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Posts posted by smittywerb

  1. And what happens to the officiating team that showed gross negligence? Nothing.

    Maybe they won’t get a playoff game. Big deal. They will still be allowed to continue to screw up in regular season games and then the league will apologize to the affected team 3 days later. Whooptie do. Absolutely disgustingly :cuss: pathetic. Makes me want to puke

    It goes for regular season games also. They all get graded at the end of the year. Of course the higher ones get playoffs games but next year, the ones who do bad get less regular season games

  2. I agree with everyone's comments..TY is a great player and once he finds that consistency that's needed, he'll be seen as a top 10 wr (I do already but that's cuz I'm a huge fan,lol) he has the attitude and swagger to be one of the best..just keep up the hard work and desire to succeed/win.  :thmup:



    Once he becomes more consistent on offense, maybe he can become our ST man also.

  3. Steve Smith pound for pound is 1 tough hombre that won't take anyone doubting his ability to beat the man across from him. Plus, Steve is a great smack talker on the field all in fun of course. TY doesn't strike me as a colorful trash talker just yet. Good analogy though smittywerb! A weekend or 2 with Steve would fix that in a heartbeat.  :thmup:


    Yeah, TY comes as humble.  Doesn't come from a big name college/conference.  Just shows up and let his play do the talking.

  4. After today's game, I'm willing to take a gamble on dude. I would trade our 3rd for him. We would have Wayne-Hilton-Blackmon-fleener-Allen as our core group. That's dangerous. Remember when we traded for Davis and people questioned his attitude and weight? He's turned out well. Now I know Blackmon is a different monster, but I think being with a team that isn't on the decline, a team that is professional and have a family atmosphere would do good things for Blackmon.

  5. Wait til the end of the season, trade for him.


    I know he's a knucklehead, but I have faith in our players and organization.  We have some big brother type players and staff and I can see them straightening him out.  I just can't see Blackmon acting a fool around people like Pags, Wayne, Mathis, Landry, Bethea, Redding, Luck, etc.

  6. If you talk a good game, better back it up.  I blame the Redskins for throwing away their future for one player, but I also blame RG3 for staying in the media.  That type of stuff makes you a target for players and the media.  Now, I guess people are becoming fed up.  Shanahan will be the first to go and if RG3 still doesn't pan out, Cousins will be in next.


    And I hate when people say "He was placed in a bad situation." when Luck was given a similar situation last year and the media, analysts, and some of us on this board criticized Luck and pointed out his "interceptions".  I refuse to give RG3 any slack when no one wanted to give OUR qb any slack.  You made the bed, now it's time to lay in it.


    And the big winner out of all this....The Rams.

  7. Mathis has it right.. but think about this Robert... whats your excuse while Peyton was in Indy? Cause whats happening in Denver happened in Indy for years. Now Robert, you are being held accountable and dont have Peyton to bail you out all the time. The Colts defense actually has to play to win instead of relying on Peyton to score upwards of 30+ points per game to win.


    Had it not been for the Hillman fumble, I think Denver overtakes the game and wins. That fumble was the butchering of the game. Peyton was hit, hurried and sacked way, way too many times last night. 


    I felt thing weren't being called appropriately on the Colts Defense. There was alot of holding and PI's that weren't called. The Broncos receivers were molested all game and the refs let it go, then call PI on Moreno???!!! That was bull in a crap basket.


    Denver fans are saying, 'its not the defenses fault', but reality it is. When you allow 39 points.. it is mostly your fault. They cannot expect or rely on Peytons offense to score 40+ points per game in order to win. That game plan is just asinine and unfathomable. 


    IMO, Peyton is and will always be the GOAT, always a Colt, and I will not root against him, for him to get hurt, ect. 


    He has earned that through his play and his on and off the field class. No real fan would root against him, hope for him to get hurt or loose. He isnt the Enemy as others have put it. He is a Colt for life, therefore never the enemy. He is a QB. He is a class act. He deserves our upmost respect. 


    You do realize the Broncos were getting their butts kicked before Peyton made the game respectable in the end?  

  8. Jacksonville had hoped Gabbert could be groomed to be successful, and because Jacksonville used a 1st round 10th overall selection on the guy, they needed to give him time. Now it's written all over the walls he's bad and Jacksonville has moved on. So why are they using Henne when they could take a chance on plenty of other free agent QB's? That to me suggests they want to lose. They don't even want to scout, even if they could scout.


    Bridgewater sweepstakes?

  9. Jason Campbell at his best is not a player that can put a team on his back and win games.  Any QB who truly deserves to be a long-term starter should be able to do this SOME of the time.  His field vision, accuracy, and anticipation as a passer have all held him back and are why he completely washed out in DC, Oakland, and Chicago.  He is a game manager... a less impressive Kyle Orton, if you will.


    In the right system he's a fine backup but let's not kid ourselves here, he's not a legitimate starting solution for any team.



    I don't think that Jason Campbell is on the level of the Peyton's and even Rivers', but if you put a good team around him, he can do what it takes to get it to the SB.  He reminds me of Alex Smith.  

  10. The bottom line is getting Nicks or Gordon will cost a 2nd most likely! Not worth it!


    You rather wait until the end of the season and gamble on a 2nd round WR who may not pan out or use it on a proven WR who we know will give us what we need.

  11. Let me get this straight

    Colts trading a high pick for Nicks or Gordon makes our team better how?

    Same goes for signing a veteran like Branch




    Luck was getting killed behind a trash line and ok corp of WR's.  Now he's gonna get killed behind a trash line, and a crap set of WR's.  

  12. As I already said, the weed stuff was expected coming into the league. It isn't new. Even with his 2 game suspension to start the season, he's still on pace for over 1,200 yards.

    The odds are better for Gordon to stay clean and be successful (since he's already been successful) than for an unknown rookie to have the same success.


    I know, just wishful thinking.

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