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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. thats what was so great about whalen. he had that instinct to get open, kinda like collie did. and yet we released him 


    Yeah it sucks, but i understand the move, we needed to make room for Walden and I guess the coaching staff thought Da'Rick was ready to step up.

  2. Its probably debatable but I looked at the wiki that shows the NFL rosters and also IR and no other team has been hit with as many key players offensively as us. Might have been a team or 2 that could make a case for losing a lot of key players on defense. Most players on other teams on the IR list were backups or rookies and didn't really have an impact.


    I just find it astonishing when people attack the staff and front office as if they are just sitting on there hands.  Yeah, our offense is too conservative, yeah, some players haven't panned out, but we have to stop and realize that the amount of injuries may have an affect on the team.  

  3. I hope that he means we have to establish the run game, by opening up the passing game earlier.


    Can't open the passing game if our only threat of a WR is being shadowed and the others aren't getting open.

  4. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!  I do not miss Polian AT ALL!  I don't miss the vanilla defense we had, I don't miss the YEARS of failed drafts, I don't miss the concept of a team being built FOR one player instead of AROUND that player, I don't miss not using FA to our advantage, etc.


    People, get a grip.  We have lost 4 games (2 of them winnable) and lead our division and can possibly end up with a high seed.  Yes, we are on a 2 game skid, but I do not blame the front office/coaching staff for this, I blame injuries.  We are pretty banged up and have lost a good number of impact players on BOTH sides of the ball.  We were rolling until players started dropping.  


    Has T-Rich panned out?  No.  Do we have one of the crappiest lines in the NFL?  Yes.  


    This thing is going to take time.  Some of you forget we gutted this roster out last offseason.  To think we would be SB contenders is only hurting yourselves.  Making the playoffs is an amazing accomplishment in itself.


    Just be grateful.  You guys are impatient and personally I think some of you have some bias towards this regime.  Some of you were so quick to give Donald Brown 3 YEARS to pan out but T-Rich didn't even half a season before you guys through him under the bus.  Give it a break and enjoy the ride.  Believe it or not, we are still rebuilding.  We need to build our depth up.

  5. Yes, but even I admit now we really got hammered with the IR to key players bug.  I typically dismiss the injury thing. Depth can only cover so much. Not much to do.  coaching can clean up some other issues.  Do not know if it would be enough.


    Yeah, depth isn't our only problem but it's our main problem.  If you look at our IR and weekly injury reports, I don't think there is another team that has lost as many (keywords: as many) impact players as we have.  I don't know if we have any extra money or not, but we need to dabble a little in the FA market.  Nothing major but we have to survive until the playoffs and from what it looks like, it's a possibility we can lose everything we've fought hard for this season.

  6. He has been pretty inconsistent really, Hasn't held up to double teams well. I think he is on the decline. I actually thought Antonio Johnson did a pretty decent job for us as 0 Technique NT but struggled at the 1 Technique...which seems to be what our NT's are expected to play a lot of, I think rotating Chapman and Mookie would have been better, If ya watch closely you see Franklin on the ground a fair amount of times



    Hmmm, must admit I don't watch him every play.  I'll just look every now and then.  I guess I've been fortunate to see the plays he's not on the ground lol.  I'll have to watch some film now.  



    Rebuilding teams don't get massacred by average squads  twice in 3 weeks..





    Can't agree.  The Rams aren't a slouch team.  They just beat the Lions who many think will win the NFC North.  The Cardinals are also a tough team fighting for a playoff spot.  They are tied with the 49ers for a playoff spot.


    I'm not mad because we lost.  Like others have said, injuries have killed almost all of our talent.  Yeah, other teams lose players but still have most of their talent, we've lost players AND our talent.  I'm mad at HOW we are losing.  We look slow, unmotivated, sloppy, and downright awful.  That falls on the entire team and staff.


    My main concern is finding a playmaker to replace the production of Reggie.  We don't find that, and this team isn't going anywhere.  It doesn't have to be a WR.

