we love him on our team. His big play yesterday helped seal the deal for us. But I dont think many people are making the argument his size keeps him from being a #1 WR. I think his production and consistency and skill set keeps him from being a "#1"....As for top 10, hard to say, depends on what you want. I personally dont have him in the top 10..


    No order: Brown, OBJ, Julio, Dez, Green, Hopkins, Jordy, Fitz, Robinson, DT, Marshall, Cooks, Evans, Cooper are all guys I'd comfortably select over TY....Some guys that can be argued as well are Kelvin, Landry, Diggs, Edelman, Decker, Cobb, Mathews, Watkins, Sanders, Maclin.




    I'm taking TY over a good number of those guys.  Maclin, Watkins, Sanders, Decker, Edelman, and more.  Also, some of those guys you name have the benefit of playing next to other great talent that takes the weight from their shoulders.  TY has who?  Dorsett, Moncrief, & Allen with a crap line to play with and still puts up great stats.  

  4. I think TY should be considered an elite WR and he has the stats to prove it.


    No, he's not an all-around WR like other elite WRs.  Good blocker?  No.  Size?  No.  But Marvelous Marvin didn't either but look where he is at.  TY is almost a carbon copy of Marvin.  Once TY gets on Marvin's level when it comes to route-running and IQ, watch out.  


    TY is a beast.  Nuff said.

  5. On September 11, 2016 at 10:28 AM, Jdubu said:

    I would say Constanzo needs to play better than he has from last year and what ice seen in preseason for him to be elite but I will say that Mewhort, Good and Kelly all have that potential. Here is to hoping that Haeg can lock down that RT spot. 


    I agree.  He has played better but he needs to be elite level.  Given some time to gel, I think this line will be serviceable.  We have to work on that right side.

  6. We get it, Grigs and company missed opportunities to improve the line, like every team,. But one thing you can't say is he hasn't tried.


    our top 3 round picks in constanzo, mewhort, and kelly to me will all be studs. Like others have said, we are headed in the right direction.

  7. We didn't have to make a big splash, but signing a 2nd corner and a guard/center would have been enough for most of us.  Not to mention, spending money on a backup when we could have drafted one in the later rounds.


    Meh, I'm no GM so as a fan, all I can do is trust that Irsay and Grigs have a plan.  Otherwise, I hope Luck is in it for the long haul.  

  8. TE's were heavily featured. It was a real balanced attack. The only person who didn't do anything really was Andre Johnson


    As usual.  Hope dude gets it together.  Otherwise, I'm hoping for a Hilton, Dorsett, Moncrief trio.

  9. Butler gets burned as a number two as well.  The best case would be if the Smith rookie can take over as the number two corner.  I am sure that's what he was drafted to do but I am also not sure if the coaches would go to him once he's back. 


    Well give Butler a shot to hold it down at the #2 spot.  It has to be better than what Toler is doing.  Smith, IMO should be a good player also.

  10. This year, the credit has to go to the defense.  This defense has been getting crapped on in the past, and rightfully so sometimes, but they deserve the credit for this year so far.


    They have been put in bad situations too many times because of our offense.  They have held their own.  Holding the Broncos to 7 points in the first half is amazing.  Holding any team to one score for a half is amazing.  We're at the point where our defense is solid, we just need the playmakers now.

  11. Didn't get to see the game, but I'm hoping with Chud, he uses Fleener to create mismatches which could help the pass game.  With his speed and size, I would love to see Fleener in the slot more forcing the defense to play a safety on him straight up or a LB.  With his speed, he could cause some havoc on the defense.


    He definitely grown and deserve to be resigned.

  12. I'm going with the unpopular opinion and that's nothing comes before the Horseshoe, not even Peyton Manning.  Yeah, Peyton Manning has done many thing for us and that will be acknowledged once he's done playing.  But right now, it's the Horseshoe.


    Thumbs down to the dirty hits, but everytime Peyton hits the ground it's a fist pump for the Colts from me.

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