  8. Just an FYI... while our legitimate insider sources (i.e., not the media... guys with actual inside lines to the team) have been indicating that there have been some conflicts within the organization for much of the season (cause for concern to those of us who listen and care, for sure), this latest report is said to be 100% bunk. So it'd probably be wise not to jump on the hate bandwagon over something that isn't true, although I know some of you are firmly affixed to it already. :)

    I wouldn't put this past him.

  9. 2014 Colts free agents:


    Pat Angerer

    Antoine Bethea

    Ahmad Bradshaw

    Donald Brown

    Sergio Brown

    Kavell Connor

    Vontae Davis

    Aubrayo Franklin

    Darrius Heyward-Bey

    Jeff Linkenbach

    Mike McGlynn

    Fili Moala

    Pat McAfee

    Lawrence Sidbury

    Cassius Vaughn

    Adam Vinatieri


    The ones in bold are the ones I'd like to re-sign. Although I don't see Donald getting re-signed to be a #3 back (behind Ballard/Richardson), he'll probably getting more money elsewhere.


    Franklin needs to be resigned also!  Dude has been putting it down for us.  And we all know how hard it is to find a NT.

  10. Next year I'm expecting Richardson to have a big year.


    With an improved line, full training camp, and time to build chemistry, I can see that happening.  It seems Pags & Grigs idea is to build the line.  To be honest, that would have happened THIS year.  We signed Thomas and Cherilus.  Imagine if we were able to snag Vasquez.  Our line would have been Castanzy - Vasquez - Satele/Holmes - Thomas - Cherilus.  MUCH improved from last year.  But I have a feeling we will attack FA harder for lineman since we traded away our 1st.

  11. yea people need to understand he will be the beast he was on Alabama but pep really need to do stretch plays 


    Get him into open space.  Like Dungy said, he's too big to hit small holes and our line isn't the best at blocking.  Is he to blame for his struggles?  Somewhat, but I think we fix the line we fix him.  He needs bigger which = better blockers.  Donald is smaller and faster so he can hit and squeeze through faster.

  12. Resigning Pat McAfee, Adam Vinatieri, Vontae Davis, and Antoine Bethea is a priority.  This isn't Kelvin Hayden and Gary Brackett we are talking about here.  VD (lol) is a very good corner, and corner are hard to come by in the NFL.  Pat Mac is emerging as the best punter in the AFC if not league, and winning the field position game is always a plus.  Vinny, if he comes back for the right price would be a good signing, but if he wants top dollar, I'm sure we can find a replacement.  Antoine Bethea is probably the best safety people have never heard of, resign is a must!


    As for as other signings, I don't think we should go outside of the line.  I say majority of the remaining of the money MUST go to the offensive line.  Protecting Luck and opening holes for our backs should be #1 priority.  If we can pick up a cheap weapon, an Avery-ish type player, then that would be good too.  Defense is pretty much taken care of.  Wouldn't mind a nickel and a situation pass rushing OLB.  If Werner blossoms into what we think he will be, then I don't see signing a pass rusher a priority.  Wouldn't hurt to upgrade Angerer either, if there's a chance.


    Draft, pretty much BPA if there aren't any good lineman left.  We have starters across the board except for the line.  Heard WR is suppose to be deep so if we can trade up and grab a talented WR, we may have found our future #1 (if Rogers doesn't pan out).  Trading wouldn't hurt because we pretty much safe outside of our starter except for WR & offensive line.  We would basically be drafting for depth majority of the draft.  


    Now this is hoping we find what we need in FA and able to resign our own.

  13. Way you beat PM is by having a good enough front where you don't need to blitz and your corners and LB's can stick the opposition.  Chargers did to us numerous times.  That's why they were always able to beat us.  They had a good interior, Phillips/Merrimam (if he was healthy) rushing on the ends, and Cromartie covering like a beast.  PM is better against the blitz.   

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